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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I guess it was a bit much :lol: Jill and Kelly were psychotic in their pursuit of 'getting' Bethenny. 


However, just because the Countess was a big ole fake does not excuse the bullying, mean girl tactics of Bethenny and Carole in the last episode. I get that this attack was a LONG time in coming for Bethenny, I do. This is years of pent-up resentment for being looked down upon by LuAnn, Jill and Ramona back in the first few seasons of the show. Having said that, Bethenny should have done this earlier. Attacking LuAnn now for something she already admits to and OWNS -- and for the very thing Bethenny has just been caught out doing herself! -- makes Bethenny look bad all around.


I can relate more to why Bethenny might be so resentful of LKuAnn after all this time... I cannot relate to Carole's underhand nastiness at all. Carole fucked LuAnn's niece's boyfriend and got called out on it and she couldn't stand that people might not think she farts rainbows and witty bons-mots. Her need to 'get back' at LuAnn almost two years later is really pathetic. Her strategy of getting others to fight her battles is obvious af, sadly.


Yasss Lizzie put that try-hard sh*t-starter in her PLACE

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Keeping it short and simple, I am so over Dawn. So over her. She's a lame (first of all) for even attempting to copy Kenya w/ the fan. She couldn't be original and come up with her own gimmick? Such a poser and wreaks of it. 


Ampika seems to be over all these ladies. You can tell from the tweets she RTs that she misses Magali. They seriously need to bring Magali back next season. 


Misse and Tanya ... ugh. I burst into laughter when Tanya said Ampika plays to the camera. Wasn't Tanya doing the same at the reunion as she fought with Ampika more than Dawn did? Bye, pregger b*tch. And Misse.... :rolleyes: So proud that Ampika paid her ass dust. 


Leanne manages to impress and disappoint me all in one hour. Yes, she called Dawn out on her sh*t, but she stayed defending her too. She can stop waffling so I can stop waffling with my opinion of her?


Stacey exposed Dawn's ass and I was all for it. She shed light and verified what others have said about Dawn. She's a manipulator. Even Lauren had to admit it. 


Seema came off as the most irrelevant one this reunion but I want her back next season. 


Drop Misse's raisin face ass, bring back Magali, and everyone else can stay.

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Good reunion. I'm glad they kept it down to an hour, the 3 hour epics that Bravo puts on the air could all be trimmed down to a compelling hour, rather than a snooze worthy marathon.


Ampika rocked this reunion and it did my heart good to see her get right under Tanya's skin. I really despise Tanya, she is way worse than Dawn: dumber, more aggressive and a bigger waste of space than anyone in this franchise. At least Dawn can have a hint of self awareness and self deprecating humour - Tanya is a buffoon who laughs at her own jokes. 


Very sad about Lauren and Paul. I kept hoping that this separation was just for the storyline and that they'd miraculously reunite but she seems pretty devastated by the whole thing. 


Stacy and Seema are basically interchangeable, but I definitely prefer Seema. I wouldn't mind seeing Stacy cut. 


Misse is a humourless bitch. She needs to go. 

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Dawn just annoys me more b/c she clearly has some sort of rank on and offscreen that the other women are scared of. Tanya flip-flops with the wind, hence why she doesn't bother me. I think the tides will turn on her soon enough. 


I agree that Misse needs to f-cking go. She's takes everything too serious. 


Stacey earned herself another season (IMO) as she's the one person (besides Ampika and before Magali) not afraid to call Dawn on her sh-t. 

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The Cheshire reunion was decent but uneventful, like the entire season. I would've made it an hour and a half and had Magali as a special guest. She deserved a reunion spotlight, especially considering the epic second season didn't get one. My favorite was Ampika who effortlessly slayed everybody in her wake, especially Missi. When Missi said she was simple and Ampika said, "You are absolutely correct" I almost died lol. She is just silky smooth and I can't get enough of Ampika. 

With the season over I must say I wasn't impressed with any of the new wives. I wanted to love Seema since we don't really have Asian housewives, but she was kinda dull. Stacey is alright and the reunion should save her but Missi has got to go. She was zzzz from day one. They need to bring Magali back at all costs. If Magali isn't back next season I can't see myself even checking it out. This season proved how vital she was to this series.

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the reunionw as too short! I thought it could have easily been 2 hours.


Ampika had the line of the night when she was talking about Misse. "No real comment. Not interested. Its like I've had a poop, flushed it down the toilet. Dont give a sh-t." DEAD!


Wasnt a fan of the host. Too over the top and camp. Was that Brian from BB? Didnt like him there either


IA. Wasnt feeling any of the new wives and would kill to see Magali back. She was the missing piece of this puzzle



Stacey needs to go. She had no real storyline and doesnt even have a rivalry with Dawn. There has to be more to her than just calling Dawn out. Ampika does that yet she actually has stuff going for her. Stacey is a waste of space

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Yes, that was Brian Dowling of BB fame. Usually I like him and he can be a good host, but last night it was like he'd been watching too much Andy Cohen and was trying too hard to imitate him -- especially with the 'hellos' at the beginning.


Ampika seems a pretty tough cookie, though personally I suspect Dawn is the OG of Cheshire. She looks amazing this season, clothing and hair-wise. Apart from these two, all the other HWs are pretty much sheep and I wouldn't miss them if they left. 

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