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Can we just bs clear...what time period do you associate with "flip flopping"?


i suspect we just have different povs on that but I think someone who has an opinion one month and then chances their position the next month has flip flopped. A year at max. Tre and Melissa have been fighting back and forth over this petty bs for YEARS at this point. This is 2016 and it's the first year that the truce has felt genuine on BOTH sides. 


Anyways that's All I had to say Re that. If Kathy and Rosie wanted to squash this it's not that hard! It literally could have been done ages ago.


Joe and these kids of his I cannot! I literally crack up every time I see him and Melania. 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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The period of the Gorgas/Wakiles coming on the show till Tre got out. Before Tre even got out, Melissa and Joe were still interacting with Kathy/Rosie/Richie b/c I saw them in photos and everything. 


I just think that Melissa and Joe are opportunists. I also think that Tre 'buried the hatchet' because she may need them with Joe being gone. Tre has never cared for Melissa and I don't believe it now. You can't do all that those 2 families have done to each other and just bury crap w/o discussing it. You need therapy after all that sh-t. 


Kathy has tried squashing the beef with Tre. I ain't her fault that Tre gets pissed over Richie's jokes. 


Quite frankly, I still want them to cancel NJ. It's dead in the water. 

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Finally a good episode! I hope they can continue to deliver from here on out.


The Posche Fashion Show! Nothing good ever comes from that. Cant wait for the mess!


This Robin chick...YES! Finally someone thats not scared of Rosie and wants to take her down.


WTF with Jaq sitting on Robin? Id have taken that as assault and knocked her off her ass in self defense

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Last night's NJ was like watching a Dance Moms episode, where the scenes, conversations, and talking heads are very choppy and heavily edited. Were both women of the lesbian couple going to be Housewives or just Robyn? The other one barely spoke, or at least nothing noteworthy to for them to keep in the scenes. 


Melissa is less horrible than she used to be, but "less horrible" isn't really a compliment. I really don't believe the relationships of ANY of these family members, and years from now once the cameras have stopped rolling, let's see who's spending Christmas with each other... 


Jacqueline was a sloppy loudmouthed mess last night. Same ol'. God bless her husband, he's a trooper. 


That's all for this week. Vermont is pretty; hope to visit one day. 

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My condolences are with Alexia. Herman seemed like a supportive, nice man. May he RIP. 



Didn't watch tonight's episode as I was focused on the debates but I saw the trailer for the 2nd half of the season and all I have to say is why is Vicki allowing Trampra to scream so close in her face? Vicki should've popped that ass. 


I'm guessing that Tamra loses it b/c Kelly contacted Tamra's daughter (via the tweets you all posted) and Vicki knew about it. Oh well. These bitches have no issue with digging in Vicki's life and apparently Kelly's. I'd dig too.

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@Nothin'ButAttitude, @Taoboi: I agree with both of you! Look, imo Tamra is the devil incarnate. She has done so much awful stuff on and offscreen. Naked wasted/pimping her son out. Siccing some crazies on Lizzie in the off-season. Bullying Alexis to the point where it was like watching somebody kick a lame puppy over and over. Truly I wish there was a season where she gets her comeuppance. Season 9 could have been that, but at Reunion I have to give props, Tamra held her own, and it was only Vicki who decimated her with her epic "You look like the most miserable person in the world" speech.


As much as it pains me to admit, Tamra sometimes speaks the truth -- or at least what the audience is thinking. That's why she is so effective in nailing her targets to the wall. Who else thought Alexis was an annoying hypocritical jealous bimbo and her hubby a total misogynist slug? Not only Tamra, surely. Who else was deeply irritated by Gretchen & Slade's fake-ass SLs? Not just Tamra. Who else saw Brooks for the creepy, sleazy con artist he is from the very beginning? Tamra... and pretty much 99% of the viewing audience. When Tamra gets it right, she gets it unfailingly right. 


And so it is the case with Kelly. Sure, I loved Kelly putting Shannon Delusional Beador in her place. But Kelly is a shark-eyed opportunist as much as Tamra ever was. She is also a crazy loose cannon who gets drunk on the regular. Tamra READ her in that Twitter rant. Even Tamra knows the kids are off limits and it boomerangs badly on you if you start to target them. Kelly is really... off. There is something kind of dead-eyed about her. Just as Tamra has a big-ass comeuppance due from the other women she has hurt, so too does Kelly need to have people to check her and clip her wings. Otherwise you create an uncontrollable monster -- like Bethenny, or Jill.



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Speaking of Bethenny -- and I know RHONY is done for the year -- Seasons 2-3 are being repeated where I am. OMG, what a fascinating watch. I can still view most of the episodes like they are new.


It is interesting to watch in light of this latest season of NY where Bethenny is now an uncontrollable ticking bomb. You can see the seeds being sown in S3.


Bethenny going through the mill is really eye-opening. Not that she wasn't a media whore or an opportunist, but Jill tried to kill her career on the show and threatened everybody not to film with B. Seeing Bethenny (in the first half of S3 stuck with only Alex and maybe Ramona as support) transition to a situation where everybody got sick of Jill telling them what to do and stopped filming with her, was such sweet justice. Bethenny was put down and excluded by Jill, Kelly and Luann and, while I will support Luann to the death after the way B came after her this season, I can understand where the hatred comes from on Bethenny's part. The sad part is that 6 years later Bethenny is still fighting that same old battle while Luann has evolved from her uppity Countess days. 




Plucky Bethenny from the old days has now evolved into a Jill prototype -- angry, vengeful, surrounded by Yes people. She targets other HWs the way Jill did. After spending Seasons 2 and 3 telling Jill to rein in her jealousy and her mean-girling of the other women, Bethenny is failing to follow her own advice and is doing exactly that. And it is hurting her image.


Somebody mentioned a while back that maybe Jill Zarin should return to the show as she is probably the only one who can check Bethenny. I don't think that is possible tbh. First of all, Bethenny is protected by Andy, Bravo and her EP credit on RHoNY. Andy and Bravo HATE Jill. Secondly, Jill is as toxic and obsessed as Bethenny is. Remember how she turned on poor Alex after Bethenny got successful & pregnant and Jill suddenly got scared about having her as an enemy? Two toxic personalities on the show would not necessarily cancel the other out, it would just create a heavily toxic show (see NY Season 4 or BH Season 4 and 5 with Brandi-Kim).


NY S2-3 was able to balance a lot of humor with the toxicity that lightened things. On Scary Island, for example, Kelly goes off on everybody for 'being mean girls' then tries to march off the yacht into some glass sliding doors. The awkwardness as she wrestles with opening those doors and everybody watching like :huh: was hilarious. Kelly btw I am convinced had (has?) serious Narcissistic Personality Disorder coupled with a prescription drug problem coupled with having absolutely no sense of humor or irony. Bad combo.








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@Cat I only think that Trailer Sue will get her comeuppance when Andy stacks the deck against her. I think they need to keep Kelly and bring back Lizzie/Gretchen next season. Kelly/Vicki have become close with Lizzie/Gretchen, and you know they are itching to comeback and tear Shannon and Tamra down a peg or two. 



Speaking of this foursome, here's a pic from yesterday with them celebrating Kelly's b-day:
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omg I love Lizzie so much, I can't even tell you. She spoke the truth to Tamra S9 without getting toxic and cruel about it. I love how she slapped Meghan down on Twitter a few months ago when Meghan tried to go after Kelly. I would love her back (and Meghan gone).


Gretchen... :huh: I don't want her fake-ass back. At least not with that succubus Slade. As a FOH there to take down Tamra? Absolutely. 


I am ready to see Shannon taken down a notch or six and I have a feeling we will see that this season and at Reunion -- by none other than Chrishan Trailer Sue herself!

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Did you see the exchange between Lizzie/Gretchen v. Shannon a few days ago? Shannon had the nerve to call Gretchen and Lizzie irrelevant and brought up that they aren't on the show anymore. 


How is Gretchen irrelevant when they still discuss her on this show to this day? Lizzie may not be discussed on the show anymore but the woman is far from irrelevant. She stays working and selling them bikinis. She has a career unlike ShanLoon. 

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I don't really follow Twitter generally so unless Reality Tea or Tamara Tattles brings it to my attention, I usually miss the big Twitter battles between HWs!


Shannon really needs to take the cray off social media. IrreleGretchen I might agree with her on, but LIzzie was asked to do another season on OC, I heard. She refused to give Tamra the pleasure of going after her on camera after she leaked Lizzie's cell phone number to her followers during the off-season. Instead she became a FOH and has been seen numerous times in the following seasons. I hope we see her again soon this year.


Lizzie does have a legitimate, growing, full-time career -- and prioritises her family -- which is why she didn't take up Bravo's offer to return full-time. Shannon emasculates her whiney-voiced husband on national tour, then proceeds to ruin her daughters' big show along with their thirsty-ass grandma. They totally crapped on their kids' joy.

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