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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well I learned something new today. The "DMV" has a different meaning for people living in a certain region of the country. Cute. Pardon my Midwestern ignorance. 

I think they're going to try to replace the dead weight (now, which castmembers are the dead weight can be debated). It's kinda nuts there's EIGHT full-time housewives and I could ditch half of them. 


Meanwhile, are there whispers as to which show is coming back next? I would think New Jersey is up to bat. However, since Bravo is taking their sweet time on some shows (i.e. Atlanta), it might be best for them to spread 'em out, instead of airing 4 franchises at the same time. 

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Monica’s interview in The Cut highlights why she’s been canned: she continues to talk about production and blame them and get into detail about allegedly happened behind the scenes.  

Bravo simply can’t handle someone like that who won’t tow the company line. 

Heather appeared on WWHL after the reunion finale because it’s the signal from Bravo that all is forgiven. Her new face looks amazing by the way. 

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DMV = Delaware Maryland Virginia. Basically the wider area around DC.

According to Danny Pellegrino, Heather also said on WWHL that Tinisha still does her hair.  And that doesn't make sense to me, if Heather is making the point about being betrayed and Jen Shah being betrayed by Reality von Tease. As Judge Judy said, if it doesn't make sense, it's not true... Anyhow, just some food for thought. The mystery deepens.

ETA:  I  agree that throwing Production under the bus is not the way to get back on the show. Especially when you are on the outs with everyone else. 

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@Gray Bunny I believe next upped will be NJ. To my knowledge...ALONE.


ETA: Since I've been very blink and miss with appearances this week due to schedule...it seems online that the Monica story is FAR from over. Ho--I mean Heather's victory lap all over various media not helping. Like THIS:

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Meanwhile...Dorit appears to be getting major backlash for her child bride comment from this week's episode, too?


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Regarding last nights BH, I’m glad Erika once again showed her true colors. Her argument now is well you’ll never be able to tell which of my lavish gifts came from the victims money, so why should I care about them. She’s still disgusting.

Annemarie ruined a perfect dinner…for fun. I hate her.

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Try Hard Marie goes up to bat and strikes out as usual.  Since Sutton wasn't up to feuding with  her, I guess Crystal is next on the list.

Why call someone a child bride when they got married at 24?  I know people are delaying marriage, but 24 is well into adulthood.


Larsa is taking up space on the show.  

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Just leaving this slice of pure greatness here. Now THIS is how you bring real receipts to a reunion. Nobody has topped this unmasking, this deliverance of just desserts, ever, and it is making me miss Monique on RHOP. God knows the show needs her right now.


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