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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am so over Dawn. This episode just solidify that she is a passive aggressive twat. The fact that she poked Tanya repeatedly and saw no issue with it, boggles my mind. Tanya is better than me b/c I would've smacked the botox out of her face.

Leanne continues to be Dawn's cleanup woman and slave. What does Dawn have on Leanne? She has something on this hussy.... And Leanne dancing in the club was straight trashy. Who the fu*k does splits in a skirt on the dance floor for everyone to see? Some things are better left for the imagination. She just further proved Magali's statement earlier in the season that she is trash.

Lauren and Ampika both continue to win me over. Once again, both women have no problem with calling Dawn out on her crap. But Ampika needs to learn who to share her secrets with. She ought to have known that Dawn's two gay cronies were going to go back and report what Ampika said. Lauren has a good husband. She must have that good kitty because he bought her a new car with out of no guilt and pure love. So funny I say that because Paul, Lauren's hubby, actually retweeted my quote on Twitter of me saying that [and a few other things like me suggesting Lauren snatching Dawn bald for disrespecting him]. :P

Also, it was a joy for Paul to chin-check Dawn too. I can see why him and Lauren are married. Both of them give no f*cks about people they don't like feelings.

Tanya can no sit with Ampika, Magali, and Leanne at the queen's table. She won me over with finally seeing that Dawn ain't sh*t. Now if stupid a** Leanne would see the light....

There was not enough Magali in this episode but the little she had was very telling. This woman is very intelligent and plays the game well. Like Lisa Vanderpump well. I like how she peeped Dawn buttering her up and instantly went to Tanya to get her side before deciding an opinion. I tweeted her commending her, and she RT back.

Overall, last night's episode was juicy and sets up for a bigger episode next week with Ampika coming for Dawn yet again.

Oh and if you watch and have Twitter, follow Magali, Ampika, and Lauren. Those three women [especially Magali and Ampika] are some of the nicest and most gracious housewives on Twitter alongside Kenya, Claudia, Cynthia, Gina, Chyka, and Lisa V. I've had many pleasant exchanges with the three women on Twitter and they deserve all the love they get.

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Mediocre episode but it clearly gives the audience hindsight as to what is to come this season. It is apparent that Gina v. Janet might be the big rivalry this season. Janet is thirsty for the spotlight and who better to use to get it than Gina. I hope Gina pays her dust.

Gina is so over this group and you can see it in her body language. We wasn't clicking with any of the older women. Not even Chyka. After all that happened last season, who can blame her. IMO, Gina needs to be on RHOBH when she moves to LA eventually. She and Lisa V. are cordial and have talked and those two onscreen together would be a joy. They'd actually get each other's humor.

Lydia was actually a joy but I felt she was being inauthentic like a lot of the women. They are too aware of the camera at this point. Lydia knows that Gina is fan-favorite, and it showed with her immediately wanting to make up with her. I'd like to think it is coming from a good place but IDK....

Gamble is another one that came off as pandering to the audience. I do think that she and Gina get along genuinely but she already declared her love for Gina before she arrived at Janet's party. That worries me. Is she trying to befriend Gina so she can gut her in the end? Hope not. But I don't see Gamble meshing with Janet or Lydia either after last night.

Pettifleur is a boss. I love this b*tch already. She is Sri Lankan version of Alexis from Dynasty--fabulous and shady as hell. How she low-key shaded Gamble.... :lol: I felt bad for Gamble. I do feel like she and Gina might hit it off b/c they are both so much alike. They don't take things too seriously. But Pettifleur is the one that everyone needs to watch. She clearly has no chill and looks like the type verbally drag a hussy if necessary.

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I actually thought that the first episode nicely caught us up with the veterans.. and nicely introduced both housewives effortlessly. I even liked that Gamble and pettifleur knew each other pre-show.. and that if rumours have been swirling around about Gamble pre-show.. then it makes sense she would defend Gina and be her supporter.. but time will tell.

Janet: Such a little gossip and I like that she admitted she and Gina are frenimies. I always got that vibe about them last season. They will bicker, apoligize, and bicker again. Her talking heads were hilarious especially when talking to the cake designer LOL

Jackie/Chyka/Lydia: I liked their lunch.. it was a good balance of gossip and actually talking about their private lives. I think when RHOBH films for season 6, they look at this first episode on how to balance the gossip with day to day lives of the women.

Lydia: I do think she is partly trying to make amends with Gina due to the backlash she got last season, but I also think they were actually friends.. hence why Gina was more guarded and hurt by her then by Janet/Andrea.

Gamble: She seems very eccentric.. kind of like an Australian Shannon Beador.. kinda of.

Pettifeur: She seems very in your face and very militant. I'd love for her to appear on some of the american housewife shows. I think she could shade the heck out of all the Atlanta housewives :)

Gina: So far, so good.

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I'm looking forward to NYC returning (surprise, surprise!) because there are consistent rumors that Bethenny's pulling the diva card, getting paid the most, yet showing up for the least amount of group functions. Plus, she insists on promoting her line of products at each & every chance. Even though she and Ramona are good friends, and she and LuAnn put their past differences aside, I can see them (along with the other ladies) showing aggravation and annoyance with Bethenny onscreen as a result of the behind-the-scenes politics.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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RH of Cheshire

This episode, for me, was all about Lauren and her husband Paul. Despite whatever problems might exist in their marriage, one thing is very clear: they are a team and to hell with anyone whose going to attack either of them. Lauren and Paul remind me of BH's Ken and Lisa in that when they sense there might be an attacker at the gates, they pull up that draw bridge and close ranks immediately. Lauren and Paul, brazenly, don't give a damn about anyone who isn't on their side. I thought they were both hilarious.

Dawn continues to be one of those idiot housewives, like Vancouver's Jody and Melbourne's Andrea, who expects an apology for every comment they don't like. And like Jody and Andrea, it makes Dawn thoroughly unlikeable. She just doesn't understand that she's not compelling. She's a stroppy old cow who thinks she looks like Elizabeth Hurley (and Dawn, sorry luv, but you wish).

Leanne just SUCKS. What a crap person. She is Dawn's charwoman. She just doesn't make any logical sense. Dawn must have something huge on her.

Tanya finally got a backbone and I welcome that.

Ampika really screwed up thinking she could be honest with Dawn's two hairdressers...they are obviously loyal to Dawn. Amateur mistake, Ampika.

Magali was just quietly sitting back this episode, flicking her hair, insulting the artist, wearing the hell out of that immaculate white suit, letting Dawn and Tanya entertain her with their nonsense.

RH of Melbourne

Janet: I do still love Janet, gossip though she may be, because she's forthright. At least you know what Janet's thinking.

Gina: Am I the only one to notice she seriously upgraded her breast implants? They look great, but they're massive!

Chyka: Adorable as ever. I think she's my favourite because nobody rattles her and she never makes a fool of herself.

Lydia: She clearly felt the backlash from last season and her attempt at making peace with Gina rung very hollow to me.

Gamble: I liked her more than I thought I would, but is she kidding with saying she isn't 50 yet? I mean, really?

Pettifleur: I am not here for this bitch. She just came off as nasty to me, we'll see what past she has with Gamble.

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Everything Bethenny has done on TV outside of her previous RH stuff has been a big flop, and a lot of people seemed to hate her even by the end of her run on those shows. I wonder if she's going to regret coming back. She always seems deeply unpleasant and forced to me whenever I see her.

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OMG! I forgot to mention that scene with Magali at the art party. That mess was funny. Yes, she was being offensive but everyone watching was thinking the same. Who would spend 25k on that morbid mess? I wouldn't. I love Magali isn't all the way PC and she'll say what's on her mind. It's too funny. But she really means no harm. That's why I don't understand why all the women hated her in the beginning. So funny now b/c they either love Magali unconditionally now [like Tanya, Ampika, and Lauren do] or they want her on their team [Dawn].

Love that Magali also let it be known that [unlike Leanne], she only fights her own battles.

And I too have been seeing the comparison between Dawn/Jodi/Andrea. All three are insufferable; however, Dawn has a huge following online. She's actually second fave behind Magali, which is funny b/c she was online accusing Magali [w/o actually saying her name] of buying followers today. First of all, Magali had a huge following before the show b/c of her Footballer husband and the books she used to write about the sport. Her son is an upcoming footballer too. So is her husband's cousin, who is married to Victoria Secret model, Doutzen. So she had a following beforehand. But she quickly gained a followed during the show [especially the first episode] b/c people love her personality and felt the hate she was getting was unwarranted. And I don't see Magali or Dean as the type to spend their coins on followers. Dawn needs to get a grip. Jealous sow.

I can't believe you don't like Pettifleur! Especially since you have Alexis as your avi! :lol: I think she is a true wild card and fierce diva.

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Dawn has pulling power because of her husband, whose a beloved footballer and has many rich friends who he builds houses for in the Cheshire area...Ashley Ward was a big star and had a long career, and he made and kept a lot of the 'right' friends along the way. Dawn is friends with Carolyn Stanbury of Ladies of London, she runs in a rich crowd and there's no denying the Wards have achieved a lot...but they'll never be A List London society and I doubt they care - but it's interesting to see how much Dawn wishes she was Elizabeth Hurley.

I just don't think Pettifleur is going to end up being a wild card or fierce diva. I think she's just going to be a big 'ol bitch. Alexis (and Dame Joan) always had a sense of humour, my problem with Pettifleur is she doesn't seem capable of laughing at herself, unlike Magali or Lisa V (or R) or Gina...she seems to take every confrontation very seriously. I will give her props for the immaculate shade about Gamble's dress, but I deduct points for her seeming so, basically, mean.

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Oh thanks, boo! That tea on Dawn was delicious. Now it somewhat explains why she is the way she is. But would you know if Ashley has a sidepiece or does he genuinely love Dawn? B/c I always get a feeling like they're distance, hence why she wants another baby. Preferably a boy. And all his scenes, he seems disinterested with her. I just don't get the love like I do with Dean [Magali's hubby], Paul [Lauren's hubby], or even Mark [Ampika's ex]. We haven't really seen Leanne or Tanya's hubbies so I'll reserve judgment. But I don't see the love with Dawn and her husband. Maybe it's an English thing. But their affection is differ from the others I've seen.

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Ashley and Dawn have been together forever and while I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he's messed around on the road, he and Dawn are rock solid, theirs is a long term footballer and WAG relationship. Dawn is one of the originals from that era and she didn't used to look quite so lady of the manor when she was a blond...



Years ago, the Wards were in a major financial pickle. They owed creditors over $3 million dollars, had many a pissed off creditor lurking around, and they couldn't afford to complete construction on a $10 million mansion in Marbella, in the gorgeous southern coast of Spain, which they were forced to sell. Their mansion construction company, was forced to enter a creditor refinancing arrangement. Obviously, they seem to have straightened out their affairs and live high on the hog, but it's no surprise that Dawn and Ashley appear to be working very hard - they likely weren't as hands on with their business years ago and learned their lesson.

But Dawn is a grafter, she's a tough Northern Englishwoman. And Ashley is a happy go lucky footballer who married his WAG princess. If they seem like an old married couple it's because, for all intents and purposes, they are. Dawn wanting to have a baby boy, even in her mid 40s (for god's sake) is no surprise, it's every footballer's dream to have an heir. The Beckhams have several. Dawn's just trying to keep up.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Boy, that random outburst by Kim to Lisa R was weird. And on the plane, too, where the camera quality is more gritty and you could tell by Lips' face that she was not expecting this but still genuinely cared. Loved that expression on her face when she was asking Kim, "Where is this anger coming from?" No fake drama for the cameras; it was real.

Lips was also fun, hilarious and joyful on WWHL. What a great sport!

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