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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Haha, thanks! I wanted it to just be Lisa, Nene and Teresa at first but had to add the other 3. I noticed that the further they are away from Lisa, the less happy they are. Kenya looks pissed off, Brandi looks bored and Ronnie looks like she fell off the wagon

She made a mistake and when she realized how much that stripper comment hurt Caroline, she apologized profusely. Why did that make Teresa unforgiveable? Teresa was dead to Caroline the minute that book came out. IMO that wasn't right either. To me it wasn't even that serious. Caroline cant take a joke. I think most people would be initially upset but would eventually get over it, especially after being apologized to so many times, but Caroline never did. She held onto that grudge and let her bitterness build up to the point where she was hating Teresa behind her back and waiting for the moment to pounce on her, which she did during the ambush at Jac's house

Edited by Cheap21
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Jody: "I don't care about Mary Zilba. She's still alive?" LMAO, you stole that line from Nene!

Robin: "I have a feeling that Ronnie is going to be crazier than a bag full of rattlesnakes" "Sorry, a bug went in my mouth" LOL

Why is Mia's best friend a housewife and not Mia? I get that Mary felt threatened by Jody and rightfully so but she started in on Mia when Mia didn't say or do anything to her. It was wrong to attack her. She should have kept her insults limited to Jody

Little Bitch is working my nerves. IA with Ronnie. She is very aggressive and out to start sh-t.

Not enough Ioula in this episode

Jody...she's such a hilarious villain. She is so awful yet literally cracks me up. Her dress at the party though was awful


The sombrero of strength...lol


God I love Ronnie

there's no maybe about it. I had to roll my eyes at how Mary couldn't even admit it. Girl you had work. Edited by Cheap21
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Oh I definetly agree. I do have to say that I enjoy their feud. Its one of the things that makes Vancouver for me. Jody is so ridiculous and over the top and more like how she originally was when the series began. I started to hate her last season when she started spazzing out and turned on everyone. Im glad she can somewhat behave, well as much as someone like Jody can Edited by Cheap21
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Jody. . . ugh. They seriously need to get rid of this broad. All I have to say is that she's lucky that she's on RHOV b/c if she was ANY of the American Housewives franchises, she'd be eaten alive. Amanda continues to be such a basic b*tch. It's clear that she wants to pick a fight with someone, to the point that its sad and pathetic. Ronnie. I want to like her but she stirs the pot too much. Mary. Love her but she needs to whoop Jody's and Mia's asses already. But I do believe that everyone is out for her b/c she is so kind and generous, and it irks them b/c most of these women are not. Robin is just adorable and so is Ioulia.

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There have only been two scenes in the entirety of RHOV when Jody Claman has appeared human. In S1 when she cried about her father dying before she'd made a success of herself and in S2, in this latest episode, when she said to her son Josh, teary eyed: "In a good life you get 75 Thanksgivings and I want to spend as many of those with you as I can"...it's nice to see that Jody has her human moments.

That said, they're moments. And she was back to her heinous self when it comes to Mary, she's always on the attack with Mary, bringing up 30 year old Miss America nonsense borders on the obsessed. At the same time, Mary comes across a tiny bit as if she likes being the victim, I think Ronnie called that one quite well.

Ronnie's the head girl of this show and she makes no apologies for herself. When she's sober she's really got herself together.

Not much to say about Ioulia this episode, but I still think she's lovely.

Robyn, God bless her, cannot sing well. She is so funny and kind she should celebrate her wonderful personality and amazing body...let the singing go girl, it is not your forte.

Amanda is terribly basic and she just wants to stir things up and have a fight with whoever. She's messy and seems very aggressive needlessly.

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I was just coming on here to post ALL of this. But now I don't need to!

Agree with everything you said. Even about Mary, who I love. She was horribly treated by Jody at the party but also, it's like she's so used to playing Woe-is-me that she gets some kind of kick out of it.

It is hilarious watching Amanda run around thinking she's Queen Bee because she doesn't even realize how much she isn't. There's no bigger fool than the fool who thinks he is wise! And that "birthday party" featuring only the HWs (does Amanda have no other friends besides Mia and her bf?) was contrived. "Don't look under the table!" Thanks for the warning -- I really don't need to see you giving your boyfriend a handjob in a restaurant. Amanda is addicted to being the center of attention -- what a pity she has to be obnoxious to do so.

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