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Yeah I'm pretty sure they are not friends. Urgently or in recent times. Even if they are it's nowhere near comparable to Scheena. As we discussing with ATL I have no problem with friends being friends with someone their friends dislike. Except in an extreme distraction. And Scheena is an extreme situation. I think Brandi was as ok as one can be with her working for Lisa still. The issue seems to be more this season with Lisa pushing them to interact. Brandi interacted with her to start VPR, and that should have been the end of it. Not to mention this season it's clear Lisa has brought Scheena around a lot more in their non work life as well. But to bring her around Brandi and push Brandi to talk to her about marriage? Production or not I don't car it's a shitty thing to do.

The reason Lisa walks away when Yolanda is confronting her is because Lisa can't control the conversation. She can't flip get script and turn it all on Yolanda. Because Yolanda isn't a Brandi or Kyle. And Yolanda is totally in the right when saying if something happened to changed Lisa's opinion of Kyle and M after crucifying them publicly and to her friends. I think her asking Lisa if they are real friends or Hollywood friends is more than warranted and it's it appears that Lisa brushes it off and then leaves as opposed to giving an answer. Honestly the sudden best friendship with Kyle again seems very fake.

Don't even get me started on how men is talking to the ladies. Esp Yolanda.

I don't think Brandi or anyone expected her to fire the girl.

But not bring her around Brandi at non sur events. Not push Brandi to go talk to her about marriage. I'm not sure what's so understand about how that is not being a good friend by putting Brandi in oes situation. Those are moves of a show friend, not a real friend.

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And that...for me...was the only valid thing that I did like from those clips. A lot has been going on between Yolanda and Lisa that I wish they would be able to sit down and talk about it. Perferably when the others are not around to stir the pot. Because they have known each other too long to just let it fall apart like this. And I'm sure Yolanda has been noticing something and would surely bring it out in a civil way.

Now that 4 on 1 at the table. HELL TO THE NO!!!

And that...for me...was the only valid thing that I did like from those clips. A lot has been going on between Yolanda and Lisa that I wish they would be able to sit down and talk about it. Perferably when the others are not around to stir the pot. Because they have known each other too long to just let it fall apart like this. And I'm sure Yolanda has been noticing something and would surely bring it out in a civil way.

Now that 4 on 1 at the table. HELL TO THE NO!!!

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I think it look like Yolanda takes her aside so they can discuss this in private but Lisa walks away and then Brandi comes over because she thinks it's about her, when Yolanda has her own issues with Lisa that Brandi doesn't seem to realize. Then of course Kyle and Kim join in.

That 4 on 1 at the table doesn't seem to me like a gang up attack. It's Lisa vs Kyle and Brandi telling what happened. Ken gets involved before Brandi even speaks. He accuses them all of planning it before the others speak. Yolanda only gets involved to ask ken why he's so worked up and he calls her stupid. Kens the one that makes it a table wise fight.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Right now it seems like Lisa and Brandi are feuding as are Lisa and Kyle, Yolanda and Brandi, Yolanda and Lisa, Kim and Lisa, carlton and Joyce, Brandi and Joyce. Basically everyone but Lisa/carlton, Kyle/Brandi. And Kyle/Joyce tho it seems like Joyce is mad that Kyle mentioned that her father died when she didn't want that public.

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"Life is a sexy little dance, and I like to take the lead" Can we talk about how FABULOUS Lisa's tagline is. I just love to hear it everytime I see the promo and love that its the last one to close it out

Oh boy, how many times are we going to see the clip of Kyle mentioning the Jewish star. Kyle told Joyce that she asked Carlton if she was anti-Semitic. No she didn't! She said "you are obviously anti-Semitic". She phrased it as a statement, not a question.

Good lord I cant with this curse, spells and hex storyline. This ish has to be fake right? This is really a jumping the shark moment for me. I CANT!

I really enjoy Yolanda's relationship with Mohammad. Its really cool how they get along despite their divorce and David is involved and friendly with him

Brandi waging war against Lisa....bitch bye! She says that Lisa knew that Scheanna was sleeping with Eddie when she was pregnant. Well she gave birth in 2007 and Scheanna has admitted they started in 2006. According to that flashback from 2012, Lisa had known Scheanna for 2 years, meaning they met at 2010, maybe 2009 at the earliest. How the F would Lisa know the affair was going on? Brandi is really reaching here. Brandi didn't even know Lisa until 2011, nearly 2 years after the affair came out to the public. Like I said, bitch, bye!

Carlton wasn't invited to PR? Good. I have no use to see her there

I have to say I didn't like how Lisa inserted herself in the Carlton, Kyle, Brandi scene. It really had nothing to do with her. Yolanda was right to check her especially since it was her daughter's party. Wrong time and place for that

LMAO at Lisa's nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh what?!? I need a gif of that

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"Life isn't all diamonds and rose; but it should be!"

And it is the way she said it that made it so perfect as it had a sense of naughtiness to it.

Haven't seen this week's episode but I do have to point out that in Brandi's talking heads she has said she would have fired Scheana and that Lisa should have done the same...which is ridiculous on many levels given that Lisa would have been sued for doing that...and the fact that she met Brandi years after hiring Scheana.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I miss the early season taglines of NY and NJ! These were tags that they actually took from stuff the women said. Like Danielle's "You either love me or hate me. There's no in between with me." And LuAnn's "I never feel guilty about being privileged."

My favourite tag from Lisa is "In Beverly Hills, it's who you know -- and I know everyone." But the diamonds and rosé line is pretty good.

I am watching RHoBH right now. Going to post soon! Hope DF does too in the next few days.

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Yes, Brandi would have. But I don't think her not firing is an issue at all though. I think Brandi's very valid issue with Lisa is her using Brandi to create story and buzz for a show Brandi isn't on; for suddenly putting her and Scheena together with no heads up; for pushing Brandi to talk to Scheena about marriage. Beyond Scheena, I think Lisa has used Brandi to do some dirty work with the other women but I don't feel bad for Brandi because she hated them and wanted to so it. More than anything tho I think Brandi though of Lisa as a real friend, and when times got tough I don't think she felt Lisa was there for her, and actually choose to get close to Kyle suddenly. Brandi made the mistake of thinking anything real comes out of the real housewives, basically.

I think it's telling that Brandi and Yolanda have the same issues with Lisa. Issues that every single cast member has mentioned about Lisa before and they defended her over. Being phony, basically. Now it's happened to them and they see. I also find it interesting that Kyle hasn't taken the chance to become Lisa's number one again, and actually it kind of makes me like her somewhat.

I actually do not hate Lisa and I feel like it's come across that I do (ok and I do on VPR...) but I actually loved Lisa a lot over the years. I'd rank her as one of the best real housewives for sure. However, I do think a lot of what Kyle has accused her of over the years had some merit but I hated Kyle and loved Lisa so I didn't care. And I don't love love love Brandi, she's not my ride or die, and I think a lot of what y'all have said about her is true, but I do think that she genuinely felt that she Yolanda and Lisa were friends and Lisa's actions are showing her otherwise now. Now Brandi isn't dumb and I think def plays this up for the show, but I don't think Lisa is someone you can have a real deep conversation with about issues you have with her because she will just be defensive and deflect and walk away. As she seems to,do when Yolanda tries it. I also don't hateeeee Kyle but I greatly dislike her. Yolanda tho, I love. I love her because I just find her absolutely honest and blunt but not cruel.

Basically, I don't think it's cut and dry, black and white, simple at all here. I think that the dynamics on rhobh are messy and wish the shawl had not wasted so much time in getting to this point. Really at least 4 episodes prior to this could have been condensed if not cut. This Brandi/Yolanda/Lisa/Kyle dynamic is where the show is at. They have extended taping in other season and should have for this one.

I think that of Brandi/Yolanda/Lisa/Kyle return next year it could be great, but a lot can change in a few months.

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