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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lord ... Nene should've just continued to come for Kenya and left Marlo alone. That's a whole 'nother beast Nene ain't ready for....

Nene calling her Manlow, which let's be honest, Nene can't talk, has finally pushed Marlo over the edge. Marlo previously was cordial in interviews when asked about Nene. I feared this episode would rehash old tension, and sever all ties between the two.

Nene better bring it at the reunion b/c Bravo is gonna bring Marlo as back up for Kenya.

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Just watched. Nene was WRONG. She had no reason to shade Marlo and exclude her other than being petty. I see she high tailed it out of there because she wasn't ready for that read Marlo was going to give her.

I feel what Marlo is feeling. We are friends and you just stop speaking? Thats some high school mess.

Next episode looks good as hell. Shame we have to wait two weeks because of the dry ass, dull ass Oscars.

Edited by Eric83
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What…an episode.

So much happened this episode that I'm really not sure where to begin, and so things may not be in order. Let me just start by saying that Kandi was giving me absolutely everything that I needed with her commentary. I love that she was on Nene's side and shaded Kenya, calling her out for her obvious ulterior motives and ass kissing.

The initial Marlo/Kenya lunch date, I liked. I liked that Marlo was defending Nene to Kenya, and for a split second I thought I was going to be team Marlo/Kenya in this. But then things progressed.

I'll touch on the minor details first:

I liked the Porsha/ Nene scenes, but they seemed kind of random and out of place within the episode.

The birthday party was interesting. Could Nene have been more cordial with Peter? Yes. But she kept it real - she told him she had beef and that they would discuss it later, but still wished him a happy birthday. At the end of the ay, she didn't owe him anything more than that.

I appreciated that Kenya apologized for her part in it, and I liked that her and Nene spoke, but I thought it was kind of inappropriate that Kenya chose Peter's birthday party as the platform to do so. That being said, I do think it was good that she apologized and that Nene listened. You can say Nene should have apologized too, but she didn't have anything to apologize to Kenya for.

This was the part of the episode that got me to be anti-Marlo. Her behavior was not appropriate. You all can say what you like, but if you see your best friend hanging all over someone you are fighting with right in front of you, you are going to be pissed. Marlo is supposed to be NENE'S best friend. She met/befriended Kenya a matter of weeks ago. So, if I'm Nene, sitting there watching Marlo act as if Kenya was her best friend in the world, I would have been pissed too. I liked that Nene just got up and left instead of getting crunk with them about it. She took the high road and I admired that.

Moving on to the Bailey Bowl - one of you said that the slow-motion showed Nene starting the altercation, which is not true. The slow-motion showed that Kenya/Marlo ran up to Nene and attempted to touch/grab her (albeit not in a confrontational way), and Nene swatted them away. Marlo then called Nene a bitch, Nene tossed the water bottle (not at Marlo, BTW. She tossed it over her shoulder, she hardly wound up and threw it at anyone), and then Nene walked away from the fight. But if we are talking about the slow motion, technically Marlo and Kenya made contact with Nene first and Nene never touched or hit anyone.

Marlo really showed her true colors here. What trash. She definitely wanted to get a reaction out of Nene and thankfully Nene didn't give it to her.

And I CANNOT at Marlo's fake tears on Kenya's shoulder. As if if it didn't sound fake enough, when she lifted her head up off Kenya's shoulder, before covering her face with her hands, you could see there was not a single tear.

Also, I have to say - Kenya is a damn [!@#$%^&*] stirrer. There was no reason for her to invite Marlo to be on her team. When she found out Marlo wasn't invited to be on Nene's team, she knew something was going on. Whether or not she knew it involved her (Kenya) is irrelevant. She invited Marlo to cause drama and if you try to deny that then girl, bye!

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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As for the friends, I do not think they will do it. There are too many and even though Bravo is trying to do Nene dirty, they won't test her by having Marlo appear. Kenya is talking about not returning next year so hopefully Bravo is realizing that she is just another Sheree and will handle things appropriately.

I wouldn't mind seeing the friends, but I really doubt they'll invite Marlo and so therefore they won't invite any of the friends in order to avoid backlash.

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I'm sorry, Mr. Vixen, but Nene started that sh*t. Call a spade, a spade. Marlo may have touch her non-confrontational, which you've said, but slow-mo showed Nene dousing water at Kenya & Marlo, and people there have backed this. Whether it's water, spit, a rock, or an open handed slap, it's a form of assault. I would've dug into Nene's ass had it been me too. Kenya tried to make the two make up when Nene got hostile.

Again, Marlo is a fault too, but Nene started it, and when realized she couldn't tame the dragon no more, she headed for the hills. Nene knows that Marlo ain't the one. She would've snatched Nene bald.

Nene needs to seriously grow the f*ck up. She did this s*it s2. It's s6 now. For someone who prides herself on growing up, she ain't acting like it. I hate territorial friends. No one can't tell me to befriend, and chastise me when I don't follow orders. That's Nene problem. She hated it when Kim befriended Kandi, and she hates Marlo/Kenya budding friendship. Can't they all get along w/o Nene always trying to control crap?!

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I do not agree that Nene started it. MARLO walked up to Nene/Lexis/Mynique as they walked down to the field talking about "I'm pissed I wasn't invited, I'ma make sure TEAM TWIRL WINS! Did you hear me Lex!? I WASN'T INVITED!!!"

Then later, she walks up to them again, she SEES Nene walk away from her, and yet goes and jumps on her back? She knew that would provoke her. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Nene didn't run because she was afraid of Marlo. Nene has no reason to be afraid of that hooker. She made her.

ETA: You can't tell your friends who to be friends with, BUT you have every right to be mad when your "best friend" goes and, right in front of you" acts like best friends with someone they know you're made at, who they just met two weeks ago. Very shady, very inappropriate.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Marlo and Nene are not BEST friends. It is not a crime for her to be cool with Kenya. Marlo said that at the Season 4 reunion when He-ree tried to justify not inviting her to the dinner that just because Nene isn't cool with someone doesn't mean they cant be friends.

I dont see how Marlo did anything wrong. NeNe stopped talking to her andtried to act like she didn't exist and yet shes calling her phone last night trying to patch things up. :rolleyes:

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