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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This article has more details and it’s clear one of their 5 production sources is Luann lol. 

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this has some truth to it  even RHOA is on a longer delay than usual. We know RHOC took time off to get things right as well and so has Dallas. The only shows I don’t expect to be hit with a delay are Salt Lake City, Beverly Hills and Potomac. 

I would be willing to be anything that Bravo is doing everything in their power to convince Bethenny to return. If they can get her back that will be the biggest deciding factor on next seasons cast. 

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Oh yeah, there were some direct Luann quotes in that DM article! And the "Ramona ain't leaving" quote is from Ms. Singer herself, I'll wager. Daily Mail does have some pretty good Bravo production sources as a rule, though. I imagine Bravo is perturbed by the ratings situation. Like @Faulknersaid, though, I hope they don't pull an OC and gut the cast. If anything, the cast has already been gutted by unexpected departures the past two years and this is its 'OC S16' moment. Honestly, I don't even mind Eboni or Leah that much (actually, I like Eboni), but this tiny cast feels incomplete. and needs additions, not necessarily subtractions.

Interesting inference that Eboni wants Ramona out and the show rebuilt around her. Thoughts? Is that Lu, too?

For sure they want Bethenny back, and if she comes back, so will Dorinda. And if I were Ramona, I'd be a little worried about both of them coming for her.

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@CatNo show has a cast as calculated as RHONY. Historically they’ve gone to great lengths to ice cast members out and they use the press like a deadly weapon, so I definitely think the cast is behind the scenes doing all sorts of things to try and get what they want. 

I think it’s pretty obvious Leah and Eboni have a pact and won’t say anything negative about the other. From watching it does seem like they’re making an effort to get Ramona to screw up so she can leave. They’re the young girls on the block so if they’re successful and can build popularity they could easily have become the new stars and end up with multiple years on the show. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked out for them. 

RHOA tea:


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If 0 to 100 was a person...LOL!!!


That was how I felt by the end of the episode. 


I mean I was enjoying the Salem trip. The history has its moment. And there have been moments. But like Bershan...I found it...kinda boring.


And then it slowly but surely went left. And then it got good.


In fact, given all the news I see here on the board, I find it worrying and won't be surprised if NY 'suddenly' have an hiatus for 'editing.' That I would find sad since I would love to see everything as was planned before the attack on ratings, BTS drama, and now the gangup last week. Again, won't be surprised.


Bershan is the spark. On one hand, I saw where she was coming from in that this was a girls trip so it was in her best interest to change the conversation. Also...Ramona's friend. And what friend would want to see her friend ganged up on. On the other hand, I did not like her picking on Sonja. I would not have minded a feud mind you but next week's promo makes me feel differently. The sad thing was they were totally bonding last week and this week so it was sad to see it go left. Also perhaps the tension between her and Eboni is not a case of different opinions, but more of different ALLIANCES. If Eboni was brought on to the preach to the OLGs, give Leah an ally, and potential push Ramona as the OLG out per Bravo Manifesto, then Bershan is here to still keep the NY fun vibe going, stir the pot, and general messiness.


So...let the trainwreck that comes of different agenda begin!!! lol.




THE RISING OF BERSHAN. She's been fun, but background. But slowly, Bershan has come to the forefront...and is ruffling feathers. I don't hate that. Yet. I do hate that poor Sonja got singled out. I did like she could hold her own with Leah. There is definitely potential for messy. We will see how I feel next week.


SONJA VS BERSHAN. I just cannot believe how quickly that went left. I really can't. They were doing so well. Then they argued. Then Ramona smoothed it out. Then they were at it again. I am not sure how I will feel about them getting physical next week but it could be a good feud. 


SONJA. So it continues. THIS. If there is any storyline truly going on this season it has been the 'What is Going on with Sonja?' storyline this season. It has been great to watch her grow with Eboni's help. And I continue to like their friendship. And now...it looks like we are about to get into that due to Bershan. One thing that could come out of this fight is now the other ladies have to be honest about what is going on with Sonja and how to deal with her and how out of control her drinking has been getting. So looking forward to see how next week goes.


THE REACTIONS. The image of Lu and Eboni sitting next to each other with Eboni sipping the straw is an image that I won't soon forget. But there were quite a few reactions to Bershan and Sonja getting into it. But there were a lot of reaction looks to Bershan calling the ladies boring too. And I giggled seeing the server cheering Ramona on as she was dancing on the table.


THE HUG. Awwww. I teared up when Eboni revealed her grandmom has passed. While annoyed that Leah tried to make it about her, I did love that everyone put the focus back on Eboni like they should have done.




UGH. MORE COVEN EAST. I didn't like that little convo between Leah, Eboni, and Bershan when they were talking bad about Sonja. Especially with Eboni who has been a friend to Sonja a lot this season. It was such a bad look for her. It was like they were looking for any strategy to get to Ramona. It was annoying.


LEAH TRYING TO HAVE A MOMENT. I suspect...especially after next week, Bershan ain't the one, BooBoo. So I liked Bershan held her own when Leah started to demand who had said something about her.


POOP. Okay, I know it's a thing...but REALLY, RAMONA? 









That you have. And you mentioned it when we all saw the light.

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  You just had a great eye from 'Go!'


But we have all explained why we love La Dame so I hope we are in for a great season of gifs.

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Simply your perspective. You have said you have been perusing this thread so you already know that we have different views on these girls. You also know, as the lovely Cat mentioned they are subject to change. Again different strokes. *shrugs*

Bile? Well...again...everyone have seen the seasons and tend to explain pretty well why they feel this way about them and will probably speak up about them again. That is what happens when viewers watch these shows over a season. Or two.

If it is going to trigger you, like I said before several months back you are going to be in for a bumpy ride, given your likes, your dislikes, and our various opinions on how Production works. There is no need to police people over it or throw out backhanded compliments about it. We are all going to have opinions and should be free to express them whether they are the majority or the minority. Otherwise...why be here? The lovely Soaplovers and I for example have very different opinions on Housewives and still joke, kiki, debate, and be civil without comments that appear to be oversensitive, condescending, or bad shady vs fun shady. 


But...Yes!!! By all means, let us get to the program itself, being mindful, good spirited, and if we must be shady let it be fun shady...rather than for example Erika Jayne amnesia shady. I kid!!!

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That’s a huge live rating for Potomac, all things considered. It’s eclipsing a lot of the other more established franchises. Now *that’s* a cast with chemistry. Gizelle vs. Karen will never get old.

Bershan’s behavior felt phony and production-provoked to me. We all know production interferes, but if you can’t sell the illusion, don’t bother. And if the show feels the need to force drama like that, they’ve already admitted defeat.

The more I see of Eboni, both on the show and off, the more I dislike her.

Leah should never have been on this show. Even Aviva Drescher, who I came to despise, was a much better fit. Hell, Kelly Bensimon, all is forgiven. 

Edited by Faulkner
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I agree. Promotion done good. But people hating under it when it beat out NY AND BH's premiere. I wonder how it will look when they add DVR viewing. 


I agree about Bershan. Her first two episodes were good and intriguing. But I do feel like she was all of a sudden went left and was doing things to start something. Nice to watch, but still there will probably be side-eye. We will see how I feel next week. 




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A recent example of why I would not be shedding a single tear - despite thinking it is a bad move for the show - over Ramona being fired in this manner.


The energy you put out in the world is the energy you are going to get back.

That being said, I do feel they are leaking it now because of something coming up. Maybe I am wrong but if even Kelly Dodd was given the courtesy of a proper "process", me thinks there is something Ramona is going to do or say they don't want to touch with a six-foot pole. 

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And it FINALLY begins...


After teasing and hints, we have finally started to get into the 'orphans and burn victims' drama of Erika's storyline. And already it is clear of two things...1)I expect the midseason trailer to pop out between now and next week and 2) Bravo is going to draaaaaaaaaag this out COMPLETELY judging from the next week promo...pushing the idea that Tom was cheating...and I expect that judge she posted online about to come into play. 


In case you missed it during filming, Kyle, Dorit, and Kathy all got Co-Vid. And it was nice to see the show touch on it. So similar to how the OC did it, but taking a page from NJ and not staying on it. In fact, it worked for the flow of the episode I felt.

And finally (fingers crossed), we arrive at (for now) a truce in the Sutton vs Crystal feud. Garcelle made a good moderator. Dorit brought the receipt on what Crystal said. Erika ironically asking for some compassion for Sutton. And also ironically Ex Soap Opera Star trying to keep Crystal honest. While I expect them to be fine...for now...I wonder what the next petty thing to happen will break their truce. It really has been an interesting feud for the first half of the season as we head into the second half of the season with Erika's storyline.


KYLE. I found myself side-eyeing her. Why? I felt we had Producer Kyle a lot this episode. Moreso when she had her sitdown with Erika at the end. She does enough to not seem that way (talking to Garcelle after quarantine, her talk with Kathy, sitting back while the other ladies have Sutton's back with a comment here and there), but it felt like deflection from where she WAS producing. Said talk with Garcelle to discuss Erika. The fact we had a scene with Kathy to work on coming across as a good persona in this case Mother. Even with Co-Vid...here she was in a 3way talk with Erika and Ex Soap Opera Star. Funnily enough I felt she was at her most real before the first break when she reveals she, Dorit, and Kathy got Co-Vid to Ex Soap Opera Star.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. I feel sooooooooooooooooooo old. Because I recognized ALL OF THOSE CELEBRITY DRESSES she had from soap awards and events she went to. I would say 2 for 2 on her being relatable this week. I did giggle at the subtle shade Sutton threw her way in Confessional about the odds of Sutton's daughter (her oldest who appeared this week and people online say is going to school in France) hanging with Ex Soap Opera Star's daughters. I guess I should say everything NOT having to do with Erika's storyline is when she echoed Lisa Rinna again for me. Otherwise, there she was trying to either help Erika's narrative or being the friend she NEVER was for LVP. 


DORIT. Once she got Co-Vid...other than a brief flashback, she vanished from the episode. And that brief scene was relatable. And her shading Sutton for Sutton shading Crystal's leather pants is on brand for her. I also liked she helped settle this Crystal vs Sutton feud. 


SUTTON. Oh, she got one of her children to film!!!! Yay!!!  And she looks so much like her mother. Meanwhile, I have to giggle at her admitting she was jealous of Crystal in her Confessional. That said...I felt Crystal kinda won this round of their feud. I did like the others had Sutton's back...especially Garcelle. Going forward, I will need Sutton to stand up for herself more. To paraphrase her...are we going to be honest or not?

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GARCELLE. She continued to be a straight shooter here and we know I live for her standing up for her BFF. And she still listened to Crystal's point of view. However...she was like ENOUGH. I liked her scene with Kyle, too. Yeah, they have come a long way from the reunion, haven't they? I did feel that what she said in the confessional and giving Erika the benefit of the doubt was contradicted by the looks she was giving when Kyle was talking to her about the articles about Tom and Erika though. 


CRYSTAL. Well...at least she gave a kind of apology. SMH. I give her props for standing up for herself. 


KATHY. I found myself side-eying. Still loved the 'Life is a poker game...' comment.



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But I will say this much...Erika actually was trying to sell it this week. Moreso than the last few episodes. And I could almost believe her. But here...that's when knowing a bit of what's going on in her case come in. LIke the fact Tom transferred 20 million to her before she filed for divorce. Or the fact that at no time has she acknowledging caring about the orphans and burn victims. And the fact that what she had on display tonight contradicts her online presence where she has been nothing but a heartless bitca. So...

In fact, I honestly feel that there was only ONE moment...that I did feel was just a show. Or that she was fake. And it was not at all when she was sitting down with Kyle. It was her very last Confessional during that sitdown. The words. The tone. The look of sadness. Those tears looked real and not like her sitdown at all. Probably the most authentic she has EVER been on the show. 


But too little, too late...



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I didn't realise RHONY cast was the most calculated with the press! (Although I did know they have strong ties with Page Six, et al). In the Daily Mail article, one quote which struck me was how Leah is on good terms with all the HWs and she just wants peace cuz she loves them, blah blah. Straight from the mouth of a certain Meah Lucksweeney!

UM THAT RHOA TEA! Porsha cannot take the heat! She knows people will be asking about her and Simon so she just wants a nice ole Don't Be Tarty spinoff where she can control the narrative and no embarrassing questions are asked. What a shame! I was so ready for the scandal!

Those Potomac live numbers are incredible! Also considering Bravo posted the full episode on YouTube at the same time (which I watched and which already had ~300K views 15 hours in).


Kelly Dodd is so thirstay and SO desperate to get back on RHOC, lol. She is posting on everything RH-related.


There is an element of karma -- Ramona said similar things when Bethenny left, like 'we'll take it from here, we don't need her.' The problem is that, just like Bethenny solo, Ramona cannot carry a show. She's a passivist reactor, not a bringer of content like she was back in the early days. And now she's seeing trouble brewing for her Bravo paycheck.

So I know this won't happen, but what if the escándalo content was Ramona bringing the cameras to Mar-a-Lago and hanging with Donnie Jr and superspreader Kimberly Guilfoyle? 

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Oh how the mighty have fallen.


And I will probably read that article on my way to work. From what little I've seen on deleted tweet it seems like:

ShebySheree is back.

Drew got demoted.

Cynthia was demoted.


Kenya was right.  

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Porsha apparently has a massive fanbase on social media. They are now calling for RHOA to be completely cancelled if she goes.

In a way, she can call the shots here. Bravo have made her their special little star, and she probably feels she is bigger than the show and ready for better things. I'm not sure that confidence is entirely warranted LOL but there it is. Her departure will be a loss, though, because of her humor, and also because of this Simon Scandal which, my God, I wanted to see played out on my screen so bad! I wanted Falyn involved and I wanted Kenya to spill the dirt. Spill it!

However, ATL imo is more than just Porsha and I'm not ready for it to be cancelled! I'm not certain what the solution is given that the newbies haven't worked since Kim Fields' season (if not before). Bringing Nene back? Only if we got the old, vibrant Nene, and not Rehearsed-Reads-Bad-Hair Nene. When Nene's hair started to go to pot, so did her persona on the show.

Drew demoted? Now, I am surprised about that. I thought Bravo wuvved her ass too.

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