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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm behind, but I did catch Kyle's memorial for her friend Lorene. Morgan singing the song about doing it with Kyle in a NYC hotel... This was not the place to debut her latest single! The whole evening was about Kyle and it was so interesting to me how she picks up new BFFs like she's shopping for outfits. Sutton reached over at one point and Kyle barely acknowledged her. Faye (Kyle's BFF before LVP) was hugging an emotional Kim. Teddi was flitting around trying to be seen by the cameras. Dorit was talking about the days when she and PK, Kyle and Mo would hang. I saw today that Kyle is now backtracking on how often she and Dorit would vacation together; I guess Dorit now knows what LVP felt like. Kyle has no more use for her and has found a new girl to refocus her personality around. It is really stark how Kyle adopts friends to adopt their personalities and then jettison them.

Annemarie is objectively awful. I can't wait for Crystal to shut her 'medical' qualifications down.

Dorit and PK's marriage now appears to be in name only.

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I dont think so. Mary will definitely film with her and it looks like Whitney will too. Bravo struck gold with Monica and it would be foolish to not explout her for at least one more season. The other women have nothing interesting going on between them. Just look at the storylines

Whitney - Justin went back to work so they struggled to find a balance in their marriage

Meredith  - She started a podcast with Seth

Lisa - Jack's mission

Heather - Being a bad Mormon

Angie - Being Greek

Monica - so much to unpack. Underdog trying to find her place among these women. Toxic relationship with her mother. Navigating being a single mother among her impending divorce

On top of that Monica activated all the ladies. Whitney tried to ghost produce but Monica carried the bones and lit the match. There is alot to mine with the fallout of RT and it would be stupid to not capture that bc its NEVER been done on reality tv and a good chance never will. Monica is the reason why the ratings are the highest they've ever been. The only way she doesnt return next season is if she walks and she's too thirsty to do that

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Yaaasss, Guerdy!!!! Mama earned that first seat. 

Miami has to be the first show where the newbies (Guerdy, Julia, Nicole) have all held first seat. Also, Alexia, Larsa, Lisa, and Adriana have too. No other cast can claim that. That just show how dynamics are ever changing in this group, which is a good thing. 

And I understand the seating chart b/c I think the Mexico trip is gonna shake up the core dynamics. Alexia and Larsa butt heads. Lisa gets into it with Kiki, Alexia, and Marysol. 

C'mon, Miami girls!

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bc she hates Meredith and needs allies on this show. She's not as mad as she is pretending to be.

As for Larsa, the gag is she is worth way more than Marcus. He isnt as setup financially as some may think despite being Michael Jordan's son and with Larsa in the mix, I wouldnt be surpised if he changed his will to account for that were something to happen to him. Call me crazy but I actually dont think she is with Marcus for the money bc he doesnt have much to offer on that front

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I am seeing some on social media actually start to miss Diana and Rinna...and wish they were there instead of Try Hard Marie.

Only upside is people still dislike Teddi more....a low bar, but still proves Try Hard hasnt reached the depths of unlikability.

It's funny Kyle always accused LVP of being Bobby Fischer when she's being that way now.  It's too bad LVP didnt teach her how to have likable moments to balance it out


Why do people keep going for Dr Nicole?  Sounds like Try Hard Marie should have watched Miami so she would have seen that it would have been a waste of time doing so.

We got some good backstory on Kiki...perhaps a test for a promotion to full time next season?

Edited by Soaplovers
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