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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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I just got home and finally saw that trailer. When I read that someone was complaining about being fat, I thought it was Meagan. I thought she gets a pas since she just had a baby, but it was Shannon whom I noticed gained weight at the reunion. how the hell did she get so fat and why the hell is she blaming it on Vicki? 


Big yes to Lydia being back! I liked her before and she looks like she put on a little bit of weight which is good for her


I wonder what Gretchen's role will be and if Slade will show up


Is the new housewife Persian? She was giving me Shahs of Sunset vibe





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I'm so excited for this OC trailer, NY for some reason isn't doing much for me at the moment (Sonja whining about Tinsley, Ramona doing... whatever she's doing -- seriously, Ramonja seem to be on the fast track off this show -- Bethenny and Carole blaming Dorinda's house for their nasty, snotty behaviour). And I don't watch Potomac. 


I think I'm going to like Kelly this season, and I always liked Lydia, she isn't a pushover and she brings some lightness to the toxicity. Shannon blaming Vicki for her weight gain, lol ok. Shannon keeps using the Vicki feud to stay relevant. I actually understand why she hates her: because Vicki' s story kept changing during cancergate and she feels she is untrustworthy. But part of it also stems from jealousy that Vicki's "Get off my show!" had more than a ring of truth about it.


Sigh, I see nothing that suggests Tamra getting her comeuppance. Also I just realised that Shannon and Vicki at odds benefits Tamra tremendously. Btw I had to watch the trailer more than once because I didn't recognise the Barbie doll masquerading as Gretchen the first time.


I think this is the first time OC has had so many brunettes in its cast: 3!

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Brad Bell seems to have a hard-on for one character being obsessed with another for no reason. This is one of those times. So Katie is on the crazy train these days, huh.


And Quinn kissed Ridge? I haven't watched B&B in two years... so I'm just going to accept this as a plot development which will probably be wrapped up by the end of this week. 

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so I asked her what was going on with Katie on B&B. She explained. And I've continued talking about it, letting B&B hijack this thread because NY and Potomac aren't bringing it for me right now.

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