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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Beverly Hills was TERRIBLE last season. TERRIBLE, including that wack ass reunion that nobody came to. It was a total mess. With New York, last season wasn't "exciting" , but I do think they had a strong narrative from beginning to end. I enjoyed watching it. I think every season of New York is good just because the storylines seem to flow so well from beginning to end. It doesn't feel choppy and manufactured like some of the other shows. These women know how to play the game.

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You guys are prob right -- I am so biased because I am determined to love RHoBH even during its fallow periods. The sad thing is, all I can remember about last season BH were Kim & Kyle trying to turn Lisa against Yolanda... and "Twenny-Five ThouZIND" aka Dana aka PAM showing up at Taylor's, freshly divorced, super-bitter, trying to light her cigarette with that giant-ass lighter.

As for RHoNY, it took a LONG time to gel last year (and they must still be struggling with it given that it has been off our screens for so long) but once it did, it packed a punch. As Chris says, all the ladies know when to deliver. I miss the old cast but I also love the new cast... I sort of wish we could combine the two casts to make one super RHoNY.

Like, I would love to see Bethenny, Jill (yes, I said Jill), Ramona, LuAnn, Alex, Sonja, Heather, Carole, Aviva (obviously Cindy and crazy-ass Kelly can stay gone). I would give anything to see Aviva vs. Jill... Heather and Bethenny hitting it off... LuAnn vs Alex again.. Bethenny and Carole not getting each other (something tells me they wouldn't 'understand' each other)... Aviva and Bethenny HATING each other and Jill deciding to allign herself with Aviva just to piss Bethenny off... LuAnn and Jill turning on Carole... Ramona and Sonja turning on Aviva...

OK, I'm going to stop now, lol.

Edited by Cat
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Really? People disliked Beverly Hills last year? I loved it, as always. I always find BH to be consistently entertaining, each & every episode.

Yeah, Tamra's wedding special should be a half-hour long. But considering there's only 3 episodes total (right?), I'll watch it through. It's pretty telling though that 2 other OC wives were already featured. Tamra clearly can't carry a show on her own and needs her castmates to basically make this a Tamra-centric extention of OC Housewives.

She's alright overall, but she comes off as being so insincere. Like all of her blunt statements reak of showboating for the sake of the cameras. And "the hottest housewife?" Not with those cottage cheese arms and back. Girlfriend looks great for her age, but c'mon.

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I will follow Empress Lisa to the gates of hell, so whatever happened between her and Brandi, I'm laying the blame at Brandi's feet. At a point, we all have to pick a side with our favourite Housewives, and Lisa's got my vote.

Season 4 really is the season where the shows all die because they just get too personal and nasty. OC, the oldest of the lot, is, in many ways, the 'nicest' of the shows, certainly they are awful to each other, but they also have a certain lightness to themselves, likely because they're relatively suburban women rather than the other franchises were the women live (or think they live: Atlanta and NJ) in a high stakes environment. Ultimately, the OC women still shop at Costco and buy the odd thing at Marshalls like everyone else.

After 4 seasons it seems like the women just get too sick of each other and too much water is under the bridge.

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Thanks to Bravo Andy's tweets, I now know there is an Alex McCord Onion Chopper: http://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-alex-mccord-onion-chopper-1

She's already sold 980 of them, which is almost $14,000 at the price she's selling them. That's not bad for a side hustle and there's no telling how many she's sold in other avenues. Their strong work ethic is another reason I've always loved Alex and Simon. Yes they weretrying a bit too hard in the beginning, but they were actually working for it, unlike so many other housewives with their scams.

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Exactly! Faye instigated a lot of the drama last season. The main feud was between Adrienne and Brandi with Lisa in her corner but Adrienne took a hands off approach and didn't really get too involved. Faye kept things going and firmly planted herself in the middle of a lot of the major conflicts. She gave the other women material to play off of. She was like this dark cloud and you knew sh-t was going to go down when Faye was around. She did try a bit too hard but she was effective nonetheless. I don't think the Adrienne drama would have been much of a story without Faye there to play her supporting role as main henchwoman (a role she also was glad to take on for Kyle)

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