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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm not panicking about RHONJ yet. They're getting around 1.8 million viewers which is fine. I don't expect the ratings to blow up until viewers get to know the new housewives better. I'm surprised they aren't promoting next weeks hair-putting episode more.

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I just finished season one of RHONY again and despite the first couple episodes feeling dated (my guess is that was pilot material), it quickly became your typical housewives series. I love how natural things were but they still managed to have a good amount of drama. Who would've known that when Alex met Ramona in episode five it would spark such fireworks with Simon coming to girls night? These days that would never happen because they'd all be required to go to every party and be introduced at the same time. The natural developing friendships is what made season 2 and 3 so powerful. There was no fakery about how well they knew each other so we truly got to see them learn about each other and we got real reactions from everybody. The first reunion was also packed with fireworks, which shocked me since this was still early in the Housewives franchise. This is also when fame began to go to Jill's head. I think her wearing a "Team Jill" shirt to the reunion is the tackiest thing that ever happened on a reunion. You could tell she was feeling herself and it really was a huge turn off for me after loving her the entire season.

Honestly, I would say RHONY holds up so well I could watch it over and over again. I also feel that way for RHOA.

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Tamra is a lying liar who lies and her lies are now starting to catch up with her. In previous seasons she had been wily enough to always have someone set up to be the topic of conversation so that the heat would be off of her...and then came Shannon.

Shannon is batshit crazy. The scene with her daughter with all that homeopathic crap was uncomfortable to watch. Her kids will be hypochondriacs at the rate she's going. But Shannon is also very focused and it the moment she knew of Tamra's betrayal she started holding her to account. And she is relentless with her misdirected fury at Heather, which caused Heather to turn up the heat on Tamra.

Vicki has been burned by Tamra before and I get the impression Vicki just can't be bothered with these broads anymore. Maybe she'll return next season. I hope she does. I always find her funny...but you can tell she's living her life and letting the cameras follow her, she isn't interested in setting up drama for its own sake, nor is she being particularly diplomatic. But Vicki always delivers and is great value for money.

Lizzie's birthday was so pathetically unfortunate. That said, she comes from money, has a nice personality and a husband who clearly loves her. Thus, she's a winner.

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The ending of this season was fantastic because the cast, collectively, turned on Aviva's crazy ass and laughed at her. It wasn't so much dramatic as it was comical. Aviva's fury just couldn't be contained and throwing that leg was a masterstroke.

The reunion, so far, has been enjoyable. Carole has done f*cked up her face and the blond hair looks bizarre.

Sonja is delusional, bless her, but she seemed to have a good grasp of what her business ACTUALLY is (ie: decorating and flipping houses) versus all the garbage she spews about a ton of deals during the season. Sonja's face is her fortune but she should realize that she needs to snag a rich husband to properly move on with her life.

Kristin was irrelevant as ever. The breast implants sent a radar signal to me that her marriage is doomed. Women often visit their plastic surgeon about a year before their divorce lawyer. And again she just didn't seem that bright.

Ramona is on the defensive and she's a damn fool if she thinks she's going to get away without talking about Mario and the implosion of her marriage, she really can dish it but can't take it.

Heather didn't have much to do this episode, but she is generally such a good sport throughout the season that she has nothing to hide or fear.

LuAnn is the MVP of the season and it's fitting that she was introduced as one of the housewives by Andy. If anyone ever deserved to return full time it's LuAnn, she made this season so enjoyable to watch. She was the highlight.

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Wow New Jersey is AMAZING this season. This episode was sooo good. That ending....priceless. Just the right sequence of events and the way it all went down....I don't know how anyone can find these ladies boring. Its really reminding me of Atlanta.

The flashbacks of Tre over the years brought a smile to my face. Love this woman and to see her grow and change over the years is really remarkable. Amber is so fake. Her husband stepped into it. And he's def a jerk.

Thanks for bringing some truth to this situation....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I like Amber and her husband *shrug*

The Giudices stole millions of dollars from the government it's simply not a good look for a lawyer to be fraternizing with them.

Amber didnt make that story about Nicole up she was just repeatng gossip. Not good either way but there is a difference.

I do love how the Giudices aren't center of drama and attacks anymore. 💓

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My issue with Amber & Jim is if you knew the Guidices were criminals then why sign up for the show? RHONJ is boring me this season. Hell, RHOC is entertaining me more, which is sad b/c RHOC used to be my least favorite. They are knocking it out the park this season though. I'm actually excited to see the Bali trip tomorrow. I dread watching NJ and its become habit more than enjoyment.

Stick a fork in NJ, IMO.

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Judging by them tacky ass commercials their asses were thirsty for some fame. I am sure that was their selling point to Bravo. Amber knew Me-Ho and Jim works closely with the people prosecuting the Giudices.

Edited by Eric83
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Exactly. Amber along with Melissa and Dina are killing RHONJ for me this season. I don't like Eddie Munster Teresa but at least she's not for attention thirsty this season. The twins are the only authentic characters this season but their spouses are too camera hungry, turning me off from them too. NJ is boring me to tears. I wish they would've reached out to Danielle instead of Dina. Danielle's delusions are so needed this season.

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Danielle has been tweeting and re-tweeting about how she should be on the show and Andy tweeted her back that they asked her back and she said no. They've asked her several times IIRC and she's always said no. One year they even invited her *just* to the reunion and she said no. I think the cast they have this season is great. Of course it would be EXPLOSIVE if Caroline and Jacqueline were around considering Dina is back, but I'm glad we're getting to see more of a normal housewives show instead of families being ripped apart. Amber is an obvious fame whore and along with her husband, they aren't very likable, but they're serving their purpose. Teresa is coming off well and I do find the scenes with her family to be very emotional. I also like that she's clearly making an effort to monitor her behavior in light of the sentencing. I understand what they did was wrong, but I do think compared to others they're going to grow from it.

And I'm sorry, but Dina is the standout this season. She is fricking flawless. I can't get enough of her!

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I also don't like how nuTeresa's punk ass threw a drink and tried to claw at Amber. I HATE people that think they can jump in a fight because their sibling is involved. Amber did the right thing trying to pull Nicole and Melissa to the side.



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