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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The beauty of this RHOP reunion is the other women refusing to tip-toe around the fakers and ready to call them out (unlike, say, RHOBH). 

The way Candiace excoriated Ashley re: the non-prenup and "decorations meant to distract you" was a thing of beauty. ~chef's kiss~ Candiace used her wordsmithery for good.

I assumed for a long time that Ashley was smart, playing the long game. She is not and exposed her own embarrassing laziness & stupidity. She's so busy trying to smear the Bassetts with lazy lies, she forgot to work on her actual future. Cryptkeeper Darby now has her on a very short leash begging for scraps.

Candiace also destroyed Gizelle and I hope this continues in the next episodes, because production seems to be, yet again, in protection mode over its precious queen. That 'unseen footage' (Gizelle reading some nothingburger text from Chris)? A poor effort, even by Gizelle and production's lazy standards. The extended opening clip from the podcast was telling, though. Gizelle egging on her equally-dumb BFF "on the PAY TREE ON" is not a good look for one of The Faces of Bravo.

Also, Gizelle offering to sleep with Andy when he turns 60.

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 The desperation in that clip! This must be her way of 'securing the bag.'

Karen yawning when Robyn was talking about her 'wedding.'  

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I can't either! I think you are going to be energised by this great season. Entertaining, funny, dramatic. It has restored my faith in RH.

And I love that Lea Black is back for a brief visit. One thing about Lea: she has a lot of common sense.

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I've seen clips at least (and am now a BIG fan of Dr. Nicole...and her Black AMEX card hehe), but people are saying it rivals Season 2 (which you know is my favorite MIA season that I binge once a year) so I cannot wait to be able to watch myself. 


Yep. Lea was Always about the common sense. 

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Im glad that Melissa and Bitch Boy are getting such an ugly edit this season. Its a marvel to watch


listening to Danielle talk about her brother and sister in law made me convinced that the producers will try and cast them for next season. This show loves family drama



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Marysol is the cancer of this group. I noticed it in this episode. Everything she says, Larsa, Kiki, and Alexia follow in lockstep, which is sad for someone that did nothing but cried the initial run. I'm to the point where I want Lea to return to rattle Marysol's cage again.

I like Adriana but she was a moron for making that comparison and not simply saying "sorry" after realizing she was wrong. And I am NOT here for her sobbing and whining b/c she does not have the financial backing of a rich man. She sounded like a mess about that crap. You are a grown-ass woman. Establish your stability. Do you not see the mess Lisa is currently in? Furthermore, her whining about them not showing up at her video premiere was dumb. Be happy with the women that showed up and move on.

Alexia is a beta that presents herself as an alpha. Her following Marysol around like a puppy irks my nerves.

Lastly, I am not surprised Marina turned on Lisa. I am pretty certain that Lenny threatened to no longer take care of her and his father if she kept siding with Lisa.

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LMAO this trailer for Girls Trip 3:


Candiace holding Porsha’s feet to the fire on her marriage scandal, Candiace vs. Gizelle, Heather vs. Whitney, drug drama, a hospitalization… Can’t wait!

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I cannot wait either! I've been looking forward to RHUGT 3 since BravoCon. But first, a few bitchy comments:

I can never recognise Whitney in Bravo photos anymore. She is that generic-looking!

Why do they keep putting Gizelle centre stage in that photo and in the trailer? Is she the narrator? The new Bethenny?

The trailer reminded me why nobody misses Leah.

I loved Candiace questioning Porsha about the marriage. You could see by the look on Porsha's face she didn't like it one bit. This is why she left RHOA and won't film with Bravo -- she doesn't want to answer any questions relating to that mess.

I got the ****ing chills [(c) Whitney] when the Thai handler called them out on the fake scripted stuff. This really hits home given the turmoil Bravo has been having the last few years and with Robyn most recently.

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I felt bad for Adriana. She's in a funk right now, and wanted Alexia to empathize with her, and Alexia doesn't want to know. It must be hard to be in your 50s, alone, feeling like your life didn't work out. In a city like Miami, where women's value is built on a premium of youth and looks. She is obviously thinking about how she will support herself in those conditions. Is she viable as a partner? is she viable as a hire in the art world at her age? Adriana is asking some of the questions I, in my late 40s, am asking myself -- but coming up without answers. To feel abandoned by your friends rubs salt in the wound. Honestly, I was feeling for both Julia and Adriana during the episode -- even though Adriana lashed out and said an awful thing about Frankie in order to hurt Alexia. And her foot was not broken! So she brought this on herself. But Alexia, Marysol and Larsa needed an excuse to hate and ran with the opportunity. They will be looking to exclude Adriana from the group from here on in.

But after this episode, can we really keep Adriana and Marysol as only FOHs? They dominated the episode, especially Adriana. And her new song really is FIYAH.

Interesting what you say about Alexia being a beta thinking she's an alpha. She swept into that restaurant leading the pack looking like an alpha. IMO Alexia is the alpha and Marysol does her dirty work for her, but I will be looking more carefully now to see if Marysol is really running the show.

Was great to see Lisa with Lea Black dispensing wise advice. I would love Lea Black back on the show. I think she adds another element.

I knew Marina would pick her son when push came to shove. I think her sympathy is with Lisa overall but I bet Lenny threatened to not let her or Peepaw see Logan & Elle, so that's why she's changing her tone. I think those grandkids are everything to her.

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