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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am watching Part 2 of the RHoNY reunion and OMG Heather is giving me so much [!@#$%^&*] life defending her husband to Ramona! As she points out, Ramona never cares about people enough to find out what they are really like. It's just All About Her. And I say this as someone who enjoys watching Ramona.

Mario is good looking for his age but a [!@#$%^&*] slime. I don't think he waited til the Reunion started airing to get back with his side piece, I think he and Ramona had an agreement to put on a united front until after Reunion had been filmed. And then Ramona timed the announcement of their breakup with Reunion airing. Cynical? Sure. But that's Ramona. She didn't want to field any Mario questions, and this was her insurance policy. I'm still hoping Andy comes after her in part 3 tbh.

Sonja is deluded and believes her own press. She doesn't deserve a friend like LuAnn, imperfect as the Countess may be. I wish she wasn't sitting on the outer edge of the sofa. She deserves an apple next season.

Team Carole at the way Crayviva is going after her and trying to blacken her reputation as a writer, but she really needs to defend her ground more and not leyt Heather do the elbow work.

Crayviva is so thirsty and desperate for a spot next season. She is failing abysmally.

Kristen... I'm ok with her tbh. BUt not sure I buy her story that everything with her and her husband is all roses and rainbows now. As Daytimefan said, that boobjob could be a precursor to the divorce papers.

Cheap, you know I love you like Sonja loves dick (ok well maybe that's not quite the allusion I wanted to make, but you know I love you tons,right?), but I can't with your avatar. I never realized you were a Tamra fan!

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Watch NJ now and the preview for OC came up....I don't know why but the site of Tamra hop skipping away/running like some silly girl in a horror film just has me cracking the eff up! LOL I don't know what this lady did/say but the lady is too funny.

Thank God Dina said what any rational person would say. Amber's husband is a RAT and acted like the lowest form of man I've ever seen.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I don't even like (or care) for Amber and I am on her side. Melissa told that sh*t to start drama but wash her hands clean of the situation at the same time. She grates my last freaking nerve. I am glad that Teresa and Dina quickly caught onto it when they went to the spa with Amber; however, that scene alone solidifies that Melissa and Teresa ain't that close as they are trying to put on. They're playing nice if anything. And I am also Team Jim too. None of the seem to get what the man is implying. He was simply trying to tell these bozos that he might be called to testify against Joe/Teresa. And if that's the case, it's best he does not associate with them because it could do both parties (himself & the Guidices) harm.

And Joe Gorga.... ph34r.png Why does he always resort to talking about other men's penises and looks when trying to insult them? Is he insecure about his own? Does he wanna suck Jim's? Chile.... Melissa better watch her little man. His actions over the years are gradually making me believe someone is living a double life. tongue.png

I still find this season to be a bore. Sorry my fellow posters but I do. November needs to hurry up and get here. I'm ready for Atlanta (and BH) to return.

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But what would Melissa gain from stirring the pot? And frankly if she had kept silent and the twins had found out she had kept silent later out then they would have been mad at Melissa.

Most telling though is that Melissa admitted that she didn't trust Amber and for good reason. Amber won't even own up to the fact that she was repeating gossip. And I LOVE Dina but what loyalty does Melissa owe Amber? This is a girl who says she had cancer and never one reached out to Melissa about it? Yet she acts like they were best friends forever from back in their bar hopping days? I think the scene with Tre and Dina with Amber was just Tre being classy and not wanting to get in the middle of drama. Like she's said before she's got bigger fish to try and this whole debacle between Amber and Mellisa/Nicole is just silly. I don't know why Amber would say such a thing unless she was the one who wanted to "stir the pot".

Joey's comment about the guys you know what was hilarious though...I know it was immature but the guy is a little boy who clearly has nothing except his law degree. He even admitted as much that the only thing he knows how to do is sue the pants of people. To me it was a low blow threatening to send Joe Gorga to jail. Only punk b*tches resort that crap like that.

That last convo between Melissa and Amber was so good tho. Loved that Melissa didn't apologize or back down. I can't stand fake people like Amber....ugh just so annoying. I can't even believe I'm liking Melissa this season but this Amber lady is a piece of work.

EDIT: Amber's husband was rambling on about the reasons why he didn't want to associate with the Guidices. Instead of being upfront and honest about it he kept waffling and it was very confusing...even to me as a viewer who originally thought it was just because they were involved in a lawsuit and he didn't want to associate with people involved in a potential scheme. Fine I can understand that....but then he started talking about prosecuting this and being involved with this one and that one and I realized he was full of ish. Like Melissa said they were simply trying to mindf*ck Tre and it was a disgusting move on their part. I'm glad Dina called Jim out for being the scum that he is.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Ugh f-ck Melissa. Theyre doing the most and coming for Jim and Amber for no real reason. Joe and Teresa are not victims and I am tired of seeing them being treated as such by the group. Nobody made them falsify documents and steal millions. And I read that Joe was a slum lord. Jim should have owned what the f-ck he said. He didn't say anything wrong or defamatory about Juicy.

Dina and Melissa should have fell the f-ck back when Tre was confronting him by the way. Most of them are relatively slow that have got by on medicority (including my fave Tre) I would have been flustered having to explain myself to their dumb asses too.

F-ck Joe Gorga to. He drug Teresa and Juicy for three years and he is only defending them so he cam be in good favor with the viewing public.

Calling Jim a rat because he would call police if Joe touched him. They are such violent street thugs! You touch me you are getting charges pressed! Just like when Kenya filed charges against Porsha it's sick how you're called weak for handling situations in the legal system.

The twins are hella annoying....lol at Amber clocking that tea about Bobby being annoyed by Nicole. He tried to cover it up since they were on camera and say they were making it up.

ETA: Rino's bald headed ass needs to shut up. This literally has NOTHING to do with him. I am going to start calling hin nuRichie if he keeps it up.

Edited by Eric83
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That was the rats first resort tho ...the police . Weak in my view but that's the world we live in now. I just think real men can settle disputes without involving the authorities 90% of the time.

Joe admitted he's not always been a big fan of a Tre's husband or the best brother. call me naive but I really get the sense that this legal matter had changed things for all parties involved. All that stuff in the past seasons was so stupid and small compared to the magnitude of what Tre and Joe are facing right now. I don't think it's unbelievable to believe that Melissa has truly forgiven and forgotten bout it. And the same for the Joes...

I find the twins funny. And I even liked the beast Rosie this episode. Her scene with Juicy was kinda touching. Again it's the family dynamics that make NJ so compelling for me.

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Danielle's mobster friend sure is upset about the baby. LOL. Okay.

Danielle gets even lower. Going after Caroline's kids. Why is she obsessed with this family?

Danielle, the big surprise was that you were overdressed, you dumb hoe.

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I also think real men can handle disputes without threatening to beat someone's ass.

Joe Gorga is a phony in my opinion but I dont know him so you might be right but Melissa was talking sh-t about Juicy going to jail last season with the fraudulent driver's license case. She doesnt care about the Giudices just her image. She knew she would look petty as f-ck for holding on to the fued.

ETA: I still cant stand Beast. Only reason she's still here is because she is a lesbian and Andy os fascinated with her. She is a revolting, angry woman.

ETA2: I hope I dont come across as a Jim stan lol....he was acting like a b-tch when he wouldnt admit what he said to Tre but I do think they're over doing it with the Marchese hate!

Loved when Tre said she wasnt going to isolate and write off Amber like the others because she knew how that felt. :wub:

Edited by Eric83
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Have yall been keeping up with Phaedra's Angela Stanton court case? I don't think it'll happen overnight, but Phaedra's ass definitely looks headed for the slammer within the next few years. For those not familiar, Angela Stanton attempted to release a tell-all book about her illegal dealings with Apollo and Phaedra. When the news broke Phadra sued her and had the book pulled from the shelves. Angela has always maintained that her book is truthful so she has chosen to fight Phaedra in court, which is clearly not what Phaedra wanted.

The latest chapter is that Phaedra has gone through several lawyers who keep dropping the case. She's also been refusing to sit for a deposition for months now, even though SHE is the one who has brought this lawsuit to court. Now they were finally able to force her to sit for one and she made an absolute fool of herself as you'll see below. She was evasive, combative and obviously trying to watch what she says so it won't come back to bite her in the ass. Of course it's only my opinion, but based on this and everything else you cannot convince me Phaedra wasn't involved. She should've let that book come out and dismiss it as foolishness because now she's stuck in a high profile court battle that is only going to draw attention to her issues. For all we know the feds could be developing a case behind the scenes.

Anyway, here are some snippets from Phaedra's deposition:

She goes on to say she doesn't know how much she makes from Nida Fitness, she doesn't know where the money came from (whether it was her money or Apollo's), she doesn't know what Nida Fitness offers or what Apollo does. It is just bizarre for such an "upstanding" attorney.

Full Article: http://tamaratattles.com/2014/08/10/the-curious-case-of-parks-v-stanton-chapter-two-a-tale-told-by-an-idiot-full-of-sound-and-fury-signifying-nothing/

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