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Kyle is right, her truth is untrue.  I understand that conversation could’ve come off problematic… Sutton with her Southern accent and general Karen energy talking to a young(er) Asain woman about how happy she was to see other children of color in the pool with her very privileged white daughter… but it wasn’t “very dark” and at the time when she said that (one whole year later), she KNEW Sutton wasn’t a dangerously ignorant person with a White Savior complex.  What Crystal said was untrue and defamatory.  And the “violated” comment absolutely implies that Sutton was acting predatory.  If these are her real feelings, they do not need to be respected because they’re, quite frankly, baseless.  She’s lucky Sutton is willing to let it go, but let’s also face it—EVERYone except maybe Rinna (per her social media) is worried about optics on this issue.

However, I am all for Crystal going hard for Kyle, who has been gunning for her so far in the reunion in a very misplaced feeling kind of way.  Crystal seems to be getting a bit more coherent and I hope this saves her diamond because she really does bring a lot to the show with her home life.  She just needs to amp it up in group scenes in a way that’s authentic.

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I agree. This was a case of...both. Crystal does need to understand that...or at least learn to articulate better. Because she did not know how to do so until Garcelle gave that example from last year. 


That said...Kyle deserved that dragging, because people keep telling her this...and she CHOOSES not to listen. 

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Andy needs to go after tonight. He is too biased to host the reunions on these shows. He's immersed in this drama at this point. I found it appalling that he sat there and giggled with Rinna/Erika about recycling while Garcelle sat there in pain that her book was thrown in there. Then he was a hypocrite for all the times he has called Jennifer (NJ) and Candiace (Potomac) out about being disasters on social media--literally threatening them but Rinna gets a mild reprimand accompanied with giggles!!!! He is unfit at this point. Remove him, Bravo!


Moving on, Erika's shade to LVP fell flat. It still boggles my mind how the ghost of LVP lingers over this cast. If I were on a show like this, we would literally NEVER talk about someone that left the show on their own free will. 


Crystal taking Kyle to task was hilarious. Kyle was simply trying to have a moment and it backfired. She should've just sat there and absorbed the information and learned something--grace! Sutton and Crystal already made amends, and Crystal was receptive to Garcelle's critique about the power behind Crystal's accusation. Garcelle didn't need Kyle to chime in at all as the nice moment between the three civilized women on this show was lost in translation with Kyle's pointless squawking. 


Why is Dorit still on this show? She was literally wallpaper. Get rid of her. She adds nothing. Not even her gaudy fashions can save her at this point. 


Rinna "tears" (as I didn't even see any) did nothing for me. That segment to make her sympathetic fell flat. The network just needs to accept that Rinna is a cretin that needs to go too. Anything consisting of Rinna just gives me agita. And her saying "put me on pause" and not being challenged unnerved me too. A recalcitrant twat... It just p*sses me off how Andy lets Trout Mouth get away with murder while scolding others for doing less. 


I'm just ready for Kathy to come and shut sh*t down. 

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I actually felt sick watching the close-ups of Garcelle fighting tears while The Coven was cackling about recycling.  That was super hard to watch.

It was also hard to watch Rinna pacing and talking to herself at the end.  Yikes.  I will say the admission that she was the one that threw away the book was super revelatory.  Wow.

This reunion really has no fat, they are cutting straight to the meat.  Almost to the point that I sorta wish they’d slow down and give a more complete retrospective of each ‘wife in their package.  Lol

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You said it all.

Andy should not be moderating these questions of microagressions and race because he is so wrapped up in himself that he does not get it. He and Kyle are two peas in a pod in that respect. Kyle not understanding that Crystal POV or laughing off grabbing Sutton or taking up for Diana non-stop illustrated this. Andy tee-hee-ing with Rinna over the book -- he didn't even glance over at Garcelle to check in on her. Garcelle wins fans over because her humanity and reaction are written silently all over her face, and the audience connects to that. Not to contrived Rinna practicing her script or Erika pretending she is so tough and too kool for skool.

Agree about Dorit. She hasn't given us anything in years and only speaks up once she gets a reading on how the Coven wants to play something a certain way. She can go.

Erika's breath 'shade' towards LVP was as cruel and empty as she is. LVP smells of garlic and chardonnay? Clearly she is dining well and having a great time.

Sutton did well this episode. She was clear and measured and shut Rinna down. Somebody had to because clearly Andy wasn't going to. Cannot wait for Kathy to sip her water bottle and tell Rinna some home truths. 



Gizelle trying to start some SL saying Chris made her uncomfortable... Im not sure I believe that to be the case, and if so, she is abusing her platform with that nothingburger.

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I totally agree and I was so relieved.  I actually do agree with the other women’s critique that Sutton is often awkward, incoherent, and her own worst enemy… and I hate it because she is great—she withstands every beating and provides great content.  But it is what it is.  So to see her clearly and succinctly respond to Diana and Rinna was great.  She did great till the glue lolol.

Dorit has been on the team, man!  Passively backing every attack on Crystal, Sutton, and Garcelle.  But she’s only been backup and hasn’t contributed anything so far except talking about her ptsd after her package.  I am glad she didn’t reach for a moment when Sutton apologized to her.  That was handled very well on both their parts.

I think Erika’s tweet included LVP’s breath smelling like cigarettes, too.  So I’m probably the only person on this board who hates LVP (and esp. Ken)… but I also hate The Coven.  They should keep her damn name out their mouth because they keep making her relevant and they look like obsessed losers.  Like why are they reacting so hard to Garcelle’s son working for her/filming?!?  It’s stupid.  But I have a hard time feeling sorry for LVP—her gaudy lifestyle and British accent never fooled me… I think she’s bitterly cruel without any accountability and singularly self-motivated.

I am so pissed that it looks like Kyle (who I’m sure made devil’s deals for this) will not have to address cackling about Erika cussing out Jax, which (obviously unfairly) led to Porsha’s (horrible) cyber bullying.  I think one of the biggest problems the other women have with Garcelle but obviously can’t express is that they’re facing a kind backlash from her fans and Black Twitter that they’ve never dreamed of experiencing, even during #puppygate.  And they want to blame Garcelle for it, which is misplaced but maybe understandable?  Like Diana threatening legal action being the most extreme.  But everyone wants to talk around this except for Rinna.  I don’t think it’s wise for them to go there, but it would be “owning it.”  Erika will also probably get out of comparing 14-yo Jax’s hateful, personal, racist cyber bullying to some heat her late 20’s cop son received about Blue vs. Black Lives Matter in 2020/1.

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OK so Bravo read your post (LOL) and decided to post a preview from next week where they 'address' the cackling about Jax.

So: cackling about Jax is different from cackling about your own precious kids? Best believe that if it was Kyle's offspring, and Garcelle was laughing about having told Portia to f*ck off, it would be a whole entire season of Kyle Tears and demands that G be removed from the show because she bullies children.

The thing that bothers me is the easy brush-off of Garcelle's POV by members of the Coven. It's like she doesn't deserve the same respect that they demand for themselves from the group -- but at the same time they hold her to a higher standard when she supports Sutton, while giving a pass to Erika, Rinna and Diana's vulgarities.

Also the defensive, arm-twisted apologies. Dorit felt like she'd been stabbed in the stomach? Could her hyperbole be any less sincere? Garcelle makes a great point about how apologies in this group are not really apologising, but rather side-stepping actual accountability and gagging the person asking for the apology. I already said I was sorry. What more do you want?

You make an interesting point about Twitter and the backlash towards other cast members who perhaps do not gel with Garcelle as personalities. It might not be a race thing, but a Sagittarius not gelling with a Virgo kind of thing? But then it gets conflated into a race thing. Nevertheless, as I mentioned above, I do believe the Coven's pointed lack of empathy for anyone outside their own feelings prevents them from understanding racial nuances and putting themselves in Crystal or Garcelle's shoes. For what it's worth, I do think it is possible for people to learn and grow on this issue. But some of the BH cast have made a choice not to do that because it doesn't fit with their end-game.


As for LVP, I liked her, especially in her early seasons. I'm not sure I found her to be bitter, but ruthless? Absolutely. She had the top spot on BH for so long, and she wanted to keep that spot. And after S6, it was Game On with the other women who openly wanted her off the show. From that time on, LVP became worried. It was all about presenting a very rigid, crafted image to the world: the dogs/animals, Villa Rosa, the unfunny jokes, and she didn't dare deviate from that inflexible image. IMO that inflexibility was her downfall. She couldn't shed her armor, and she wasn't evolving in the eyes of the audience. The Coven pecked at that armor until they made holes.

Since then, I believe LVP has moved on. I think she wants a happier, easier, less rigid life. Would she return to BH? Possibly -- if they paid her old salary, and if it meant the downfall of the Coven. She has stated on Twitter that she would never go back. Most of the audience has moved on, too, and are invested in BH's current evolution without her. 

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Omg lol.

I hope there’s more because they sure got of that easy!  Had it been any of their children, it would’ve been the season’s dominating A story.  Kyle admitted she had to take a break because of the beating she took from it… so she knew she couldn’t default to playing victim via her daughter being attacked, because it would reinforce what SHE DID.  And Rinna and Dorit couldn’t go, “do you know what happened to Porsha because of this?  All of our children get attacked, etc.” I know Garcelle probably doesn’t want this dragged out for Jax’s sake and she doesn’t want to bring other kids into it, but Kyle should have to really answer for this, and that should include acknowledging the online attacks on Porsha and Mauricio (people threatening to not watch his real estate show).  (Btw I saw she did mention what happened to Porsha at BravoCon, where she could comment unquestioned.

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I mean look at Rinna’s reaction to Garcelle mentioning her daughter in her book (which she shouldn’t have done), but she stayed silent during that preview.  And Dorit’s reaction was weird and completely insincere.  That was the time to throw Kyle, not Erika under the bus… Dorit was obviously shocked at the party, but Kyle’s house was different.

And I really do think they feel like the Social Media is different now, because the attacks have so much more breadth to them (like what happened to Porsha!) And I hated her and am so glad she’ll obviously be a 1 & done, but I do get that it has to be horrifying for your BABY to get death threats… Garcelle and esp. Jax are NOT in any way responsible for that, but I get Diana freaking out in the moment and misplacing blame on Garcelle.  Kyle backing her up was obviously solidarity for the same self/family preservation.  Btw, there was no misunderstanding of racism re. Diana, though… Rinna wrote that race stuff in response to heat Diana was taking for being racist—she @‘d Garcelle in an open letter telling her she donates $$ to Haiti and Africa!!!!!!!!!!!  Omg!  But this has all taken on a new life.

Omg I can’t wait for next week Lolol.

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Rinna is really not well. She is obsessive and can't let go until she publicly obliterates her intended target on the cast. She doesn't have much of a conscience governing her interaction with those she despises, which is why i thought (and still wonder if) she was behind the bots that went after Jax. 

She needs a full mental detox. And if she actually had some legit work coming her way, she'd have less time to obsess over her nemesis.

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She is gonna have all the free time in the world when Bravo finally casts her aside. No one is gonna touch her with 20 foot pole as she keeps proving she is a liability. 


Star Jones has to be somewhere grinning as she was the original person to pinpoint Rinna's obsessive side. 


And Rinna's acts are gonna kill what little career Harry has too. I hope they have money saved up. They're gonna need it in the near future. 

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