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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh, another thing. I thought everybody was kind of mean about Kent, Slade's brother. OK, obviously, the hair was awful and I wish we had seen the haircut they said they were going to give him. But at the same time, he's doing his own thing and seems pretty happy. He is entitled to style himself how he wants. Not sure how Slade felt when he saw those VTs of Gretchen talking about Kent as "backward Slade" or hillbilly and other wonderful terms evoking white-trashdom. Just because he's not living in a gated community, working in "home financing" and mortgaged up to his ears?

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I'm shocked to see Tre plans to plead not guilty. Good luck with that. This is the kind of case the feds dream of. They don't have the resources to send every Applebee's server who fails to declare all of her tips to prison. They can send all of those people a nice little warning about what could happen when a celebrity evades their taxes and does a few months in the big house. I was thinking this could be a Lauryn Hill situation. Plead out and do a year or two, but if she doesn't plead out this could get ugly. I hope for her children's sake she doesn't get too much time.

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Yeah NJ is high rated but it's not like it's unique or anything. They could wrangle together 6 interesting women in another city and Bravo wouldn't miss a beat. If they somehow get wrangled up into this by having to hand over raw footage or testifying about Teresa's true salary they will prob cut the Giudices. Especially if they go to prison. Without Teresa there is no point to Melissa or Kathy, Caroline is already clinging on Tre for dear life to provide story, and Jacqueline..... lol. Just let NJ be what it was. It was a nice 5 year run no need to revamp IMO.

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Well shoot. And there I thought Russell's suicide was the Housewives franchise's Moldavian Massacre. It appears Joe & Teresa Go To The Big House will be their unraveling. Hope there isn't a domino effect after Jersey goes... (Better enjoy this season while it lasts, Ramona and LuAnn!)

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Oh hell naw at them hard body broads coming for my Gretchen.

I'm glad to see Lydia come for someone other than Gretchen. Especially Heather, who says s#it and thinks no one will check her ass because of her status.

Tamra . . . boo. They need to fire this deranged prostitute already.

Vicki, ugh. Over this broad.

Alexis . . . she's still on the show? She was so irrelevant the entire time why invite her to the reunion? Hell, Lauri had more screen time than Jesus Barbie. She accuses Gretchen of being team Trampra but she's riding her d!ck nowadays.

I'm praying next season that Tamra's old ass ends up in the hot seat because the b!tch can't happy for anyone and now that she has Vicki back, she'll throw Heather and Lydia to the wolves too.

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OC just NEEDS to add Lauri again for a gretchen ally and to take on Vicki and Tamra. Cut horselady and jesus juggs and bring on a new wife to be in the middle with heather and give Jeanna her own show so she can pop up, and pop off, on OC!

The one thing is next season should def show Tamra turning on Heather. Its her turn, so that could be amazing.

Oh, and for ape and NJ - i hope her deliousnal, lying ass goes to prison. is it sad for her kids? Absolutely. But that doesnt mean she should get off. Maybe she and her husband should have thought about their kids.

Id love a ape free NJ.

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I don't think she should get off, if the government proves their case, but I wouldn't want to see anyone do 50 years for these crimes. Anyone who makes a million dollars and evades their taxes deserves to do a little time. Then they need to get their asses back to work to pay what they owe plus all the penalties and fines.

The part where they lied about their income to get a mortgage is interesting. Wasn't that part of the issue that fueled the housing crash? Lenders were encouraging people to do that kind of thing if I remember correctly. That doesn't make it ok, but I wonder how many people out there have done the same thing without being charged with a crime? I personally know at least one, but not on this level by any stretch and she did end up in foreclosure.

So yeah, I feel a little compassion for Tre. People make mistakes sometimes and don't think about the consequences until it's too late. Still, to me, it's the sheer arrogance and greed that I can't get over. They obviously thought that they were above the law and could flaunt it on TV. They were wrong.

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To lie and contentiously lie and keep those lies going are not mistakes tho. They are deliberate choices to commit fraud and evade taxes.

50 years isn't going to happen. She should get a few years if they prove their case then finish out what time she's given on house arrest

The only people I feel any sympathy or compassion for are the girls.

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I still think Juicy will take responsibility for everything. The only thing Tre can't plead ignorance about are the loans she applied for with the fake W-2's and pay stubs. Could they have done that on their own? Im still trying to wrap my head around someone having the balls and the means to fake that. I don't see them naming any potential accomplices though. She also can't get out of lying about her true RHONJ salary and her book advances. Juicy already has a pending trial and criminal record and handled most of their finances. He is def going to jail but idk of Tre will. Not saying she deserves to get off scott free I just think they'll try to make a plea deal that puts al the blame on Juicy and she'll ask for probation or minimal prison time (< 1 year) since she has a clean record.

Edited by Eric83
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