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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm telling you! Jessel really kept her cool. And Erin leaned into her Karenest Karen for that confrontation with Ubah. She got caught stirring the pot on everybody else.

The episodes upon return to NYC may be illuminating for you with regards to how you might be feeling about Erin and Sai.

LOL Brynn's dream is for Jenna to become her sugarmama.

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Yay!!! They gave the internationals their own ALL STARS!!! A reminder I really should get back to my internation binging of shows. I wish some of the Showmax/etc had a way to be shown here cuz that one show I've always posting...they be dressing fierce to the hilt. 


Jessel...you were not kidding...she's turned a corner and I love how cool, calm, and fierce she's been. And she being the one to figure Erin out was a chef's kiss moment. And her and Sai sitting back sipping as Brynn and Ubah took on Erin in the jacuzzi was a meme waiting to happen. 


I'm looking forward to the return home cuz while I'm side-eying Erin, Sai still hasn't irked me yet.


Hehe. But she kids, she kids!! Such an adorable pairing. But it could be because my two closest friends...and my last 'relationship'...are/was with Aquariuses. 



I saw. To think...I used to find him cute on the original run. Lenny ain't #$%^. 

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Yikes. That's a bargain. I imagine because the townhouse is in need of much renovation. That's the UES now -- everything is either renovated to shiny-but-soulless Dubai-glitz standards, or else it is considered old-fashioned/out-of-date.

As long as Sonja is happy with the deal, that's the most important thing. End of an era! 

Please. Lisa may be many things -- a spoiled, insulated chihuahua, for example -- but she is also 90 pounds soaking wet. Lenny has a hefty, towering bear of a man in comparison. While I can imagine Lisa hitting Lenny in a fit of anger, I cannot imagine it would be considered abuse in the way most courts think of spousal abuse.

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One thing I will say about Lesa is that she seems too be upfront with her likes and dislikes.

She possessed some degree of objectivity last season when she basically told Aylan that she needed to say sorry to Stanbury because she was the one in the wrong... and she didn't like Stanbury.  

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Chile, RHONJ reunion has been CANCELLED!



I was shocked at first but if half the cast wont talk or even acknowledge the other half, then what is the point. Its what they deserve. We are definitely gonna get a reboot

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Wow, they made this decision early. The season just started! But it makes sense. I forgot about the Jenn Ayden / Danielle altercation.  And I can’t follow all the social media messiness so I didn’t know about that MelissasOldNose account with Teresa/Jenn either. 

Oh yeah we are for sure getting a major overhaul. 

[Side note: Jeezus the pop-ups on this site are ridiculous while trying to type on your phone.] 

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