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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I really thought Heather would be my favorite just because of her resemblance to Charisma Carpenter but her husband Terry is dead set on making that impossible. The way he went off on David was not only disgusting it was completely uncalled for. Clearly Terry and Heather are dead set on siding with Tamra regardless of how much crap she spews and it's making them look bad. I'm so happy they lost the poll to the Beador's on WWHL last week and the look on Terry's face was everything I needed. I'm even more happy knowing what an idiot he must feel like because unless you're a Heather or Tamra stan any idiot with two eyes and two ears can see what a pathetic dumbass he was. I was loving and eating up ever smirk David had because he knew what a weak egomaniac he was dealing with and he did everything he needed to get under Terry's skin without even having to say anything. [Camille voice] Sorry Terry you lost your cool. You lose.[/Camille voice]

Edited by MrPrezident
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Of course Lisa forgave Brandi. They are far more similar than all the Lisa stans would like to admit, because Lisa is great at her classy rich bitch persona. they are all signed onto the same show and it takes a particular type of person to keep coming back after more than one season.

That rhoc finale was the most boring, pointless episode of the season.

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That would be Heather. She is being edged out by Lizzie and Vicki's gigantic boobies.

Really? Because I had the opposite reaction. I thought Shannon and David were totally disingenuous this episode. From Shannon pointedly drinking lemonade to the hella obvious announcement that she and David are "sleeping in the same bed" to the fakeass apology David gave. I have always had a soft spot for her, especially when Tamra tried to turn everybody against her. Shannon is authentically crazy and dramatic and emotional. But last night felt like hasty PR, the last few episodes since the dinner Party from Hell have felt fake, like she is backtracking and trying to repair her image somehow.

I also think that Heather has a valid point: Shannon likes to pick up on division within groups of people and sow the seeds of that division if she can. Not saying Tamra is in the right -- I am looking forward to her downfall which is LONG ovedue and IMO STILL has not happened. But that doesn't mean that Shannon isn't a [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer either.

Also, she keeps saying "How many times can we keep apologizing to the Dubrows?" By my count, last night was the first and last time. All I have ever hard is Crayon yap about how Heather forcibly threw her out of her house when it didn't quite go down like that as the recap at the beginning of the episode plainly showed.

I liked the ending with the music and What Are They Up to Now? recaps. I personally think Lizzie, as entertaining as she has been, is done with the show, I could see it in her face. Tamra played it very smart at Vicki's party and was lucky not to get called out tbh. Now she is trotting out her custody battles with Simon to milk some sympathy from the audience.

Twas sad to see Briana go, but at least she is living her life on her terms.


I can't with RHONJ. It is dullsville.

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I think that Heather had it confused when she implied that Shannon like to creates a division. That's her friend Tamra, who likes to do that. And I don't see Shannon as a sh*t stirrer. Like Lizzie, I think she was genuinely hurt by Tamra lashed out at her. And I don't think it's wrong that Shannon told Vicki to hold strong when it comes to Tamra. I would've done the exact same. Vicki let's Tamra gets away with murder, which is why Vicki constantly gets hurt. Shannon (IMO) was probably coaching to forgive Tam BUT not to let her off the hook so easily.

And Shannon has apologized to Heather time and time again. That was David's first time apologizing to Heather about the comment, but he only became privy that Heather and Terry took offense to the comment after Bali. It still boggles my mind how everyone caught what David said but not Eddie, who made the real offensive comment. This is why Heather gets dragged by fans. She's not consistent. On WWHL, she & Terry laughed and brushed over Eddie's comment instead of giving him grief.

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It's because they're fake. The Dubrows have dug their own grave and now the Beadors are dancing right on top of them. Every site I go to has the Dubrows being dragged to hell for their double standards and obvious "take down the Beadors" mentality. I'm sure they're wishing they hadn't overplayed their hand but honestly who needs integrity when you have millions. I sure as hell wouldn't!

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OC Finale was boring? Negative!

David was super sincere and I thought it was rude of the Dubrows to not accept his apology and let it go. They both were very condescending to David and I felt sorry for him as they berated him and basically called him out on being a dumb construction worker. They came across as if they thought they were better than David and Shannon and that was wrong. I have to give Shannon credit for holding her cool and not stooping to their level with the aggression. Look, it took all season but she finally earned me calling her by her name and not Crazy Lady. She came across quite sane

I cant with Danielle's husband complimenting Christian on his white jacket. She does know that he's gay right? LOL.

Vicki's house and dinner were gorgeous. I loved the colors and vegetation

Tamra's face was pulled a bit too tight but I loved her hair. Love that Tamra Takedown tanked! I thought she came across well. She made up with Brooks which was a shock. She stirred up more drama while laying low. It was bitchy of her to bring up the game again. I had no idea about Lizzie's comments about wanting to F Eddie so she could have Mexican babies. Really? Wow, Lizzie. That was such an f-ed up thing to say regardless if she feels sorry for Tamra's baby situation or not


Kentucky Fried Titties....LMAO!

Poor Eddie. He looks like he wants someone to set him free. I don't think he quite signed up for all this drama when he married Tamra

LOL at Vicki apologizing to all Oklahomians

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First of all...THE GUITAR MUSIC! Thank goodness I got to hear those familiar strums...it really wouldn't be the finale of a season of RHOC without it.

"There goes my life!"...that was the realest moment this whole season, I sure felt for Vicki. She meant those words. She was devastated. I'm glad she's selling the house, moving somewhere near the beach, finding a new life for herself. I sure hope she returns next season, she makes the show for me.

Lizzie doesn't give a damn about this show, she might be a one season wonder. She's a good fit, but unremarkable.

Tamra emoting through her Botox was incredibly disturbing. She "made up" with Brooks in the nick of time. She is an emotional manipulator, I didn't like what I was seeing at the end with Ryan...he's smart to move away from her. She's an emotional tornado.

Shannon and David...you know...I don't mind them at all. Shannon really kept it together at that dinner. She didn't crack once. David took the Dubrows insults very well.

The Dubrows came off TERRIBLY. In fact, they're the only ones who came off terribly this episode and this season as a whole. They did, in fact, trash David for being a "construction guy"...it was snobbishness at its worst. Although Shannon blew out of proportion Heather asking her to leave her house, Heather's inability to be gracious just wrecked her in my eyes. Her ghastly blindness to Tamra's tactics also doesn't help her cause. And Terry's faux outrage (anyone whose seen 'Botched' on E! knows Terry has a salty tongue and a naughty sense of humour) just missed the mark completely.

Overall, this was a great season, I wasn't ever bored. Bring on season 10...and let's see some of the OG's of the OC: Jeana, Lauri, Lynn and Tammy come to mind!

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I just don't feel bad for Vicki. I mean this monster is sleeping with a man who encouraged another man to beat Vicki's daughter. And she blindly, devotedly supported him. Go on ahead Bri and get as far as away from that piece if trash mother if yours!

Sane to Ryan. Run as far as you can from Tamra.

Tahead cane off the wurst this season, along with Shannon who'll forever and rightfully be labeled as insane. Vicki is a draw. She tried to sell this act of being somewhat sane and normal but we all know it's an act. Heather came off good with a few missteps. As did Lizzie.

I think next season will be heather, Shannon, Lizzie if she wants, Vicki or Tanra - depending on if Vicki wants yo return, and a new wife.

I just can't believe how boring the finale was given the great season. It also felt like it was filmed much, much after their vacation. Like months later. Perhaps after the show even started airing honestly.

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