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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Agreed. In her explanations, she lowkey admitted that stuff like this has happened repeatedly, but these instances got caught in the press, paparazzi, etc.  I think Gizelle picked up on that. 

Side note: What a JOY to have Potomac back!!! And I can't believe I'm gonna say this (hell is freezing over), but I actually prefer seeing Charrisse in the mix than broke and busted Mia. 

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I agree - production was not playing on Robyn's side (thank goodness) and did not hesitate to highlight what a deluded clown she is. 

Otherwise, great to have Potomac back, but the episode was boring. 


I think Bravo will edit what they can, but given the Ultimate Girls Trips occur in a static setting over a week, there is likely little they can do to eliminate Ramona. 

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I have seen some of the confessionals. It's another world of wealth. If BH, Miami and Dubai all end up airing around the same time, I think I will be on luxury overload.

RHODubai cannot come back soon enough for me. The BravoCon panel suggests alliances have completely shifted and that Lesa is on the outs. She seemed a little bit sad about not having her BFF Chanel anymore. I have no idea what went down but enquiring minds want to know.

Also, I was listening to the Two Tits on an Ant podcast against my will and Chanel indicated that Sara was actually a lot of fun and quite fearless off screen. However, as the sole Emirati on the cast, she is under pressure to behave and present herself a certain way on the show, because she is representing her culture on the show. Chanel also took up for RHONY's Ubah who is, legitimately, her first cousin, and not "a Heather Gay cousin," said Chanel.

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Thank god for Monica! This almost became the first boring episode of the season but that fight with Lis at the end saved. Those two going at it will go down as one of the most hilarious fight in the franchise. I cackled. They were so childish and it was hilarious with Angie in the middle and Whiney getting bothered by them at her business. A mess! Lisa tried it and she's no match for Monica who dragged her

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Amen. Monica obliterated Lisa.

Admittedly, I have never understood the appeal of Lisa or how she garnered the nickname ‘Fabulous Ice’ on this board because all I see is a self centred, dumb, whiney woman with a penchant for junk food and overpriced diamonds. 

She made an ass of herself at Whitney’s Tupperware style jewellery event. Monica is not afraid of her and she’s right that there are parallels between Monica’s mother and Lisa. 

Meredith did nothing this episode.

Cute scene for Heather’s daughter and her prom date. 

Angie was very measured this episode and that fairness is a good trait in real life, but so hard to handle as a Housewife.

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Monica is trash.  She has nothing to offer except showing that she's thirsty and has no place in the housewife world.  


It appears as though Brooks and Stansbury are on the outs as well.

@Catthe fact that Ayalan has blind loyalty to Ubah tells me that maybe she needs more therapy.  Family should not trump common sense or morals.

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Seriously though...as the person here that coined said phrase, I do not mind re-explaining said name...though I agree with you that from Season 2 on (and I'm sure I said it often during Season 2 until now) why she got that phrase.

From Episode 1, I dubbed her that because she was what EricFake on BH wishes she was...RICHHHH and most importantly ICY. I will at least give EricFake that does come across as inherently cold (c) PK, it was always clear that she really did care about what others thought of her. Lisa...at least back then...did not at all and played ice well. And anyone in charge of Sundance was going to have money. She really was not overacting during Season 1, though she was self absorbed.


I would say the turning point was the Season 1 reunion and the slow cracks between her and Meredith in their friendship. Because in Season 2, she seem like a different beast...and IMHO not a good one. I pretty sure I used to pick on that all the time. Whiny. Waaaay overdramatic. etc. Everything you said she was about with Monica and definitely so far this season when she is activated...I am two episodes behind so I will verify later, but I do trust your judgment.


Lisa has been so inconsistent in the last two seasons for me that I always point out when I talk about an episode when she's being 'Fabulous Ice.' So far, this season, even I have noticed that I call her more Lisa than I call her that. Because she...again, I am two episodes behind...has come across different again. Not quite Fabulous Ice, but not the overdramatic harpy she's been the last two seasons. It also helps that her story with her son humanizes her. But her with her kids have always done that over the last three seasons. But this mission thing is new. Fresh. So she's getting some depth. That said...this difference...makes the rivalry between her and Monica going on so good. It is something different to play off the seriousness of her son drama and also it is a fun petty feud, but I see both sides...well so far. And I do feel there's projection going on on BOTH sides on top of that.


Now keep in mind, that is my opinion here. I am aware other people on social media have taken Lisa as all of these things and just stan. But just like with La Dame, I think we know the difference between me just loving and defending passionately a housewife I like and know I don't stan. And I do call out my favorites (*cough*LuAnn*cough*) when I think they do bad or is a bad look rather than follow blindly. So I definitely don't want to be attached to the real of the social media circus that call Lisa QUUWEEEN. 

But I am simply explaining the origins of the nickname and why I feel she has grown (somewhat, but not completely) away from it.  

Edited by Taoboi
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MUCHED improved from the second episode. Sutton was doing the most and was such a buzzkill when everyone was just trying to have fun. As annoying as she was though, she kept the episode from being boring and we watch these shows for these crazy irrational outbursts

Might I say Erika's therapy is working? Shw was acting out of character and even the ladies made note that she did not blow up like they expected. I'll never like her but I'll acknowledge her work

I had to laugh at Crystal's confessional shade towards Dorit having not seen a real body part in 10 years....lol. She never really gives us anything but she felt like an actual housewife with that line

Dorito not understanding why Garcelle was guarded when it comes to her children after they talked to him crazy and then laughed about it last year was triggering. How dare she say she felt angry that Garcelle felt the way she did. What a bitch



Guerdy's reveal was so heartbreaking. I love how the girls really rallied up behind her and she picked the right group to confide in. I love the sisterhood here. I hate cancer for her but this has given her a juicy storyline and she is emerging as the early MVP of this season

Alexia saying that men need more help than woman as she buys her 30 year old son groceries. No wonder he is so messed up and its bc she babies him. He's never had to grow up as she does everything for him. There is definite trouble in paradise with her and Todd and its bc his money is funny. Alexia dont do broke

Larsa is a c u next tuesday. That final meeting with Guerdy was so infuriating and she was so combative without wanting to hear Guerdy out. I hope she feels like an [!@#$%^&*] now knowing the truth. Like Guerdy said, she doesnt give people a safe place to open up to her

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