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You've got to hand it to the Beverly Hills ladies, they know how to do a season opener...

Dorit: you never know what's real and what's fake with her and PK. Some of it seemed rehearsed, but as @j swift said that might simply be a result of having to retell the story to the police, the ladies, PK, and then the cameras. Or not.

EJ Global: a foul succubus. 

Kyle: I really don't enjoy any scenes with her family. I just don't find them charming in the slightest. 

Rinna: totally agree with @Gray Bunny that long sleek hair confessional look is excellent. However, she continues to grate and I have yet to see her have a storyline of her own in years.

Garcelle: fabulous. That is all.

Sutton: I thought it was such a bad look for her to be dismissive about Dorit, even if she thinks it's all a scam. That is the ammunition someone like Kyle dreams of using. 

Crystal: I like that she installed a pizza oven in her basement. 

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My take is that Kyle doesn't miss the 'friendship' because she'd been trying to get LVP off the show since S2. And Camille off the show since the get-go. She succeeded in both. Kyle is ruthless when it comes to anybody perceived as more beloved than her. Unlike the rest of the Coven, who show their dislike of someone v quickly, Kyle gets close before striking the fatal blow. Always beware of Kyle bearng the gift of friendship! Listening to the Two Ts in a Pod podcast a few weeks ago, all the Coven + Terri were going in on Sutton -- except for Kyle, who insisted she likes Sutton and that she and her are close. All I could think was 'Oh, Sutton. You in danger, girl.'

And that M.O. seems to extend to Kyle's sisters. Kyle grew up in the shadow of Kathy's wealth and Kim's fame and im guessing they were all competitive with each other. Now, her position on RHOBH allows her to finally wield leverage. BH to Kyle is like Paris Hilton to Kathy-- it means Megastardom for them, and in Hollywood, that is everything. Last season when Kathy was a FOH -- Kathy became Kyle's sidekick, not the other way around. But Kathy got crazy popular with fans and now, all of a sudden, she's in trouble this season? Quelle surprise. And once again Kyle is wielding the sword on that relationship, judging by the trailer. I can't believe Kyle is picking Rinna over both her sisters yet again, but on this show Kyle seems to repeat a lot of the same patterns.


As for the BH premiere, I thought it was one of the best RH openers in a long, long time! Perfectly judged and paced episode.

Like @DaytimeFan I'm not sure whether the robbery was real or not (and @Cheap21 gave us a third theory of Storyline Scam, which sounds incredibly plausible). The shot at the end through the car door of Dorit sobbing seemed produced. But the way she and PK broke down when talking about what happened and what might have happened to their kids was raw and real. I dont think they would ever put their kids in danger. And they wouldn't have had this caught on camera either -- the potential for the scam to be unexpectedly exposed when police forensics go through the footage is just too great. 

Also the number of break-ins or murders in wealthy LA homes (as @j swiftpointed out) in the last 20 years has shot up. Organised gangs are able to glean from Instagram when an intended target is out of town, and they strike then.

On a superficial note, Dorit looks beautiful with less glam. I honestly hope we get less OTT glam focus this year. 

Sutton came across as somewhat spiteful showing no empathy for Dorit, but I understand her not wanting to forgive her or Erika for last season. Sutton is showing a little vengeance and grit here, and I'm ok with that. Plus Kyle looked ridiculous with the boohooing. She wanted to make a point to camera about how extra 'nice' she is. It reminded me of when she invited Adrienne into LVP's party and they both pretended to cry over Adrienne's divorce.

Garcelle totally caught Erika out with that question about when she was going to sue the LA Times for the 'lies' they had published, didn't she.

Rinna is Rinna. I view her as the resident villain. Her daughter appears to have acquired yet another new face. Yikes.

Crystal. I got nothing. 

Looking forward to meeting the newbies, Diana and Sheree.

Kind of like Kim Z was 39 for about 7 years.

Although too much plastic surgery can age you a good 15 years. Fact.

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I saw that! But then a few minutes later, as Dorit was telling her story, Rinna went to sit by Garcelle and hold her hand. She very much wanted the camera to capture that moment. That says to me that she is fearful of going after Garcelle directly this season -- she tried last season and it was a terrible flop. Which is probably why she is going after Sutton instead, whom she views as the weak link. But make no mistake. She is biding her time re: Garcelle.

Kyle and Dorit on WWHL wanted LVP to appear mean and uncaring, and foolishly didn't think through the fact that she might screenshot the text she sent PK! Dumbasses.

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Not only are Alexia, Kenya and Teresa at upfronts in NYC, but so are Garcelle, Gizelle and La Dame. 

Forget RHUGT -- never have I wanted a RH group filmed by Bravo so bad! I want to see them having dinner together, I want them sharing suites at some glitzy hotel, I want them visiting Andy, Ben and Lucy at Andy's mega apartment! This group is literal

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Shades of the Kim Fields/Chris story with Drew/Ralph (gay rumors).

Drew is the worst. She’s lucky that Kenya and the group so quickly stepped in between her and Sheree, or this would have been a Candiace/Monique situation. And Drew was waaaaay more aggressive and indisputably at fault than Candiace IMO.

Still this season is delivering more than ATL has in years. Hopefully the so-far soft ratings will rebound.

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@Faulkner, agreed. This season is GIVING. We are finally out of that slump that the show has been in since s10 (the last good season).


This season is so giving me seasons 1-5 vibes--it is easy to watch and not too toxic. 


Drew v. Sheree... boy oh boy! That exchange was messy and Kandi getting dragged into it too... Jesus! 

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