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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I agree that Andy adores Shannon...in fact, he seems display genuine concern for her during her WWHL visits.


Vicki seems a nightmare behind the scenes....and I think the show would be fine if she left.  The show might get a new leash on life if she left.  Almost everyone I know hates Vicki..and message board comments are just over her.




I like the new housewife dandria...her mom's inability to adapt will cause the company to go under...maybe as a way to ensure her daughter d oesnt inherit it?




Wow on Tinsley not voting...but I give her props for admitting it...moreso then Ramona, s onja or luann pleading the 5th.

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Ooh, a One-On-One with the former Countess would be delicious. I love when LuAnn lets her balls swing low and tells it like it is. 


Ugh, Tinsley this was not the year to abstain from voting, nor voting for a weak 3rd party or Big Bird or Bernie or Oprah or whomever. We know Ramona is all about "building that wall." I haven't seen Part Two yet, but I'm glad to hear Bethenny voted Hillary. I try not to be too judgmental about this sore subject, but it always creeps in. 


OC & NJ ladies were mainly pro-Trump? I guess I can see that, being the Republican trophy wives. At least we have a sure bet about the Atlanta ladies. Okay, enough politics. (p.s. Jill Zarin attended the inauguration) 


Re: Andy's love for Shannon. I think he can recognize when someone needs to be cut for the good of the show. He loved Brandi Glanville, but he finally cut her loose when there was no hope of redemption. Although the infamous purge of NYC in 2011 overall helped the show, I think going that drastic route is not something they'll do in the future, other than completely overhauling a cast and bringing in a whole new set of women with the same city title (New Jersey, I'm looking at you). 



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Luann's balls
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IMO, Jeana being loved is a case of absence making the heart grow fonder. She was extremely materialistic (rubbing in her expensive jewelry in front of broke Tammy Knickerbocker) and I don't think she has much going on (her kids have left the nest, IIRC she divorced her husband...I read somewhere she also left her real estate gig).


Also...due to the Simon drama, Jeana will never return if Tamra is still on.


Shannon: I like her. She was great during her first season because she was fun and fresh. Currently, she's very very bitter and cannot handle the toxicity of the show. 


Looking back, ever since Tamra joined the show has taken a trashy and nasty route. 



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I'd image OC and NJ were all pro-Trump. Tre said she supported him last year on WWHL. Vicki and Kelly have both slipped on Twitter by revealing their support for Trump, and declaring their love for Melania. 

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 Tamra said on WWHL she couldn't vote for Trump b/c of his offensive comments to Mexicans (via Eddie), but I don't believe her. Someone on Twitter said Lydia was quoted saying she voted for Trump b/c she believed he'd unite us all.  


Don't forget the Potomac ladies too. All of them are Dems from what I've collected. 


I think most of the BH voted HRC too. I know for fact that Eileen did as she loathes Trump and has expressed it on her time line. I'd suspect that LVP and Erika lean left too b/c of their views on LGBTQ rights. I think Rinna leans left too. Dorit, I don't know. She rarely talks politics. Kyle, I am on the fence about seeing as recent rumors of her mother-in-law loving and donating to Trump have come out. 


This past election cycle further makes me wish that Miami was still on air b/c their opinions on the election season would've been interesting. Lea is a hardcore Democrat so that is a given. I'd be interested to see where the other women lean. Especially, Alexia, Marysol, and Ana--the Cubans. With Cuba being a hot topic in this past election, I am wondering where they'd lean. Ana revealed she was a Republican back when she was on the show, but would she vote for Trump like many Cubans? That's something I am interested in knowing...

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@Nothin'ButAttitude Many Cuban Americans in Miami (especially the wealthy ones whose parents came over when Fidel came to power) will be Republican with a capital R. It's personal for them -- the Cuban regime essentially chased their families out of Cuba. The Republicans have a hardline policy regarding the Castro regime because the party is ideologically opposed to Communism. Younger Cuban Americans have been a bit more positive regarding Obama's opening towards Cuba (and the chance of going to Cuba one day to visit), but I think overall the RHoM women who are Cuban-American would feel aligned to the Republican party -- though perhaps not Trump per se. Like they would support Jeb Bush. As I recall, Marysol, Alexia and Ana were quite LGBTQ-positive, and Miami (the city) seems to embrace the community. It's tricky to figure out! I would say Marysol probably ended up going with HRC anyway, and Ana, too. Ana seems to know what's up, and what kind of troll Trump is. Alexia, no clue. She worked with special needs kids in the public school system, so my hearts says no since Trump never really campaigned for public school education lol. 


I would be shocked if Kyle on BH voted Trump! I don't think either she or her husband lean that way at all. Most of Hollywood is true blue Dem (and HUGE fundraisers for Hillary and the Democratic Party), and she's big on being part of the social firmament. She also strikes me as a bit of a follower, rather than marching to the beat of her own drum. Heck, even Hollywood Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenneggar won't vote Trump.


Estelle Umansky is an anomaly in this wider social group and kind of a loon.

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@Cat, thinking back, I think Alexia is Democrat. I remember her speaking highly of Obama, and I think she mentioned on one episode or on WWHL how she and Herman tried getting Obama to do an interview for their magazine. I think Ana was the only Republican of the Cubana clique, which was partially rumored to be the reason why she and Lea clashed a bit. 


I would be shocked if Kyle voted Trump too, but you never know with her. Kyle knows what to say and do when a camera is on her, but I'm sure she's totally different once the cameras are off. Also, don't forget that Kim once dated Trump too. She probably knows him personally, which could possibly had tempted her to vote for him. 

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Ana strikes me as one of those borderline Libertarian Republicans lol.


Now that you mention it, I think I do recall Alexia expressing admiration and thanks to Obama for his 8 years in the WH on Instagram! I love Alexia lol.


Lawd I forgot about Kimsley having dated him. Big Kathy sure shoved her girls at anything with money huh -- absolutely anything. Didn't Sonja say she dated him too? And what is the one common denominator which links Sonja to Kim?


Le booze


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House of Hilton (https://www.amazon.com/House-Hilton-Conrad-Wealth-Privilege/dp/0307337227/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1503675326&sr=8-1&keywords=house+of+hilton).


Obviously it's a salacious read. Kyle should thank her lucky stars that her child-acting career never really panned out. Remember those stories of how her mom would take her from her bed sleeping and she would wake up on set somewhere? Or the time Big Kathy took her to Studio 54 and then went off to party? I remember Erika was like "That's what I'm talking about! Kyle's so cool!" when she heard the Studio 54 story, but the way Kyle told that story and the one about being taken in the middle of the night to a film set, it sounded kind of scary for a small child.


So imagine you are Kim and actually winning roles and acclaim and $$$$ for your mom to live off of. And you develop a drinking/addiction problem to deal with the pressure. And instead of seeking help for your drinking/anxieties, your mother decides to sweep it under the carpet and enable it -- because possibly having you, her little worker bee, under the influence makes you more reliant on her. 


So many of Kim's problems stem from her overbearing mother. Her insecurities. Her addiction to the limelight and marrying for money were probably her mother's obsessions which she projected onto her child. No wonder Kim carries so much anger and resentment today.

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