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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You wanna go in on Kenya and judge her moral character based on two seasons of a heavily produced reality show? Let's go all the way in on her cast mates..

Your moose, err girl, Naynay is a former stripper who raised a son that steals cheap [!@#$%^&*] from Walmart. She wanted to be an actress but couldn't cut it so she had to slum it on a reality show where she became infamous for being loud and a bully. She faked the end if her marriage in order to have a story i then be and an entitled raging bitch who nobody could stand. She's threatened by succsessful and secure women like Kandi. She visits to be against bullying and violence but bullies and attacks and endorses attacking others. She's a fame whore and a fraud - the very two things you claim to hate so much about Kenya. So you want to judge people, that's fine, but let's judge fairly.

Don't even get me started on the who drove the Underground Railroad and gays need to be saved dumbass who resorts to violence.

Then there is Fakdra. The girl who lied about how far along she was in her pregnancy to fit an image of a southern belle she crafted that ended up falling apart when her ex con husband turned out to still be nothing more than a criminal. So she decides to attack women for being unable to get prego and carry a baby.

So on the moral high ground, I'd say Kenya Moore is taller than these three by far.


Edited by JackPeyton
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The intense hatred for Kenya comes across very irrational and over the top. Its as if she personally went after you, kicked your dog in the stomach and then ran over him before tossing the body out over a cliff

DEAD! LOL....not much more to say but IA

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm honestly shocked she didn't. I sure dud think even 7 faces later you still couldn't cut it. God she was just so mean and nasty to Lizzie.

Vicki is tragic. Honestly. She clearly grew up with little to no love in a less than great family situation. She got knocked up young by an abusive and addicted man. While don did seem to be decent and do a great job raising her kids, it was clearly not a great or healthy relationship. Despite being self made she has no self worth. She has no confidence and is one of the most painfully insecure people I've seen. I still don't feel bad for her tho because she's an adult and she chooses to ignore these issues instead of fixing them. She takes her self hatred out on others and is just cruel to make herself feel better. Not to mention trying to force her daughter to accept a man who tried to have her beat. She's sick and it's disgusting and I honestly don't understand his anyone likes her or even finds her entertaining at this point.

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Oh poor innocent victimized Ramona. I'm sorry that she had a awful dad and a bad childhood. I understand it's not easy to overcome. But she's an adult. It's time to grow up and move on and get the help needed to do that. Throwing a glass in someone face for splashing in a LAKE in not a normal reaction. It's not ok. It's not Kristen's fault. Bless heather for saying she wasn't provoked. "Psycho botch throwing a glass of wine" YESSSS HEATHER.

"Her hair looks like [!@#$%^&*]" lmao Kristen. "This is an apology?" KRISTEN IS KEEPING IT REAL. You threw water on me so I threw a glass in your face. Only by Ramona is this logical. Kristen is slaying trashmona here. I loved how Kristen did back up and back down. She stood her ground and held this piece of trash accountable.

Look at Kristen stopping herself from smacking the !@#$%^&*] out of this trashpot. Like an adult. Really Sonja, splashing is childish but throwing glass isn't? Yes to Kristen refusing to cheers to trashmona. Keeping it real.

Heathers Elvis surprise is adorable. I love Kristen's obsession of Elvis. This is cute.

So now trashmona is going to lie about needing to leave because she's fake and immature. Even worse she's lying about even leaving. Heather is just awesome. This breakfast looks delicious. There is no tension now. Ramona feels guilty and instead of owning what she did she is going to run.

Obsessed with heather making people hug trees. Owning your actions involves owning it - not playing blame. Ramona can't do this. So now she's concocted this whole story and is crying to leave and not have to be accountable. She called a plane in the morning and set it up and used this as a blame but it's so fake.

I love Kristen. She absolutely has a right to be angry at being assaulted by Ramona. The others can excuse it and blame her childhood but it doesn't mean that what she did was ok and that Kristen should just let it go. Sonja and Ramona are so toxic to each other. Yes at Kristen calling it out that Sonja isn't her true friend.

Luann has just been wonderful this season.

I love pontoons! So much fun. Oh hi Austin! Get it grandma, I mean Sonja. This poor kid looks terrified. "She's saying I'm just another pretty face, I'm saying she's just an angry bitch" "let's be clear, there no competition with Ramona and I on any level" SLAY Kristen! Damn.

Kristen and josh on the phone was cute.

This town looks cute. This Sonja/Carole bisexuality story is hilarious.

YESSSS to Luann calling out Ramona on milking the abuse to get out of the trip and go to a party. Yes. Omg I'm loving them all spitting out truth. Yes sonja she would and did lie to you. This dinner was so fun.

OMFG Ramona at the dinner next week looks AMAZING.

Are Kristen and josh still together?

I can't wait to see Kristen go in on Ramona!!

Edited by JackPeyton
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I am curious about the new upcoming previews for the rest of OC's season though I'm hoping Shannon's meltdown will still be included.

Based on the first two episodes of Danielle and Lizzie, I can see why Lizzie got the housewife spot and Danielle didn't. Perhaps Danielle realized she needed to bring it and picked Tamra to bring it with since there were reports that the two go at it in Bali.. hence why Tamra is saying Danielle is a fame whore and such.

I also see that OC will not be on next week, and I'm wondering if the producers are re-editing some episodes since reaction to the first few episodes were lukewarm to intrigued.

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