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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Last season was too toxic so I can see the BH housewives doing 180 and becoming too nice with one another which is almost just as bad.

I'd rather see the housewives on BH not interact with each other that much, whether the focus be on their individual day to day lives. Eileen alone should have enough material in her personal life to be interesting (rumour has it the housewife cameras have been backstage at Y & R), plus Lisa Rinna is interesting on her own (though her hubby in an interview indicating he wouldn't be appearing very much.. shame if true).

Also, from watching the early seasons of OC.. I was surprised the kids had talking heads and storylines... so I think Kyle, Kim, and Yolanda's older kids should have talking heads and storylines as well.

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To be fair, even with ATL we've heard hardly anything. With Beverly Hills we've heard NOTHING but vague rumors of Lisa Rinna being involved in the drama, yet she said she gets along with everybody. Then with Eileen, Yolanda, Kim and Brandi we've heard NOTHING. To contrast, we heard endless juicy things about RHONJ and it's been a mostly quiet season with bits of drama here and there. I'm going to wait for a trailer before proclaiming Beverly Hills to have a boring season.

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RHONY News: http://pagesix.com/2014/09/04/helena-christensen-turns-down-role-on-real-housewives/

Helena Christensen has turned them down, Aviva has been fired and Kristen, Heather, Carole and Sonja have been invited back. It didn't mention LuAnn or Ramona either way, but if this is all true then I feel it's kind of a mistake. After two tepid seasons that can't match seasons 1-4 in the slightest, they need a major shakeup. Adding one or two housewives won't cut it. I would've cut Aviva and Kristen, demoted Sonja and add LuAnn, Jill and Alex if possible. The only new housewife I would pursue is Jennifer Williams from Basketball Wives and I Dream of Nene. You'd have a dream cast right there.

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I think Carole could be more interesting with a better mix of housewives. The chemistry is all wrong, which is also why LuAnn sucked so much in season 5. I thought Carole was the best thing about season 5 and also was interesting in the first part of season 6 when going at it with Aviva. Sonja is the tired one I think stopped being interesting in season 4. She needs to go, but I feel they view her as attached to Ramona's character, so they'll never let her go.

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Aww hell naw! Aviva was fired?! She was the show seasons 5 & 6! IMO, they should've gotten rid of Steven Tyler Carole, Sonja, and Kristen. Upside is she won't be the scapegoat anymore. They'll have to find someone else. Seriously though, they need to bring back Jill or RHONY will be like RHONJ is to me now ... dead. I refuse to watch a dull ass season of housewives. This is why RHOA is [and always will] surpass the other housewives in casting and drama. They always get it right [with the exception of not giving Queen Marlo a peach].

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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I think when Aviva bowed out of every cast trip and the backlash against her father... her days were numbered. I do think Sonja needs to go unless she lands a sugar daddy.. i can't see another season of Grey Gardens again with her.

If they showed Heather with her family and at her company, plus showing Ramona moving forward as a single woman... I can see them coming back. Kristen, I'm on the fence about her.

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Okay I'm on the final Morocco episode of RHONY S4 and I still say this is a good season. Cindy is a bust, but overall this season is good and Cindy isn't so bad that she takes away from the scenes. If she were just a "Friend" she would be fine. Now this trip has mostly been about LuAnn ordering people around and the looming feud with Ramona and Jill. I had forgotten how the third episode LuAnn and Kelly went IN on Alex's ass. They dug so deep up her ass I thought her teeth were gonna pop out. Kelly's crazy ass somehow was able to convince Alex she is crazy and then I have NEVER EVER EVER seen LuAnn as nasty as she was against Alex. She was on another level. This is the #1 reason LuAnn didn't work in season 5. I can't go from her main story being Jill's bulldog/feuding with Alex to trying to create a silly feud with Ramona and missing her two strongest scene partners (Alex & Jill). They needed to keep Alex to keep that drama going.

All this is making me miss Kelly. She was truly nuts. Where did they find her? Did they know she was crazy? I love her crazy ass.

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Empress Lisa and Miss Eileen look flawless.

Frumpy to the right, god. Obviously I dislike Kyle but realistically her figure isn't terrible. It's just that the dress is too busy, too low-cut and the upper part is too tight for her. Basically Kyle just buys whatever she thinks is trendy and will impress other people, regardless of whether it suits her or not.

She is also wearing a touch too much jewellery for a summer day dress (Eileen is barely wearing anything except for earrings, and Lisa is wearing statement jewellery that fits with the formal style of her dress), and her bag is too stiff and 'evening.'

[/Fashion Police]

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I like Carole and Kristen but IA that maybe Aviva should have stayed, even though she didn't really do anything except at the very beginning of the season and on the final episode. When the chips are down, Aviva goes Cujo and it is rarely boring.

I hate ToxicJill with a passion -- bringing her back is sending her the wrong message (i.e.: evil gets rewarded). But I admit if she came back and Bravo marketed it righr, the ratings would go up. And Aviva vs Jill? OMG, I would pay to see that.

RHoNJ was awful last season (I couldn't even finish it) and this season looks DOA. If Teresa goes to the pokey, you can stick a fork in it because it will be done. Honestly, bringing MeHoLissa, Joey and the rest of Teresa's family in S3 was the death knell for the show. Even if that famewhore probably isn't the cause of this season's borefest, she still helped to drag the show to the point of no return where it is today.

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