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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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All caught up on Vancouver.

Loved Ronnie going after Amanda. Ronnie's turned into such a godfather like character. Nobody messes with her. I just about laughed when they showed the outside of Amanda's house. Yes, it's a nice home, but she's sooooooo out of her league with the other women. I expected Jodi to put on gloves before entering her house.

Still can't stand Jodi. I feel like starting a drinking game every time she calls Mary unstable. I'm kinda liking Mia though this season. She's fun to watch.

I'm loving Ioulia & Robin so far. Ioulia makes a great step mom!

Edited by darraholic
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Umm God forgive me but I almost was rooting for Amanda in her little showdown with Ronnie. Ronnie likes to stir the pot and she def pushed Amanda's buttons on purpose at Jodi's the other day. Perhaps Amanda's reaction was a little over the top but STILL the way Ronnie was acting all innocent and shocked was so ridiculous.

That being said her quick turn on Jody was effing hilarious..."WHY ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT WEIRD LOOK!?"

I need Andy to bring this show to Bravo here in the US. It would instantly be Top 3 franchises here.

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I had a feeling a RH was going to be on this season. Lisa's a-- can move too.


I totally misheard what Brandi said about Mohammed (msp). Her comment was not about forgetting whether or not she had sex with him - it was her contemplating whether or not she flirts with him.

Loved having Yolanda on for most of the episode, for once.

Ken (<-- mostly his) and Lisa's extended family? Surprising but funny - and good-looking.

I've noticed this forever but I've never said it: Lisa's adorable dog looks so much like Ken.

Kyle was tolerable the entire episode.

Poor Taylor. Bravo not showing her any love (no ticket to Paris).

Looking at the preview, Yolanda and Brandi pretty much decide to be a couple in Paris.

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You go Brandi! Top that worst dressed list. Seriously, good for her. Shes out there, shes doing her thing, shes making bank right now and her out of work ex husband and his mistress aint got nothing going on.

I actually respected Kim and Kyles talk with Taylor. She does have a drinking problem, now if shes an alkie or just having a hard time im not one to say, but good friends step in like that and point things out that she may not see or realize and thats what they did. that line about thats what sisters are for was so touching. This is the Kyle I once loved. Also, i like kim love the turtle shells on the wall as art. Brilliant.

Loved Yolanda throwing Mohammed a house warming party, and David/Mohammed getting along and joking about the situation, and how effortlessly Ken and Lisa are with all of them, and how they all welcomes Brandi into their fold. I could watch those 6 all day. Dying at Yolanda confrontintg Taylor, Taylor lying, Yolanda knowing she was lying and not caring, lol. She knows whats up as was clear when she mentioned Taylors friend was still in love with David.

I also loved how Yolanda and Lisa realized they would be traveling at the same time and made this paris trip happen, and just included Brandi as if it were second nature. Brandi may be outspoken and inappropriate, but Yolanda and Lisa sure have taken to her, likely due to her realness. Would you rather have a friend who keeps it real and is who they are and accept you for who you are but is inappropriate and abrasive to some, or a phony?

Then the trip got contrived with Kyle also just so happening to be going, lol but whatever ill roll with it. Loved Mo, Kyle and Kim at the airport, and how sad about Marissas father in law, i remember his death and thought it happened after the show had wrapped so I wasnt expecting that. They all had such a real reaction to it. I felt so bad for her.

Hello, kens son! and grandson! But seriously his son is GORGEOUS. I am ready for Lisa's next spin off with ken, his son, his sons wife and Lisas frenemy! What interesting dynamics. Loved getting to meet Kens family and they seem delightful.

Brandi was so wasted already by the time their cocktail party started, lol. Kyles shocked reaction to a threesome, please bitch. Out of her mind Kim was sad to watch again. Lisas arrival was fir for a queen, as it should have been.

Can not wait for next week.

Faye, Adrienne and Camille really do add nothing. I will take Sober House Jenn as a friend of the wives next season.

Edited by JackPeyton
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<iframe width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.bravotv.com/video/embed/?/_vid2627799"></iframe>


Preview of Kyle vs Lisa!


I actually feel bad for kyle in a way, because I get it. I think most of us can relate to feeling replaced or cut out or even cut down a notch when a good friend gets a new friend and they become like an entity, however at the same time kyle created this. Lisa is right, Kyle does trash her. Kyle is right though that they should be able to be honest, the problem is Kyle cant take responsability at all for any of the breakdown. She cant own her part in the reunion attack and never defending Lisa. I also do understand where she is coming from in Lisa doesnt need defending, but than at the same time thats not the point. Lisa and Brandi seem like mismatched friends because quite frankly Kyle doesnt know Brandi. From the outside they make no sense as best friends, but looking at it you see why they are. Plus, Lisa is forced to defend Brandi - by Kyle and her friends always attacking the girl. Lisa didnt get involved in Brandi vs Paul and Adrienne at the white party because it was a fair fight, as she stated. But at things like the dinner party at kyles she has to, because Kyle lets her attack dog Faye go off on her, and at the cocktail thing because everyone was screaming at Brandi, etc. 


Kyle created this mess, truly, by attacking lisa with Adrienne at the reunion. 

Edited by JackPeyton
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Thanks for posting that.

Kyle doesn't seem to understand it's her fault Lisa is closer to Brandi than she is to [Kyle]. Brandi didn't hypnotize a dumb Lisa. Kyle, seemingly, agreed to be part of Adrienne's lynching of Lisa at the last reunion. Then Kyle defends Adrienne like she's her daughter and keeps mum when Lisa is being attacked. Kyle wants what they used to have but her actions are never going to lead to that since she won't take responsibility for her part in their issues - it's always what Brandi is doing, or what Lisa is doing and never really what Kyle is doing or what Kyle has done. This hurts Lisa more than it would with Camille because it seems that she thought Kyle was a real friend.

The other thing is Lisa is being very nice to Kyle. What the heck does Kyle want? She needs to stop being jealous - jealous of this one/that one as an individual OR/AND because her friend seems to like another friend better.

Well, she doesn't need to do that. I like the underlying conflict.

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Lisa is the first real housewife!

I remember bethanny and teresa desperate for spots, and a report came out that the producers would never cast a real housewife for some reason. ill try to find it.

Google searchs only pull up reports about lisa joining... but i know there was a ban and teresa and bethanny were specifically named as trying to get a spot. FOUND IT! Bravo posted this-

Edited by JackPeyton
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Eeeee! Great choice!


OMG, has anyone noticed that Taylor looks absolutely PLASTERED in her intro graphic? I actually feel sorry for her. Cant believe Kim was the voice of reason.

I loved how Yolanda confronted Taylor. Very direct yet lowkey. Man I love her as a new housewife and Marissa needs to get bumped up next season

Anyone else thought it looked so contrived how Kyle and Yolanda just happened to reveal that they were both going to Paris on the same day as if that stuff wasn't planned.

Ken has a 21 year old grandson? His stepson looked like he was mid 30s! Wow, only 5 years between he and Lisa

Lisa to Ken: "Maria works for me, not you....You are not important enough to get tea Ken"

Oh no, Kim fell off the wagon.

Not missing Maloof!

Who the F voted bc she looked fantasticDEAD! Not going on the season vacation is like a bad sign that you may not get signed on for the next season Edited by Cheap21
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