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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yes. I really struggled to type on my phone the other day about Sonja's townhouse. The pop-ups have gotten worse. 

People Magazine is confirming there will not be a "traditional reunion," but hints that Bravo is trying to figure out an alternative: https://people.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey-season-14-reunion-canceled-exclusive-8655924

It's time to reboot and fire the entire cast. If Bravo wants to give Teresa a spinoff, so be it, but the franchise itself needs a hard reboot. 

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I wouldnt be surprised if it ends up being a 2 part WWHL episode. Episode 1 is WWHL with half the cast and the second part is with the other half


What I dont get is why these dumb btches didnt read the room. Bravo had Miami on a long pause and then did a soft reboot. They completely recast NY. Put ATL on pause and then fired half the cast for its reboot. They flat out cancelled Dallas. Toxic and divided casts do NOT work and its almost always the death of the show  which prompts drastic changes. The Potomac girls better act right this season bc they been put on notice

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I think cast changes from to season could help prevent this type of situation.

OC has always modified their casts from season to season...plus the women knew they had to shape up or ship out.

Maybe the reunions need to stop.  They seem so 2000s and stale now.

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Plus, they are historically some of the best rated episodes of each season and from a production standpoint are major bang for the buck given they get 3 episodes out of 1 days work. 

Absolutely - fire all of them. 

If Bravo wants to put Teresa into a spinoff, they can do so, but I suspect they know that Teresa on her own, without cast members creating conflict with her, will be like watching paint dry. This cast has imploded in a way that even the RHONY women did not. 

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I'd give Tre a cooking spinoff on Peacock. Other than that, I'd fire everyone and start fresh. I might even opt to head to a new city (i.e. New Orleans, Vegas, London, Santa Barbara) if I was running Bravo. 

I feel Bravo was stupid for letting the SLC women dictate the casting. Now all the women on all these shows will do the same. Stop allowing the inmates to run the asylum. 

I'd be sending out an email (too) that pay would be slashed since there's no traditional reunion to occur. 

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Agree on the reunion episodes. There have been times when I have not completed a season but tuned into reunion to catch up (Drew singing her Ballad of Goodbye to Ralph, for example). Reunion can save a season.

As for a hard reboot of RHONJ -- we are just 4 or 5 episodes into the current season, but NJ seasons are historically short, and Bravo must have finished editing and thought 'There is nothing here to save the show.'

Personally, I would keep Dolores, who knows everybody and is a bridge between old-school NJ (not that I need the Manzos back) and current NJ. I would keep Danielle Cantin who has a sunniness about her that so much of the cast currently lack. I would give Teresa and her daughters a spin-off -- I believe the most watchable part of Teresa is her interaction with Gia, Gabriella, Milania and Audriana, who are stars in their own right.

The rest can go. Jennifer is now up to her neck in toxic mire, as is Marge 'private detective on speed-dial' Josephs. I never want to see Joe Gorga drinking out of an inflatable doll's a-hole ever again. Melissa is inalterably tarnished by her longtime betrayals of her SIL. The Fudas are po-faced, humorless and contrived -- nothing about them says 'the future of NJ.' Thirsty Fessler can come back, though, lol.

The shocking thing is that you are right -- RHONY didn't implode like this, although it did implode. Part of the RHONY problem was current events got the better of everybody. NYC's Covid lockdown was a major external negative factor (cast trip to Salem, anybody?). 

The message the HWs got from Bravo when they renewed the season with the entire cast intact was "You're doing great, sweetie/More of the same." These women really thought they were intrinsic to the show and could dictate cast selection.

And it's not like NJ hasn't peered over that precipice before. Hello, Seasons 5 and 6. Let's hope the Potomac cast is smarter than that. 

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A much tighter opening episode for S2 than the S1 opener.

Chanel Ayan has become the force mutiplier [(c) Carlos King] of the show. Don't underestimate it. She has carefully centered herself to be the 'victim' of Sara's Daily Mail interview, and we all know what is coming down the pipe with Lesa.

Lesa declared in her VT that Ayan was territorial of their friendship and didn't want to share her with others. But the impression I got was the other way around: Lesa was being 100% territorial of Ayan. She was doing the most to stir up Ayan against Sara, and is silently jealous of Stanbury and Ayan's new-found closeness.

Stanbury telling Ayan and Sara to hash it out elsewhere because she wants to eat in peace was old-school Ladies of London Queen Stanbury. I almost applauded. Stanbury still has 'It' and everybody kisses up to her. I sensed this was also her way of slapping down Lesa, who was inflating the Sara-Ayan animosity. 

Sara is considered the weak link and therefore a target this season. Nevertheless, she has the backbone to stand her ground. What she said about Ayan wasn't wrong, and at least someone is pointing out the victim gamesmanship (a classic RH move, and Ayan is an assiduous viewer of the RH shows). 

Brooks remains an enigmatic but significant presence. She is unofficial kingmaker on this show. While Ayan/Stanbury/Lesa battle to be top dog, Brooks can afford to sit back, pick her battles and decide which horse to back. I also love that she has a real-life spa business and will be showing us that. It's been a while since we've seen a RH actual in-person business, and not just someone slapping their name on Shein gear. 

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Fessler got the best season 1 to season 2 glowup. Thats some good work

Anyone know how many episodes this season will be? With news of the reunion cancelled, Im thinking of dropping this show. This season is terrible

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Because the women wont acknowledge or interact with each other, we are getting a bunch of new random women thrown in the scenes being vocal. Its not working bc we dont know or care for these newbies


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@Cheap21 unless it's changed (I'm back on the NJ season when Tre first starts seeing Luis) aren't NJ usually now 13 or so episodes? 


I also concur with everyone else on reunions. A season can be bad, but it's saved by its reunion. That's been the case mostly for RHOP, OC sometimes, and even RHOA. I feel I can add NJ to this list for Jennifer's 1 on 3 drag of Marge, Melissa, and Jackie, too.


The fans know it. The advertisers know it. Everyone will so clock out of a season, but come back for the reunion. I didn't watch BH last season, but I tuned in for Part 1 of the reunion at least because it sounded good online and here like it would be good and it did not disappoint. And I think everyone here knows how I feel about going out of order, but that was a case of I didn't mind at all or I didn't at all feel lost thanks to the conversations here and clips online. 


But just like NY's s13 reunion being cancelled, it just seems like an attempt on Andy Bravo's part to help some favorites escape accountability when they should be having those feet to the fire. STAT! Take away accountability. Take away resolution. What do you have? A bad show. And the audience...are not interested. 

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'And now you're coming for me?'

*takes off glasses* 'Do you want me to come for you?'

'No I don't.'

'No, you don't.'

Me: *falls out*


BRYNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! That was such an Aquarius move that I had to rewind that a few times. And my highlight of the season so far.


But done with the cast trip. It started slow for me, but fun. And it snowballed quickly. What started as a distasteful gang-up on Jenna turned into a well-deserved gang-up on Erin. And I didn't mind that at all. You know for someone using an old RHOD tagline and sitting around trying to be a Regina George with Sai as her Gretchen, Eric really cannot do confrontation well at all. Meanwhile, the other ladies had no problem calling her out. Which was clear at the wreath event a few episodes back. So how did Erin even think she was going to come into this trip and trying to mean girl everybody??? HOW???  Smh. I felt nothing at her fake tears. She could barely come across human during her woman to woman talk with Ubah. So yes @Cat she was such a Karen. 


What was the cherry on top? Erin might have gotten away with all the mean girl stuff if it wasn't for JESSEL!!! Oh, I was living for Jessel giving unbothered all throughout the trip with her Friendship Contract-esque Kill list. I would kill for a gif of her and Sai as they sat back with drinks as Brynn v Erin and Ubah v Erin went down in the hot tub. Cuz she was stirring that pot from the moment she heard Erin was still talking crap about her. And what I love was she STOOD IN IT LIKE A HOUSEWIFE. LOVE.


And all this started really cuz Erin tried to make Jenna cry. 


I am looking forward to the fallout.


That said...


UBAH. WAY TO STEP UP, GIRL!!! I would think a cousin of Chanel Ayan would have a backbone. And Ubah did not disappoint on the trip. How that prank snowballed. And as I watched and the Confessional revealed why Ubah was upset, I was just hoping that Ubah would be able to verbalize it to Erin. But Erin was more interested in crossing between proving she was a boss bitca and being a victim rather than take ownership and just apologize...which is why things got worse for Erin. And then to call a black woman aggressive??? Ubah was within her right to educate Erin on that, too. Outside of that...she was fun and kept getting everyone to have fun. Her, Jessel, and Brynn were a whole ki-ki. 


JENNA. I cannot believe how Erin set her up for a fall. But to be honest...that was Jenna's fault. And also such a Gemini thing. lol. She finally tried to show some truth with some humor...only to get thrown under the bus. Jenna should have just owned her feeling about coach a bit, too. Though I was also getting tired of how these girls continue to not be able to see Jenna's pov when she has explained it already. Thank God for her friendship with Brynn. Oh, I've enjoyed the Brynn/Jenna friendship and knowing their signs and watching it...I can vouch...SAME. lol.


JESSEL. One of my favorite moments throughout the trip was watching Jessel putting the pictures together about Erin and cluing the other girls in as she got 2 + 2 = 4. And then waited until the hot tub to drop all that information. Or to stir the pot with all that information where Erin couldn't run nor hide from the other girls because Jessel had already clued the other girls in before about what Erin had said. Meanwhile, she got to sit back, look good (low body esteem where cuz she looked GOOD), and sip her drink with Sai. She was a vibe, too, and I was enjoying it.


SAI. Yes, I said that she was being a Gretchen to Erin's Regina George. And there were times she put her 2 cents in to try to deflect the girls from coming for Erin and I was like STFU LET THEM COOK. hehe. But she also was wise enough to see the moments where she couldn't even help Erin and had to...LET THEM COOK. lol. And what makes it funnier...is that outside of Brynn(?) mentioning it...Sai got away with no one coming for her and she was stirring the pot a bit right along with Erin. 


BRYNN.  Lol. Everything about her was a moment. But when she said what I posted at the start of this post. YES. She is sooooooooooooo my favorite. How she took off those shades. How she did the head tilt. And as I said before she was giving Brooke Davis with Rachel's voice in that moment when she was about to drag Erin. And It was FLAWLESS. God, I love her. lol. She's totally on my ever-increasing 'Aquarius I Like' list. And as I mentioned, I enjoyed all of her friendship moments with Jenna. Oh, and her being torn between her drink or finding Ubah's phone was a hoot.


ERIN. BITCH. I said it. No Buffyspeak. lol. I at least saw her reasoning. But she's my least favorite. Because she came on this trip specifically to stir the pot. And then it backfired on her sooo bad she had to resort to tears and Karen behavior. No, Ma'am...I'm not okay with that. I thought it was quite telling on her. And...not a good tell.


And now...to RHoDubai.



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A solid S2 opener. I guess I want to get to the drama lol, but it was a nice set-up episode that did everything right.


We got to play catch-up with all the ladies. Some are just living their lives. Some are doing their businesses. Some...are doing the old school HW trope...the feud. lol.


Starting off the season with Ayan vs Sara was a nice touchstone to the S1 Reunion where Ayan hinted at Sara not being how she seem. Surely Sara was going to get her lick back. And it looked like she did in Page Six. But the thing is...I also don't think that Sara was wrong about Ayan. She does appear to be setting herself up to be a victim. Sara's only mistake...and it's one she made last year with her feud with Brooks...is that she never completely owns her own words. Something that Lesa clocked her on at the brunch.


And speaking of feuds...ahhhh Lesa vs Caroline Stansbury. Their feud really started at the reunion as well. And I feel like it is going to be a subtle one. Like chess. Lesa clearly used her notes (c) her tagline last year and was doing all the right things. Her friendship with Ayan who is the fan favorite and being there for her while also knowing Ayan would want to be close to Stanbury who is a Bravo fan favorite from Ladies of London...though Lesa would rather she was not around. We see Lesa working on her business which was awesome, but interesting given the flashback to the reunion where Stanbury came for her business...like she was making a point. Then there was the brunch where Lesa stirred the pot a little during Ayan v Sara. Not to be outdone...Stanbury used her favor with Ayan to STOP the fight that Lesa was stirring up. Next move, Milan? lol. The pieces ARE there for a fight. It is just sad that the Lesa/Ayan friendship might be collateral damage.


CAROLINE. Now is she a Caroline Or is she a Kim? Cuz her and Sergio as her chauffeur? I mean...does he do her make-up, too? lol. But seriously, it was nice to see Caroline back. And even better, she looked a lot more engaged than she did last season. She was part of the Beynonce VVIP feud. And started the mess with new wife Taleen. She made up with Ayan. She has her chess with Lesa. She was giving...dare I say it...Ladies of London Caroline Stanbury? Time will tell. 


TALEEN. I like her so far. So...she's a singer and knew CHRISTINA AGULIERA? SOLD!!! lol. She has good humor, too, though her voice makes me think of NJ while her look makes me think of Marysol on RHOM. And her and Brooks come across as friends. And she's not afraid to speak up. Nice intro.


BROOKS. I SEE YOU, GIRL!!! She was soooo stirring the pot. And with a year gone by, Brooks is much better at it this year. I liked she had her girl Taleen's back...but she also stirring that pot between Taleen and Caroline so New Girl immediately has a storyline.  And not to mention her stirring it between Ayan/Lesa and Sara/Caroline by not inviting them to her opening. And I'm happy about her business.


SARA. I honestly don't know how to feel about her. I loved her last season because there was something fascinating about her, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She had a mystique. And then the Season 1 reunion happened, and Ayan was talking about how Sara tried to sic the police on her and I've just side-eyed her. I was saddened to see her open up...but I couldn't help, but wonder if it is now just a facade? In the last year someone dropped a picture online on her where she had a different face so that didn't help. And then she appeared to be gaslighting Ayan's words at the brunch before Lesa stepped in. Will the real Sara stand up? Cuz I think the REAL one was the one who threw the good shade at Ayan about her borrowing clothes...and THAT Sara seems nasty to me.


LESA. Queen. Sorry. Or Not. Lol. I loved seeing everything with her. Her kids. Her business. Of course her husband. Her fashion. And I LOVE the Ayan/Lesa friendship. So I felt like their opening scene was clear foreshadowing. And I'm looking forward to seeing how this friendship fell apart. But I feel given the silent rivalry between her and Caroline, the friendship became collateral damage.


AYAN. Hm. Still liking her, but side-eyeing her as well. Not just to the incoming drama with her and Lesa though. Ayan last season was a rare kind of Housewife that we really have not seen since HW shows begin...the housewife who comes in and leaves a SHARP impression from the moment she came on screen. The newer HW shows don't do it like the old ones did like with Nene, LVP, Teresa, and Vicki (first generation) or Tamra, Adriana, LeeAnne, Kenya (second generation). But she did and Jen Shah did IMHO aka third generation. (Note: I know there are several others in each generation, bullet pointing please don't come for me.

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 ) That said...her vibe this episode was sadly what keeps happening...believing your own hype. Or as I usually call it...the second season curse. First you are loved. Then you are hated. And it's not helped by you being a cartoon of who you were in your first season. Ayan had the sass and her own personality, but she could still be real. It just felt like everything was for show this time around for me. The only things that felt real to me was her friendship with Lesa and her hurt at Sara. 


And I see Bravo is already setting them up to fail by a sharp change in schedule by moving them from Sunday to Tuesday. Le sigh. They need to learn.

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