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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Aside from Kathryn vs Erika this whole reunion was Andy encouraging everyone to pile on Lisa Vanderpump.   Why can he only hold LVP and Kathryn's feet to the fire yet when it comes to everyone else they get a pass? Doesn't it go to show how utterly useless and boring everyone else is in the grand scheme of things that you have to constantly try to be like "Look she's evil and wrong! Please love these other housewives!" :rolleyes:


And if I wanted Brandi back before then I definitely don't want her back now! How awkward and uncomfortable that whole segment was. She truly is desperate and pathetic. No wonder Andy seems so smitten.


I couldn't be happier that this season is over! And if I never hear the phrase "Own it!" again I'll be forever f*cking grateful!

Edited by MrPrezident
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I loved Lisa calling Andy out on the shady bulls--t of him giving Brandy a platform to bash them when she was fired. She didnt offer anything. At least Kim was there to brig resolution


I loved how LVP gave ZERO f--ks this reunion and stood firm in that. Are you appauled by Ken calling Rinna a stupid bitch? Nope! Do you have anything to apologize for? Nope! She was giving me life


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The look on Rinna's face when Lisa got called a harmless old lady. LOL!



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So Andy piles on LVP but doesn't call Yolanda out on her inconsistent 'medical history'? Bye.


At least Kim showed up face to face with the women and answered questions. I appreciated that she did that, even if I still think she is delusional about her habit. OTOH I also understand that this addiction is a constant, decades-long horrendous struggle for her and she cannot face up to it completely. What was Brandi's excuse for not showing up? That recording sounds like pure BS. I don't know if I should watch.


Let LVP go focus on VPR and her restaurants and not to worry. Bring back Trashbox and Pill! Rinna will love that. And once Yolanda and her minions turn on somebody else (I'd be nervous if I were you, Kathryn and Rinna) and BH descends into a trashfest of tampon-string-flashing proportions, Bravo will be begging for Lisa Vanderpump's return.

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I haven't had the "pleasure" watching the 3rd installment, but I agree about letting BH fall into a descent of madness only for LVP to swoop in and bring back elegance and wit mid-season next year.


I'm wondering though if Bravo is aware that their crown jewel (I'll refer to BH as the crown jewel and ATL as the money-maker, similar to ABC Daytime's view of AMC vs. GH back in the day) is tarnished, as they seem to be interested in polling viewers on who they deem most valuable/who they'd like to see return. They've gotta be smart enough to know that BH has gone the dark ways of New Jersey, NYC Season 4, and OC's recent cancergate. 


They'd be wise to bring back Camille if LVP exited, and beg her to amp up the sass, a la Season One. 


BTW, fellow Real Housewives aficionados, which do you find more enjoyable: retooling an existing brand or bringing on a brand new one, like Potomac and Dallas? I know my answer, but I'd like to pick y'all brain first :) 


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I'm for retooling when it's done right, and I am for moving to a new city if need be. Retooling done correctly would be Miami s2 when they brought on Ana, Karent, Joanna, and Lisa. That's the perfect example IMO and that season still remains to be one of the best IMO. 


When it comes to establishing a new city, I am all for it, however, after Dallas (because Potomac is a success), I don't know if I want a new city. I'd rather them revive DC or Miami (preferably Miami) if they need another housewife show. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Retooling, without a doubt. I know Potomac has its fans here but I just couldn't warm to it. Dallas seems dead in the water to me.


RHoNY was retooled and, after a very slow start, I think the retooling worked for the franchise. I just couldn't stomach Jill, Kelly and Cindy Barship (Google her if you don't know who I'm talking about!) one second longer. The clash between the professional HWs (Ramona, Sonja, LuAnn) with the actually wealthy HWs who felt they were too good for the show (Aviva, Heather, Carole) was great drama. "You're both white trash, quite frankly."


The one show where retooling didn't work was NJ. I can never watch that show again the way they gutted it... although the Gorgas and Giudices really have nobody to blame but themselves for that. They ate the show alive with their toxic, dumb-ass feud.

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Oh, look!!! Reunion Part 3 is on.


So far...don't like Andy picking on LVP, hate Yo smirking, and LVP and Eileen went toe to toe in the first 5 minutes. I must admit that Eileen for a second owned that she was coming across badly. However, going back to it. Hm.



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Well. I think that says a lot. I still haven't seen the final part of Reunion (I will though! Just been busy and want to mentally prepare myself) but LVP sounded done, done and DONE. I'm guessing having Andy show the Brandi film so that none of the ladies on the couch could have a right-to-reply may have been a last straw. At least Joyce has tweeted her support.


Going to watch RHoNY at some point too; I can't believe how badly Andy's BFFs Carole and Bethenny are coming across this season thus far.

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Anyone watching? I have been but havent posted on it yet. 4 episodes in and i have to say I love it. I thought the trailer didnt do it justice as they came across basic but each wife adds something. So odd to see them only have 5 but it works


LeAnn, I wanted to and thought Id like her but she is just a hating ass bitch. She is such a THIRSTY social climber. More so than Alex. She acts like she's Lisa Vanderpump but without the money or status. Drives me nuts


Brandi and Stephanie...love their friendship and both seem like cool chicks to hang out with. Probably my 2 faves.


Carrie. She doesnt really stand out to me just yet but I think I like her.


Tiffany looks like Mary from Vancouver.  She's alright. No real opinion on her one way or the other. Her only downside is she's BFF with LeAnn but I'll give her a pass bc she isnt up her ass and will blow up on her next week

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I haven't seen Part 3 yet either (busy week!) but I agree that LVP sounds very done and over with Andy Cohen and his behaviour towards her. Andy really is biting the hand that feeds him so far as LVP is concerned. I hope she quits the show. She doesn't need it thanks to VPR having a great season - I'm just really surprised me disappointed with how Andy's glaring bias doesn't get dealt with. 


And I agree that LemonLyme seems absolutely fine.

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This reunion further woke people up with Andy and his biases towards certain housewives. These are the follow housewives he hardly ever calls (or called) them out on their sh-t and handles them with kid gloves:


ATL: Phaedra, Porsha (to some extent), Sheree (her first 4 seasons)

NY: Bethenny, Carole, Luann (until about last season)

NJ: Melissa, Caroline, Jacqueline

BH: Kyle, Brandi, Kim, YoLyme

MIA: Lea, Adrianna, Marysol 

DC: Cat

OC: Tamra, Heather 


I can already see too that Brandi of Dallas and Karen (though I like her), Katie, and Ashley of Potomac will fall into those categories too. 


Andy can't be objective b/c he's too involved at this point. He needs to step down. 

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