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I'm assuming you all are talking about Wig's upcoming appearance on the show. Meanwhile, on social media, Kim 'accidentally' made public a shot of Brielle exposing her boob. 

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 I'm sure you've all seen the pic so I won't post that mess. ALLEGEDLY Kim and Brielle were having a 'private' snapchat conversation with Khloe Kardashian (!). When I heard this, I asked myself "what is a classy lady like Khloe Kardashian doing talking to these trashy losers? Doesn't she have an assistant?"


Anyway, Brielle flashed her boob at 'Khloe'  and Kim Z hit send to all her followers. I know Kim Z has always been a ho, but she has hit new depths in her thirstiness this year. She is literally pimping out her daughter on social media. I have never seen her work this hard, ever! She wants something really badly. Is it a peach? A peach for her horrific daughter?

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Team Gina all day, every day. I've never cared for Jackie. They are gonna end up making me root for Lydia this year. 


In other housewives news, Kelly tried jumping into the car with David Foster (YoLyme's ex). 

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Kelly is a hot damn mess. This is gonna be her story next season. I wouldn't be surprised if her heavy drinking comes to the forefront next year. 

You'll hear Lea Black's cackle, which I know from anywhere, in the background too. Apparently, Kelly was hanging with Lea and Heather MacDonald. Andy, put this poor woman back on a Bravo show; she's desperate for it. Just let her be part of the alleged upcoming FL housewives show. 

Not surprised Heather MacDonald's thirsty ass was there too. That bitch is eager to weasel her way onto RHOC and has for years. She stays latched onto TamRat and ShanLoon like a leech. No wonder Chelsea [Handler] got rid of her ass. That b*tch is thirsty for the camera.


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I can't think of any two people less suited to each other than David Foster and Kelly Dodd!! Those two egos in the same car together? Lol no wonder David panicked.


It also makes me laugh how much HWs from other shows look up to anything BH related. Lea Black would love to appear on that show. So would Smelly Cat Krupa. Heather McDonald already appeared on there (with Brandi) and boy does she ever want to be asked back. Lately though she's been sidling up to the NYC women, via Jill Zarin's cancer charity work. But hey maybe the sinking ship that is OC is her way in! +3 spots up for grabs! Too bad she has no charisma or personality -- but i guess that didnt stop OC this year.



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LORRRRRRD JESUS! Kroy's sperm must be industrial strength! Kim is a heavy smoker and 49 tho, so how on earth does she stay getting knocked up? Is she too lazy to use contraception? (Yes thats a rhetorical question). How many children under the age of 8 is that? 5? How is she going to support this passel of kids? Brielle cant even land a reality show/sugar daddy/dumb athlete. Kroy is clearly useless. The other girl hasnt had plastic surgery yet. What happens if/when Tardy gets cancelled?


I think Wig looked at the pregnant Kardashians and figured this was a way to keep her show rolling. Nothing about this pregnancy screams unplanned to me. I still think she wants back on Atl for the bigger paycheck.


Sigh. Dumb people getting paid $$$$ for literally doing nothing but saying dumb sh!t and lying on their back and getting pregnant. And no, I'm not talking about the Kardashians. I actually have respect for their work ethic/business acumen!


Haha I have always rooted for Lydia, the dumbest villainess in the history of RH shows! Lydiot needs all the help she can get!

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@Taoboi swear to God, if we find out that Wigs went to a fertility specialist to have this SEVENTH child...

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What hoax? You know this was just another day for the Biermann publicity machine! 


I KNEW there was no way that cig-puffing 57 yr old was preggers! (You need expensive fertility doctors to jumpstart those worn-out ovaries!). Kim's PR machine is in overdrive and she is doing way too much. Something must be up. I'm wondering if Bravo is thinking of cancelling Tardy.

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I've been believing this. Moving Tardy to Friday's cemented it for me. That's the night to send shows where they go to die. I think they moved M2M there to give them a much needed boost but to no avail. They still can't seem to get Tardy to hit that 1 million mark. 


It makes total sense why she's starting crap with Nene and Kenya. Kim needs to p*ss off the two most polarizing stars to reclaim a spot back on the show. I hope this backfires and Tardy gets cancelled along with her not getting a peach for s11. I don't want Kim on RHOA b/c she wants to do half the work in exchange for complete pay. 

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@Taoboi @Nothin'ButAttitude I can't believe they hitched M2M to that tired Tardy wagon! Right now this seems to be M2M's best season by miles, and Friday is the graveyard slot. Why do M2M dirty like that when WWHL just had Dr. Jackie on the show outshining Poorsha in every way? 


On Tardy, I see that Kim Z put up cameras all over her home -- not because of 'security' as she claims, but so that Kroy, Wig and their crotchfruit can be filmed 24/7 while the Bravo cameras are gone. Anything to keep Tardy alive! After the pregnancy hoax, I fully expect a security-camera sex tape involving Brielle and/or the other one to be leaked soon.


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