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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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What stassi did to Kristen on VPR was an ambush. This was not. Others got involved because they were relevant to it and Lisa was deflecting until Ken started to get bitchy.

IMO you need a plan for an ambush.

Eta: it's like when Brandi was attacked at kyles house IMO. That wasn't a set up and ambush, but I can see how ppl would call either tho I just don't see them that way.

Edited by JackPeyton
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The BH Blogs > the show.

Brandi's was good. She owned some [!@#$%^&*] she dud and was wrong about and I was kinda surprised actually. Kim's was also rather good and she made some valid points. Lisa's was a poor me, I'm innocent, Ken was attacked, I don't know Brandi or Scheena. Lol. Joyce's was clearly Angelina for next season to be Lisa's friend, Patheticly transparent but good on her esp cuz it seems she and Kyle have fallen out.

Then there is Yolanda's. The perfection. The honesty. The slaying! Yesss.

Kim makes a great point as some of us have noted, Lisa was ver deflecting and not directly answering the question-

"I do believe Brandi, she is my friend, and I have no reason not to.

After watching the episode I noticed that Lisa kept saying "Just leave it alone," and "Let's drop it." However, if it were me I would want to get to the bottom of it so everyone knew the truth. It just seems very fishy that she reacted this way.

At dinner that night there was tension and it was quite at the

beginning. Then when my sister confronted Lisa and Brandi the whole

table turned upside down. . . like a circus! All my sister wanted was a

simple yes or no. But at this point Lisa kept talking in circles about

who bought them, who saw them, and when she first saw them. I couldn't

handle everyone yelling across at each other so I finally jumped in and

said, "Just answer the question!""

Brandi best part-

"I understand Ken defending his wife when no one else at the table, but I don't agree with the way he talked to Yolanda (who looked amazing in her bathing suit btw)."

Yolanda speaking some truth-

"Ken defending Lisa is natural -- I just felt it to be unfair for Ken to speak for Lisa. Ken always told Paul, Mauricio, and others not to get involved in the girls' issues and now he is doing it himself. We, the girls, choose to be in this group and only we should take responsibility for our actions and the friendships between us.

It's hard to see everyone's point-of-view but we must share for the sake of moving on. Kyle has a five-year relationship with Lisa with many unresolved issues. The magazine was only a small part of that. Brandi and Lisa were best friends way before I joined the group, which I dont know anything about, but I did witness the overnight change in their friendship. I know Lisa saw the tabloid at Brandi's house but I did not see her put the tabloid in the suitcase. . .

This whole conversation has gone off topic for me personally. I can only speak for myself when I say that my issues with Lisa over the past year have nothing to do with anyone in this group. I thought Lisa was my friend, and I believe my friendships with women to be about sharing! Some of you speak about jealousy, but trust me it is not part of this equation at all. There is nothing that Lisa is or has that I want. I cheer for her successes and always compliment her greatness -- but that does not mean that I don't have an opinion.

If Ken had given me the opportunity to speak at the table before lumping me in with the three other women and before he called me "stupid," I would have said that I saw the magazine in question at Brandi's house -- but I never saw Lisa put it in the suitcase. Ken did not want Kim to speak for Brandi, but he spoke for Lisa even though the truth is that neither one was there."

Edited by JackPeyton
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I have no intention of watching a BH episode where everybody attacks Lisa. I guess Yolanda's illness is no longer playing with her mind when she has a group of mean girls to team against Lisa. Kim is a sad piece of trash and you can't blame anybody for not treating her like a normal person, because she is not. Brandi is being Brandi, only this time she targets someone I really like so I am through with her.

Team Lisa all the way. They can all go away and I will still be watching Ken and Lisa playing with their dog.


What Marlo did was act like early Nene. Nene knows the game really well and she sees what is happening. I am sick and tired of watching her go to all the events angry and furious and not really acting like someone who has arrived. She is becoming way too toxic.

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I finally have time to post my full thoughts.

The confrontation on the beach: Lisa didn't deny a lot of what she was accused of. I agree with Yolanda about how if Lisa dies t feel that way about Kyle and mo after attacking them multiple times that she should have shared that. She was determined to make sure and attack their character and now she's friendly with them. It's weird. She claims they had a conversation about it but we saw her dodge it and Kyle confirm they didn't get anywhere in that talk. Lie. She didn't tell Brandi that she did call her, she asked when the last time Brandi called her was. Brandi stated recently and previously left messages. Lisa isn't answering or calling back. And yes throwing a party for yours and kyles husbands is a sign of being close. It's a Shane Lisa isn't a strong enough person to have a discussion and hash out real issues. That's the sign of a fake friend. So she just takes off. Then she accuses of it being five on one? Bitch please. First if all there were 4 at most, and I'm pretty sure only two confronted you. Then ken attacks Yolanda? He's becoming such a simon, desperate for a spot as a wife. Sit your ass down old man - Yolanda didn't come for him and he wasn't defending his wife because she wasn't being attacked the. I feel bad for Mo. And yes I totally believe Brandi here. Absolutely. Again she didn't really deny it. Lol at Kim stirring the pot desperate to secure her job. Bye bitch! Lisa whole I am so innocent, this is all a lie, poor innocent me act is gross but she's good at it. Yes ken, no does believe it because Lisa has attacked his character before.

Boyce: I just don't care. It's sad, I feel for her and her family, but I'm just not invested in her.

The bus: the Scheena issue was always bound to boil over. Once again Lisa just turns things around, deflects the issue, etc. go Brandi honestly. She caught her in a lie and Lisa's dog ken goes on the attack again. A trend? Yup. I totally believe Scheena was there via Lisa because that's her daughters close friend of five years and because the photos of her there she's in the friends/family section. Of course it's possible she was there via someone else but it's unlikely and Lisa was caught in the lie about her even being there.

The dinner: Kyle asked the question point blank and she didn't answer. Of course ken butts in before Lisa even speaks. Lisa says she didn't see the tabloids and is caught in another lie. Ken taking this up to levels it doesn't need to go to and name calling women. Gross. It is unacceptable that he's shouting and name calling but Lisa sure doesn't mind cuz she can't answer a question. As evident by Brandi pointing out that she saw it and Lisa trying desperately to point out she didn't pack it, she didn't bring it. Ken demanding Brandi answer when she has but his old yelling ass wouldn't listen. Kim vs ken was stupid and they were both in the wrong. So ken and Lisa storm off. Bye! I bet they will all get along now without her.. There was no ambush, there was a discussion that Ken turned into a fight. Once again Lisa is playing innocent as if she's never said a bad thing about anyone on this show. Lie. Again. So she just leaves so she doesn't have to deal with it. That's what liars do when everyone who've theyvd lied go and about compare stories and get to the truth.

The problem between Lisa and Kyle is quite simple. At their core, they are the same person. And Lisa and Brandi came together to take down adrinne and that should have warned both about who the other really is...

There's a difference between not wanting to be mothered by a friend and not wanting to be friends. Edited by JackPeyton
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Um ... There was a plan to bring it up again at the dinner to confront Lisa (and supposedly Brandi), so it's an ambush IMO. And part of being a friend is being somewhat nurturing and looking out for your friends. Lisa did that Brandi decided she's mothering her.

Overall, Brandi is an alcoholic bitch, possibly a meth head too like she accused Kim of, that can't keep her story straight. One second she loathes Lisa. Oh but she loves Lisa. One second she wants to take Lisa down. Oh but she didn't want too, someone probably made her do it. Lisa is bankrupt. Oh but Kyle told me that. #BitchBye #Dolt #ThirstyDueToInsufficentFunds #WannabeButWillNeverBe #StrayBitch

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All I want to know is since when did Brandi decide she was BFFs with Kyle and felt she just had to know the truth and throw Lisa under the bus. I do believe her since Lisa is a straight shooter and kept deflecting, however I remember when Lisa was the ONLY friend Brandi had and defended her to Kyle and Kim when they thought they were completely above her. Regardless of whether she packed the tabloids or when she saw the tabloids, it's over exaggerated nonsense and Brandi is shady for doing her wrong like that. What makes it worse it's for someone like Kyle who both she and Kim treated her like [!@#$%^&*] since she debuted. With friends like that Lisa don't need enemies.

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With RHoBH, the audience is so polarized that everyone is going to believe what they want to believe. It's like people who choose to watch Fox News or MSNBC. They want to see their own opinions validated and transmitted back to them. How can you argue with your own gut feeling?! To a lesser extent, RHoBH this season has given validation to the Lisa supporters and validation to the Lisa haters.

IMO, the episode radiated creeping dread from the moment it started... the dread that an ambush was being planned and put into motion. Most women maybe recognize that feeling from high school. The dread of a circle of friends turning against you, bitching about you when you are barely out of earshot, walking away from you like you are contagious because they are not ready to full-on confront you -- yet. The tension tightens into a knot of anxiety in your stomach where you can barely think of anything else. It builds and builds until the point when they decide, finally, to talk and it's like fighting off a kettle of vultures all of sudden as the accusations come thick and fast, and you are second-guessing yourself and barely able to think, and you feel sick to your stomach and just want to run away.

That's what I saw and why I felt so badly for Lisa. Lisa felt ganged up on, and that's why she walked away. She walked away because she didn't want them to see her break. She walked away because she wanted to show them that she doesn't care what they say, that she doesn't need them. When, in fact, she cares very much.

On the beach, Yolanda started to talk to Lisa about “Brandi feels/Brandi says this and that.” Well, then, this is Brandi's fight, not yours, Yolemons, and you should let B speak for herself. Lispy is a grown ass woman! She had no trouble confronting Lisa about Scheana in the bus on the way to dinner. Why couldn't she talk to her in plain daylight on the beach? No, Trashbox had to talk to everybody else first, namely Yol and Kim who lapped it all up like cream. Yolanda’s talking heads, which sounded reasonable at first, became increasingly smug and self-righteous, and I didn’t like that. She was relishing in it.

At the beach, the argument centered on How dare Lisa become BFFs with Kyle? How dare she host a party for both Ken and Mauricio? I don't know what to say about this incredible non-issue except that it is the definition of tits on an ant. Lisa and Kyle are pretending to build bridges while remaining at arm's length. How is that a sign of Lisa’s insidiousness? Why isn’t Kyle getting called out for agreeing to host a party with a woman she badmouthed in all her VTs?

Then there are the tabloids. Did or did Lisa not put the tabloids in Brandi's suitcase? This is a clear case of she said/she said. We have no way of knowing "for sure" who is lying. Again, we are going to believe what we want to believe. I personally go back and forth on whether Lisa did it. When Kyle asked her, point-blank, at the beach, Lisa answered her directly and told her she didn't -- "of course I didn't." There was no deflection. I believed her.

In the bus, Brandi talked with her about Scheana, Lisa denied that she was personally close to Scheana, certainly not as close as she felt with Brandi. I believed her. I also believed her when she whispered to Brandi that she loved her and wouldn’t do that to her.

But, at the dinner, her hemming and hawing made her look really bad. To be fair, Ken was talking so much that she could barely speak herself. She told him to shush a number of times. My opinion? She saw the tabloids at Brandi's, probably made a joke about bringing them to Palm Springs. But I also think Brandi embellished the part about Lisa forcibly putting them in Brandi's luggage two or three times. Like I said, I have no proof that it turned out this way. But Lisa was so hurt about being accused by the women that I felt it was more than just guilt at ‘getting caught.’

I felt sorry for Mauricio who must be so over all this [!@#$%^&*] raising questions over his ethics.

As for Kyle… FINALLY. Finally, Kyle is playing the role she was BORN to play! That of the eternal, put-upon victim. I have to hand it to Kyle this year. She took a step back, let others come to her for advice and with potentially explosive gossip, was careful never to appear overly plotting and spiteful (except in her VTs) and now she can play the wronged heroine who still, after all this, is willing to forgive!! What a kind, giving woman Kyle is. This really has been her season.

Kim... uh, I have nothing to say about that rude, desperate, cringeworthy attack dog que habla español como una gringa maleducada.

Trashbox? Inconsistent. Already backpeddaling big-time on everything she said. Can’t believe she is currently giving interviews saying she “still loves Pumpy.” Don’t say you’re my friend; act like one.

Wait, so this isn't the season finale after all? When is this [!@#$%^&*] going to end?!

No Lisa in PR, huh. A preview of things to come? I wouldn't be surprised if LIsa bows out after this. So, here it is, ladies and gentlemen! Your fab new RHoBH! Kim's wacky, "spontaneous" hijinks... "Truth-telling" Brandi giggling into her after she throws you under the bus... Kyle playing tearful victim over and over.... Bring on next season. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Cat
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Have I told you how much I love you, Cat? :P

That post was the TRUTH.

And I think they're only two episodes left because I think Kyle's white party is the finale this season.

Scratch that, the finale is a party at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Yo, Brandi, & Kyle try and make up with Lisa, and Kim apologizes to Ken. I just looked up the summary on wiki. And they're having a two part reunion, which is much deserved after a dull season.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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