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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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Faye = another version of Miami's sad drag queen Elaine

How many Chanel bags did you buy from your book money dude?

She is pathetic, has no place in all this and is always trying to cause drama to please her master. I hate her, but she makes a far more interesting drag queen than Elaine/James. The stupid bitchy lines hoping to sound like Alexis Colby.. please.. I like her looks though.

I can't stand Kyle and I don't want to watch another scene of the Richards sisters crying over everything. Maurizio is so cheating on her and I bet she knows. She wants to get involved in other people's drama so that nobody pays attention to hers. I am sure we don't even know half of her crazy story with Kim.

I adore Lisa, Brandi and Yolanda. It is so great to watch women acting like real friends on such a show.

Taylor looked good in this episode.

Marissa is boring and she is trying really hard to tell us how interesting and fun she is. And I don't care who her type is. After talking like this all the time I can't see why Brandi's text upset her.

And Adrienne. I still can't hate Adrienne for some reason. I can't stand Paul though and I don't understand why I have seen him half-naked so many times. Brandi's reaction when thinking of flirting with Paul was priceless.

Edited by Elsa
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This is just a vibe I get from him. And everytime he says hello or kisses another woman in a party, especially a gorgeous one. And this couple's obsession to act like highschool sweethearts all the time also seems suspicious. I got this vibe from Maurizio from the very first episode. It's like when you meet a couple and think from the first moment, he is so cheating on her.

Ken and Lisa also seem to be in a very interesting marriage and I don't mean it in a bad or scandalous way. They are both very confident about their relationship and not in a fake way like Kyle and Maurizio.

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