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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Being a man of my word, I totally skipped over Part 2 outside of a few clips, but I wanted to see Part 3 for all the Jen stuff.


They could have and should have done this reunion in two parts. There was no need for three parts. There was no need to make it all about Mary...who it was revealed in Part 2 that some of what happened was a lie (thank you, Meredith!!!). That said...one thing Jen is going to give you is a show.


And show she did!!! I definitely felt she laid it on a little thick for sympathy. It did not take away from the real and honest response however. Her talking about her kids. Her gathering Little Girl together...well deserved given how Little Girl reacted during the Jen arrest episode and needling her with that husband tea. I am of the mind Andy treated her more like how he should have treated that Hustler chick over on BH, with questions that were not softball AND follow up questions. And Jen answered at best she could for better or worse. And I admit that I giggled when she did what EriFake did not seem to do on the reunion...and said she could not answer questions due to ongoing trial.


A good episode with some potential trouble going into Season 3. But given the amount of times Production rolled back scenes to prove someone was lying and also how many times Production rolled back a lot of old...and suddenly new...footage of Jen and Coach Shah...not sure I would trust in anything.


JEN. Here I feel like I should clear. In real life, she probably did it. That said, her level of delusion is fascinating to watch. And unlike EriFake, she STILL comes across as human. I've been said that Jen came into this season clearing wanting to show herself in a better light. And then the arrest happened so she could play victim while giving us moments of Season 1 Jen. I don't think anyone thinks she's stupid. I also think everyone is smart enough to know she does not play. So I liked that she brought a Season 1 Jen with a level of maturity to her. She could not just fly off the handle with some of what was said so she kept her cool for the most part, but she let those heffas know what time it was. I loved her vs Utah Lydia. I LIVVVVVE for her gathering Bad Weather together. ESPECIALLY Little Girl. All season she had been slick with her mouth and Jen let her know what time it was. She had her on the ropes until Lint had to step in to play Betrayed Friend. And STILL Jen got her a&*, too!!!! The cherry on top was Production doing the flashback to an hour ago proving what we already knew...Lint is just as fake as her cousin. And Lint had to backpedal. LOVE...IT. 


LISA. Handled herself better than I felt she did in Part 1. My highlight with her was after calling her Utah Lydia all season (thanks to @Cat). I FINALLY saw Fabulous Ice for a bright moment when she checked Lint with that 'how about you google it before you judge.' FLAWLESSLY DONE and Lint shut right on up.


LINT. It was clear once people saw what was behind the curtain at Season 1 reunion who she was. So it was on full display here. And I lived for Fabulous Ice's brief return as well as Jen...the friend...getting her, too. Watch her try to make it storyline next season. 


LITTLE GIRL. Where is Mary when you need her? lol. But at least someone got her together. Now may Season 3 be her downfall.


MEREDITH. Handle herself well. But felt muted this part in spite of getting in the hot seat for a bit. 


Good ep. Could have been a two parter. 



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Playing some catchup. Back at Episode 4.


Well, I see Dolores continued to look bad this episode. From her getting in Jackie's face to her double speak with Jen once they were at the shore, she was really not looking great this episode. Outside of her family scenes of course. And good though her family (mmmmm Frankie), that might not be enough for her. BUT I cannot say Dolores is not putting in the work this season.


Meanwhile...so it begins. Well, Marge was already angling toward making Louie her storyline. And looking at that scene at the end with Teresa and the Producer...well...I guess we see Marge still has some Producer influence after all. Meh. lol.


I thought the episode was uneven but yet easy and breezy...like I like my NJ episodes though. 




BUT IT'S FAMILY. I continued to like the family scenes. The aforementioned Delores family dinner. Jackie's continued struggle with her eating disorder. Even Teresa not being around, but discussing how Louie and her daughters are adjusting. It mostly never comes across as not organic.


PATTERSON DOLORES. Oh, watching her go off and Frank running over there with the quickness. And Jackie...HAVE A SEAT. You ain't busting a grape. lol. There was a lot of talks that needed to happen. In that case...Dolores wasn't wrong. If Jennifer had an issue, she should have come to her. And Jackie...should have put up or shut up...and also came to her face. That's how drama starts. And now it's this nice little subplot/feud going on in the group. So tick, tock, Dolores...






MARGE. While she had a right to speak about how she felt at the keger to Jennifer, I just have to side-eye her since she thought that bombshell in the premiere was worth her being in the right. Jennifer continue to own the possibility she might be in the wrong and projecting, but Marge keeps stirring that pot again with Teresa and Louie. It's just not a good look. And I continue to side-eye the Producer now and wonder if they are pushing this through her.


JACKIE. While I am liking the realness of her talking about the disorder, it does feel like she has nothing else going on. Thank God there's a rivalry with Dolores building.


THAT PRODUCER. Shades of Chris vs Denise over on BH. LOL!!! I just did not like it at all (though I loved Jen eavesdropping and pulling a POTOMAC Candiace at the lakehouse heeh). It breaks the fourth wall. And it just felt like an attack/attempt to control narrative. Stop. 




First of all I wished that Bravo would not air it so late. I know I missed the party at the end. AGAIN.


That said...Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia.


I guess we should not be surprised. This has been clear with Cynthia since the Friendship Contract back in RHOA S3/4. She really has to be in control of her friendships and it must be blowing her bottom that Kenya is fitting in just fine. Meanwhile, SHE is the one who is struggling to form connections with the girls. Though I like her with Teresa. If her and Kenya are on the outs post this...I could only assume it's because of her own actions. And I like Cynthia so that's saddening.


That said...she suuuuuure is being messy. AS IS MELISSA!!!! I saw her and Kyle whispering in Cynthia's ear. But it does make me wonder how Cynthia would be if she was returning to RHOA post this now. Would she be this messy, or the 'boring' one? Because if she was like THIS...she would be fascinating to watch.


Oh, LuAnn...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....never change.


I continue to be surprised by how much I like Kyle and Melissa here. Drunk Wine Melissa...SAME, GURL!!! SAME. 


I'm going to miss this show. 

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Loved it. Only think it should have been a 3 parter.




So there's a blind item over at TT that sounds like a Housewife got into a mess over the last 48 hours. And people got video of it. I have not seen it yet, but people are saying it is Lu. Let's see if it is her in the video and hope what she said on film is not as horrible as it sounds. But given how tone deaf she can be once in a moon...le sigh...

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Well I was hoping.

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But I do appreciate that like the person she is, she is getting ahead of the story.

I am really starting to like that page. 


That said...oh, Countess...but not the bad video I was expecting...YET.



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It's a definite throwback to the more laid back days of Housewives' early seasons. But still, I don't mind it. No feathers! No objects getting in the way of people's faces! Yay

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Sure, I expected a lil more from Heather. But Shannon usually comes to these reunions with a look like this, and everyone else is the B team so they dressed accordingly 

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