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So I need to catch up on SLC. I'm trying, but I'm on the struggle bus with this show. About to jump on the Olive Branch With Thorns episode -- is it worth persevering? 

I do have thoughts on these looks, though:

Angie -- "My stylist said this is what all the Real Housewives wear to reunion."

Heather -- Grecian goddess. She looks stunning.

Lisa -- Yawn. Still channelling the rich hippie chick look. And is that dress a wool knit?

Mary -- Hello, Gizelle Bryant! LOL, to be fair, I love her style. Mary takes risks but rarely seems to get it wrong. 

Meredith -- The color, the fabric, the balance of covering up (arms) with exposure (cleavage) is perfectly judged. It's a win for Meredith who used to let the outfit wear her.

Monica -- An unsurprising dress for a newbie at her first reunion, but the color choice is unusual and pops with her hair and skin. Monica is playing all her chess moves perfectly at the moment.

Little Girl -- I can't. What is this, hunny? A place-mat for my kitchen table? Also she's had so many facial tweaks that she's become completely generic-looking. 

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I think collectively this is the best the RHOSLC has looked for a reunion. I dont have a single bad thing to say about anyone bc they all look good. Meredith is my least fave and thats bc of her dress but I wont rag on her. Lisa, Mary and Monica are the best

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These RHs are jumping into Ozempic for quick fix to an issue which can ve dealt with with nutrition and exercise. I see lazy-ass Kim Zolciak has whittled down to a shadow of her former self. Of course Miss Lay on Your Back With a Solo Cup is on the Ozempic too. She has zero impulse control, and I worry we will see serious health events from reality stars who are going to abuse this medication.

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Hmmmm I would say everything from that episode up to the Sound Bowl episode is Gold to see the continuing shift alliances, more about Monica's relationship with her mother which is toxic sadly, and Monica (especially at the sound bowl event) utterly destroy Lisa with her words. Other than that, I would look for clips on the Churning (where they wear bonnets) to get the jigs of the drama. And then just jump to last week's episode...the start of their vacation cuz it was GOLD as well as a wacky start to the cast trip and typical GOOD Housewives moments and vicious drama between Little Girl (who actually has been good that episode and the episode before when her friend died) and Heather. I don't give Little Girl moments, but I was actually Team Her against Heather this past week cuz Heather was completely stirring that pot. Oh, and DO look for the Mary/Monica scene Monica had before the trip. It's hilarious!!!  Outside of what I mentioned, the middle of the season does drag a bit. I liked it in terms of seeing wel...everyone's lives a little bit more (I actually really resonated with Angie K and her foine husband's date night for personal reasons & Mere and FoineSeth are also a hoot during those eps), but such a contrast to the start of the season (Episode 1 up to 9) and this past week with Episode 13...I believe.


As for reunion looks, you had me LMFAO in the middle of work yesterday when I read your comment on Mary. I got looks.

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 I like Mere, but I feel that it will look better once I see it on screen...like a lot of HW reunion looks I see and don't like, but when it is on screen, it POPS. And I totally agree about Monica. She did that.  

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Not much talk about Miami here. It's been a slow burn but in a good way. I love the relationships between the women and the slow bring-down of Larsa. The women still pull their punches with her, and I don't know why. Guerdy was entirely in her right to be upset about Larsa telling everyone about Guerdy's cancer. As Guerdy put it, it wasn't about concern -- Larsa just wanted to 'win' the gossip game and put it out there. 


Kyle and Sutton are re-enacting Kyle's deep seated issues with Kathy, I've decided. Kyle continues to lean into her comfort zone which is unadulterated victimhood. It was great to see Kim pop up seemingly in a great place in her life. 

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So far...RHOP...and then SLC (which I will get back to momentarily hehe)...and now my REAL babies RHOM!!! Oh, how I've looked forward to watching it in real time with the rest of you.

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So I'm so sad that my December work schedule has completely gotten in my way. And I'm on Episode 4. 


But...am I loving it?


So far...yes. As most of you know I was worried about RHOM's transition back to Bravo. Seeing the Peacock episodes, it looked so colorful and vibrant and breathtaking. Cinematical actually. So far for me...there is STILL slight worry. The confessionals don't look the same. And...especially on Episode 1...I felt the transitions were too gimmicky for me. But I am just happy to see them as they air so I guess I should just STFU. lol.


And so far...everyone (even Julia to my surprise) have come to play. I loved that the first episodes have been about fallout from the reunion. Especially for Alexia...who is looking like she will be having another telenovela year. But...redemption? Because as much as I have always loved her and loved her in Season 4, Season 5 was a bad look for her. So it was good to see her work on getting redemption from the fans cast this year. And starting with Julia of all people was inspired? Speaking of Julia, there she is calling out Marysol's pot-stirring in the first episode. She was giving S7 RHOA Cynthia and I don't mind that given how I felt about S7 Cynthia. lol. And then you have Lisa and Larsa with their new man and still giving story. And last but not least...I've become an actual stan for DOCTOR Nicole...showing off all that wealth and luxury. Oh, I died watching her boat shop. And then...finally...Guerdy...


If Season 5 was Lisa's year due to the divorce. It feels like from what I've see online, this season is going to be all about Guerdy. And just like people are dragging Juan's Roommate as I type this, people have been dragging Larsa for weeks now due to her part in this. And the thing is...just like I mentioned when I was discussing SLC Monica vs Lisa, here with Guerdy vs Larsa...it looked like it was just going to be a petty feud (Larsa feeling Guerdy is being fake and two-faced; Guerdy saying Larsa IS fake) has turned into something else (Guerdy's cancer diagonsis). And yes, Cancer is a trigger for a LOT of people...including me. So it seems like I might be angry at some point at Larsa who actually won me over last season. And then Martina just went through cancer, too...Larsa truly is self-absorbed, ain't she?


As for Episode 3, I feel...


ALEXIA. I mentioned that Alexia was on her apology tour this season. So far, so good. Perhaps if this was the ole Las Cubas, she would be able to move the way she wants to, but this is a NEW Miami. However, as moves go, she did good. She made up with Nicole, Julia, and Adriana. And those are good moves since they have influence over the group...and also could be coming for her throne of Queen of Miami at some point. And she hosted the first main group event at her house. But Alexia wouldn't be Alexia if she was not having some drama. And it's with Todd (they do WHAT in the bedroom?). Right now, it's a small boil, but it looks like it will grow because Adriana knows AND they are appearing to be using her as a scapegoat, too. And Adriana...is the REAL queen of messy drama. So...hehe.


LARSA. Last season I liked that she felt more involved with the drama. And that appeared to be moreso this year. The relationship with Michael Jordan's son alone is giving her buzz. Moreso because he appears to be down for being filmed and a bit messy...just like Larsa. lol. And she came into the season ready to feud with Guerdy. What she was not expecting was...Cancer. What I was not expecting was her tone deafness. I was actually enjoying the potential for a petty HW feud. But when she went and told COMPLETE STRANGERS (and THEN the ladies) about Guerdy and the cancer...something that was told in confidence TO her...NO. That was just...wrong. And it sounds like she will be doubling down. NO, MA'AM. Heated.


JULIA. GO ON MIAMI 50CYNT!!! lol. New hairdo, new personality for Julia. And I'm not hating. She also brought to mind Garcelle on BH. Garcelle on her first season, just sat back and observed, 2nd season she experimented a bit to see what worked in the group, and then 3rd season was producing a la Kyle. Julia was not producing as of yet, but she was getting her messy on with Marysol. Battle of the Sidekicks? hehe...I guess we will see. And she made sure to have a story through her relationship with Martina. I do wonder if they would touch on the online tweet drama. But I guess we would see.


LISA. Lisa has always been a lot. And it looked like she was going to be a lot this season. LOVE it. I also love her with Jody...who I noticed had a glow-up between the reunion and now. And he's looking FOINE with that little onion butt.  And them wearing matching clothes at the party was adorable. I love seeing Lisa happy. Perhaps it's because Lenny has been messy. Or it's because my personal life was a mess, too, this year so coming out the other end of it with someone on tv is a delight. That said...I agree that her friends do need to hold her accountable for her mentioning Lenny so much when she's trying to move on. But...in time. And there is still mess with Lenny so she has a storyline I want to watch as well.


NICOLE. QUEEN. I could watch her be rich all day long. And I've been loving that. And she will always have story due to her (may he rest in peace) father. Which I am looking forward to seeing the next step. Nothing much on her yet, but she's been like that for two seasons now. More background at the start of a season and then she emerging. Can't wait.


GUERDY. Guerdy, Guerdy, Guerdy. Where do I begin? First of all, I want a husband like Russell. Fine. Well off. And most importantly, is there for me. And she's been there with her every step of the way. And I love that. And if she did not have to deal with cancer, she would be having mess with Larsa. And I've been liking her journey. Loved that she is definitely and showing it all. And I really loved she went to Julia and Martina to see what she could expect. And I loved her general navigation of it all. 


MARYSOL. Can we have the old Marysol back? lol. Cuz I've over the silly drunk who wants to hate on Adriana and not move on. Didn't Lea Black call her out on this mess in the old seasons? So I was loving Miami 50 Cynt gathering Marysol all the way together at Alexia's party.


ADRIANA. YOU BETTA GIVE ME THAT RAVEN HAIR, GIRL!!! She's gotta her fi-ya hehe back and her hair and I love it!!!  And I fangirled seeing her with Mr. Gloria Estefan again. If only they could have gotten Gloria herself on camera. I would have lost it. lol. I loved she has her own group with Nicole, Julia, and Guerdy. And I love that she has made amends with Alexia. But here she goes again being messy about Todd. smh. But...that's my Brazilian beauty. 


Welcome back, Miami!!! I can't wait for more. When I get time. 

LOL!!! Great minds.  Look above. 

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@Taoboi This morning, I woke up with the urge to watch SLC after your post. I watched the episode where Meredith talks about the car accident/Monica and her mom face off at the old people's community center, and then the next episode with Orthodox Easter at Angie's House. I am eating my words. What great episodes! What a refreshing season of SLC.

First of all, if I were Heather and Little Girl, I'd be mighty worried because Angie and Monica are giving A LOT. They are putting everything out there, the good, the bad, the ugly, they are not obfuscating to the audience (think: Heather, black eye) or stirring the pot with the other women because they have nothing actually to offer themselves. I can't see Bravo giving up on Bad Mormon because Heather is pretty much the OG, so Little Girl.... is going to have to rustle something up beyond 'mawiage twoubles.'

Secondly, I think I enjoy Angie almost as much as Monica. So far. Monica is a star, though. She's a chess player and manipulative, but also real and vulnerable, and I love that we see all the contours of her personality. The scenes getting her kids off to school while she had bed hair and wore pajamas rang so true!

You know SLC is growing on me when I am entertained by the usually-overrated Lisa Barlow! Yeah, she can stay. For now.

I am so pleased you are watching Miami in real time! It really is a joy to watch a cast which is made up of unique personalities but which works as a group, too. I think the secret ingredient is that each cast member has one BFF on which they can depend, even when they are fighting with someone else. So it is with Alexia and Marysol, Adriana and Julia, Lisa and Larsa, Nicole and Guerdy. And Kiki is the little sis everyone dotes on. Most of these are longtime real-life friendships that we have seen evolve. One of the nicest things, for me, as a fan of Julia's, is seeing her finally integrated in the group, forging friendships of her own with Alexia, Guerdy, Nicole, etc. I never thought I would see the day with Larsa and Julia kiki-ing in the car over her operatic performance for Martina! Martina is someone else who seems to have been embraced by the group, no matter where individuals may stand with Julia. The only thing I worry about is Alexia's attempt at befriending Julia. I'd like to think it's because she appreciates Julia for her kindness, and Alexia is of course on her apology tour after last season's missteps. But a part of me thinks that Alexia and Marysol want to pull Julia away from Adriana and leave Adriana isolated and off the show. Which would be a crying shame because IMO Adriana is as much an OG of this group as Alexia. Queen Adriana needs to stay!

Another part of the Alexia apology tour: her and Todd kissing up to Nicole and Moneybags Anthony. Todd seems desperate for his attention! 

Nicole is a Queen. End of. I love her smarts, her common sense, her personal story, her JOB, and the luxury she navigates with ease. I also love the considered and expert support she gives Guerdy.

Guerdy this season is on fire and passionate, and driven by a cause -- beating cancer. Just as Lisa's divorce was at the heart of last season, so Guerdy's health journey is the heart of this one. I think its kind of beautiful that this cast, for all its wealth and ostentation, pettiness and drama, rich husbands and good-time golddiggers, understands what is truly important in life.

Watching Larsa trying to not fumble the bag with Marcus Jordan is lowkey mesmerising. I, of course, am rooting for Team Michael Jordan's Lawyers.

Still so much to come! Like you, I wish this was on Peacock, and counting a worldwide audience leisurely streaming the show. I am bummed that it's on Bravo and the live ratings are not great. What with Miami, BH, SLC, Potomac and M2M to watch, we have an excess of top-tier reality soaps and I have zero time to absorb all the episodes in real time. Who programmed this?? What are they going to do in March when we have, like, only Jersey and nothing else to watch?!

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Did I mention I'm caught up? lol.


But yeah, I made it through the last two episodes of SLC. And after a bit of a dip, it's been real interesting as the girls head off on their cast trip. 


For the first time since Season 1 (almost) I felt Little Girl was being herself and authentic and not just a bootleg version of RHOP Ashley Darby. Some things can't be faked. And the death of a loved one really will hit you. And that was just what happened to her. Try as she might to keep it all together, Little Girl did lash out. At Lisa. At an event that perhaps she shouldn't have gone to. But I can relate to having to keep your mind busy when you are dealing with the loss of a loved one. I can also relate to the moment when you just lash out. And she did that with Lisa. I could also relate to Lisa's confusion on how to deal with Little Girl since she apparently had no point of reference. So that was an even argument. Sadly, as Lisa likes to do...she lost it and had a trautrum. Le sigh...she continues to lose me as a fan sadly. Not helped by how she was on the cast trip so far. Which brings me to...


...THE CAST TRIP!!! And that was MORE like it. They were beautiful scenic moments. There was hilariously HW moments. And of course, there was drama courtesy of Heather showing her slip (c) Mariah Huq. Since the start of this show, Heather has always been about wanting to be Lisa's BFF and in with the In-Crowd. And so much so, it was part of the reason Bad Weather fell apart. Her and Little Girl treat Lisa like she's some kind of toy or Queen. So Heather is always one-upping anyone who is in her way of Lisa...and Little Girl easily can get into Lisa's good grace more so than her cousin. So the table (pun unintended) was set for mess. And honestly, Hades must have frozen over cuz I was Team Little Girl. And her telling Heather to STFU was a thing of beauty. It also got Heather to drop her mask and show what smart people here have pointed out since the Season 1 reunion...she's just a more subtle version of Jen. And when caught...she rages just like her. A spade IS a spade. 


I was with Monica and Angie K/Meredith...who had a funny moment watching the fight and bonding over the fact it was NOT them. Add on to Meredith's Tub Drama that was clearly manipulated by Production and Part 1 of the trip was wacky HW fun. 


MEREDITH. I know @Cheap21 didn't like all the tub mess at the start of the season so I wonder if the payback from Production would be worth a giggle? Cuz a cast trip where everyone BUT her got a tub (and that shade of Little Girl being late to dinner cuz she was in hers) was hilarious. Even more hilarious? Her melodramatic reaction to it. So unintentionally funny.


MONICA. Surprisingly very light these two episodes other than her great reactions. That is...until the shocker at the end. So...did Meredith set her up to drop that Angie K tea. And who had Angie K's info? Hmmm. I mean...Meredith DID have a PI at one point investigate everyone. But Meredith acted dumb...or was she? Could they be why Monica falls out with Meredith AND Angie K? I guess we will see. 


HEATHER. Fake a$$ bitca. When Little Girl is NOT my favorite and I'm sticking up for her, you have fallen even lower than her. Heather worked so hard this season to get back into fans' good grace. It was not successful with me, but she was not on my s*it list. But her pot stirring between Lisa and Little Girl was more about the fact that the focus was not on her. And sadly she does know the buttons to push with Lisa to get her to react. Like I said above...how like Jen she really is.


LISA. So one step forward, two steps back with her I swear. Over it at this point. For moments like when she was asking the girls for advice on how to deal with Little Girl and the grief she was going through...which led to a misunderstanding since Little Girl told Lisa first off camera that her friend died...there are moments like when she's on the trip letting Heather blow up her ego and taking her side in the Heather vs Little Girl fight. 


ANGIE K. From arguing with Meredith to toasting with her during the fight, it's shocking the turnaround she's had this season. She's gone from not liked by me to getting to know her. But this mess around her funds coming...she will be activated again. And it looked like next week it's back her vs Meredith though. 


LITTLE GIRL. You don't get many moments with me, but I felt that grief for your friend. And while I felt you overreacted to Lisa at the event, grief does make a person feel a way. And the fact that I STILL don't think you were being dramatic on the cast trip (unlike your cousin), I loved you letting Heather have it when she and Lisa tried to ambush her at the dinner table. Jealousy truly is a disease. Hopefully your cousin will get well soon.


Well, that's about it. Can't wait to see the Angie K/Monica/Meredith tea drama explode. 

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Well I've been enjoying the season throughout so far. However, this episode did feel like typical (good) RHOP episode. It was well structured. The girls were bouncing off each other perfectly. There was fun shade. And there was also a concentrated effort to keep it moving without things getting toxic. And even when the clearly divided group separated to do their own thing...it was still light. The only thing that I disliked honestly was that Production...per usual...are false advertising again. We still haven't gotten to the girls out at the gay club where Wendy showed out. Nor have we gotten to Candiace vs Ashley yet either...both of which were shown two episodes ago. 


The main thing I've loved and have continued to love is the Dragging of Robyn Juan's Roommate. She has had it coming. And when she was brought back, I fully expected it to happen. And it has happened to her every episode so far. But this week it was really and truly IN FRONT OF THE GROUP. And it needed to be done. FINALLY. What was sad was the level of her delusion even as she was spilling tea that anyone can see clearly that Juan is still cheating on her. The only odd note I had with it was the fact that Gizelle has really and truly been trying to get through to her since the season started...actually being a real friend. But this episode as La Dame and Candiace came for the Roommate (and Wendy's reaction gave what we were ALL thinking), Gizelle was...silent. I could see it, but perhaps there was a way they all could have bridge the gap. I mean...when the Roommate finally broke down at the end of the episode...it was CANDIACE AND WENDY that were comforting her. CANDIACE AND WENDY??? People she had hurt and not cared about?


Wendy vs NeckHo was kept to the beginning of the episode really and that was it. Nice and brief. I am of the opinion that NeckHo was thirsty to get on the show and DID use her sister's friendship to Wendy's sister and thus connection to Wendy to get on the show. However, Wendy did probably know of NeckHo by her sister's connection to NeckHo's sister. It is reminiscent of La Dame/Wendy petty feud in Season 5 ironically. Hopefully, it takes a good turn.


Speaking of La Dame, she continues to be the best part of this season so far. Trying her best to bridge the gap between the divided group. And some of that won't happen without people confronting their issues...something that Candiace said best last week. Her black A## ain't going nowhere no matter how Gizelle ignores her. She will have to film as will Candiace. Time to deal...or leave. And also...La Dame brings the funny.


LA DAME. Definitely another great year for her. And this week, she stuck it to Robyn Juan's Roommate. And it was about time. For years, that Roommate has been in everyone's business. And last season, she might not have been on Gizelle's side against Candiace, but she did not stop her either...and kept her mess hidden behind a paywall rather than on the show. Time for accountability and I still felt La Dame still gave her more grace until Candiace and Wendy. Then again, perhaps that is why Gizelle was silent than the confrontation...and speaks to the history of the cast members. Gizelle has been trying to get through to Roommate, but can only go so far due to their close friendship. La Dame DOESN'T have that problem and can go places that Gizelle cannot in talking to Roommate.


GIZELLE. Curiously quiet outside of the group scene when her, NeckHo, Roommate, and Ashley were shopping for outfits for the Cowboy dinner. Part of me were thinking she was playing softball with Roommate, but I truly felt she was letting La Dame say what she herself wanted to say herself. Because so far this season...outside of avoiding Candiace and showing her 'relationship' but Bubble Butt Guy...all Gizelle has really done is trying to get her BFF to see her husband is trash.


ASHLEY. I think I am over TikTok Ash...especially since Monica on SLC does it better.

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 And she was doing so well so far with the return of pot-stirring ways. But since there were more mentions of Michael Darby vs Candiace in court, I'm sure we are about to get more from her. 


CANDIACE. If I'm not mistaken, her and Roommate are feuding in rl. And given Roommate has been trash-talking Candiace the last few episodes, it was funny that when confronted Roommate was weak sauce. I found Candiace explained herself clearly and most importantly TO THE ROOMMATE'S FACE. I loved Production provided the reciept, too. So it appeared Roommate wants an issue to deflect. So I hope at some point Candiace gots RAT-A-TAT-TAT. LOL. And even with all of that, Candiace STILL tried to comfort her as she broke down over everyone confronting her about Juan.


WENDY. Was giving reactions for days. I liked she was able to explain herself and how she was feeling when the groups separated. Most people would have gotten into it with Messy Mia for making that crow joke, but she explained. That said...Wendy was trying to use a lot of words to explain her non-connection to NeckHo. My only sore point with her this week. 


MIA. Messy. lol. But...I liked her scene with La Dame, Candiace, and Wendy aka the Dream Team. I wish she would clean up her air...juuuuust a little bit. They have potential to be a ki-ki. 


NECKHO. Still don't like her, but I'm giving grace. For now.



As Ms. Porsha Williams would say...YOUR A$$ IS IN THE HOT SEAT, BITCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said I would live for them dragging her this season. And so far, this season, I've enjoyed EVERY second of it. I feel no remorse for her. NONE. Yes, she broke down at the end, but that was her OWN making. Stop with the deflection and do some inner work. Cuz the signs Juan don't want you are there. She even dropped that tea when she told ALL the ladies that Juan constantly deletes his phone messages daily so she doesn't see them. WELL, ROOMMATE...WHY? Hmmmm.


But...a good episode for me after a long day at work...

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Well, Ashley does have bills. Now. *sips tea*

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When you say it like that about La Dame and Gizelle seeing the bigger picture...which I also feel they do...that makes me look at that confrontation scenes with Roommate a bit differently. Perhaps that was why Gizelle stayed mostly silent. Another layer. Again, as her BFF Gizelle has said and done (that intervention in the first episode) to get her BFF to see things a little clearer, but ditzy. La Dame does not have to handle her with kid gloves and mad respect that she still did, but La Dame was clear tough loving. So Gizelle let La Dame do what she has been trying to do as well.

Now Candiace. Ooooo...that is going to be a hard one as proven by Candiace's line last week about her black A$$ still there. I hollered. 


For now...I feel the truth about NeckHo and Wendy is somewhere in the middle I am afraid.

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It's been a good season but I think after this episode, and what appears to be coming, that they're in need of a few cast changes.

Little Girl is trying to stir up problems wherever she can because she has nothing going on.

Monica is not someone I can get behind. She feels very dishonest. She's now posted on her socials that her mother had nothing to do with her family not seeing her in Bermuda. I feel like she went for the pity instantly to try and soften the cast up for what was to come with Heather. Monica somewhat revels in her 'honesty' about what a terrible person she is. Affair, criminal arrest, debts, lawsuits. She is not someone I would want to be around.


This is a very good season with a few false notes.

Dorit's time is up. She brings nothing to the show and her attempts at conflict fall flat. Crystal was very effective at shutting her down at the Sutton event by basically yawning.

Annemarie is insufferable. Please get her off the screen. Her comments about Sutton's esophagus problem being "medically not true" is actually ridiculous. A narrowing esophagus is a common problem. Many people struggle with swallowing or have an issue called achalasia. Also, her husband must be a real prize to say she's straight 8.5s. Like vile Kyle, she laughs at her own jokes. She is such a flop and clearly brought on to prop Kyle.

Crystal is dull and I don't see any storyline for her aside from arguing with Annemarie. 

Erika continues to have a great season. She's way, way more likeable than she has been the last few years.

Sutton is a chaotic mess but I like her. She isn't being pushed around by anyone.

Garcelle is fabulous. Kyle tried to divide her and Sutton about the ring comment, but Garcelle owned it. I love her family scenes too. 

The situation with Kye's friend is obviously a tragedy. However, I struggle to muster up sympathy for her because she had none for LVP when her own brother committed suicide and openly told them she was in trouble and needed space and peace. No, back then Kyle and her coven attacked LVP relentlessly. Now Kyle has an idea of what hell it feels like. She remains transparent with respect to her sisters...they will never be close or trust her.


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