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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Phae-phae: "I don't like bite size brownies and I don't like cocktail sausages" :lol:

Mal bringing up the sex was OUT of line and was none of her business. I cant belevie she went there. Biisssshhhhh

Love Kenya's material with her father. I have to say she was the star of this episode. She was instigating sh-t, had great talking heads and a good amount of screentime. Was enjoying her a bit

IA with Nene in her decision to not to Kandi's bootleg play. It is NOT a good look for her, especially since she does want to be taken seriously in Hollywood. Going from NBC her ratchet production is a major step backwards.

Ewww to Phaedra's baby throwing up on Porsha. Good though bc that's what she gets for being stupid. LOL at Phaedra saying buying that house is the stupidest thing she's done

Cynthia: "Does Porsha like being read by Nene?" LMAO at how Phaedra and Kenya shouted out her business to Nene. They tag teamed her knowing she didn't want Nene to be told.

They crying was so over the top and IA with Kenya. She was doing that for sympathy. She is too needy and just had to turn that event into being about her



Mal was being quite the bitch to Kenya! Don't come for Kenya unless she sends for you!

lol, I read some speculate that that's a a manipulative tactic by him bc he knows that he doesn't want to work. Now when he is living in her house with no job, he can blame it on her when people bring up why he's not working. People think he's an opportunist bc of her and I can see why she has a reputation of being a super mama. She comes across a bit needy at times and wants to provide for her men. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but she ends up setting herself up to be played bc she doesn't always see what's happening. It's too bad Joyce wasn't on. She really is a key component to why Kandi is interesting g this season Edited by Cheap21
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I hoped as soon as they showed the clip that you would screen cap that b*itch so THANK YOU, CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at those boots. Are those the godness one that she wore in that I DREAM OF NENE episode?

And I love the fact that Marlo is popping back up given all she said back in Season 4 about Kandi and Todd at the reunion and a season and a half later...just like with Kim and the house...what she said appears (I said appear) to be the gospel...maybe.

Wonder if she will have something to say about that.

And did you all see LEXIS is there, too?

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If you check out sneak peek on Bravo website you will see Lexis. Kenya gets into it with Cynthia's friend Natalie who came with Cynthia to that dance class at the Kandi Factory. Natalie came for Kenya's throat but Kenya says she has the tea on her husband Christopher Williams. He is most known for his song "I'm Dreamin'" he's also a known drug user who used to beat Stacy Dash.
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Brandi please shut your mouth your really becoming toxic waste.

Thought it was nice to see Kim totally admit to missing events and such in the past. It was nice to see that she can now admit to her faults.

Still not a big fan of Carlton.

Loving Joyce more and more each week.

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Ken is a hypocrite. He goes on about Michael jumping in Joyce and Brandi's argument because "Brandi doesn't have a man" yet he jumped in and threw a dig at Sh-t Stain who doesn't have a man either.

Missed Yolanda in this episode.

Bored with Joyce and B randi's beef. Judging from recent behavior their truce is called off. I'm patiently waiting for the reunion.

Carlton is so petty and annoying.

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