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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandi was GREAT on Howard Stern...Howard brings the best out of many of his guests, now we just need to get Empress Lisa on his show for an interview, now that would be something to listen to.

What's to say?

Faye Resnick is a shady bitch.

Kyle is a disgusting pig.

Kim is NOT sober.

Taylor is hilarious, her Bravo blog seems to clear a lot up, if she can keep this no bullshit, say it how it is, drunkenly slurring the truth I'd love to have her back next season.

Adrienne is an arsehole. She is such an ugly woman.

Brandi is great.

Ken defending Brandi was great.

Lisa is the queen of all she surveys.

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Re: Howard & Brandi: All the "news" articles are focusing on a. the pay reveal (I wonder if Bravo is at all upset about that) and b. her calling the other housewives c--ts (as well as c. the bi-question). They were c--ts to her for most of last season & some still are - that's all she was saying. Mess, lol. I wonder if they'll use that to sustain Season 4 like on RHONJ? Nah, she probably calls them that to their face as well.

Which one of these side-chicks is Howard's wife? He's lucky either way.


Marisa showed up to surprise Brandi at the LA B&N book signing (Brandi's now officially the author of a NY Times Best Seller) on Wednesday:


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I can see this, more than less, happening actually.

Adrienne wants out and is loathed by viewers.

Kim needs to go & never should have been cast. This season was pure pity.

Taylor was only brought back our of pity.

Yolanda has voiced maybe not returning.

Marissa? LOL

Then there is Kyle, whos fall from grace she must take personally and without Kim making bank from the series, I could see her not fighting to stay.

Of they want to go glam and pull in some fame, Taylor nor Kyle would work. They already has the kinda trashy fame !@#$%^&*] Brandi on who seems well liked and is Lisa's BFF. I could see them keeping Yolanda for this, if her health permits. Hopefully this means no Faye.

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I agree, the way she has her hair parted in that picture really works for her.

Yolanda said she would do a second season if her health permits.

I like most of this gang and - lawsuits aside - they don't fight as much or as seriously as some of the other groups.

Lisa (class and humor) and Brandi (loveable "trash") are perfect.

Kyle ... kind of is perfect too. But they need to add somebody in that will call her bs out. Yolanda is seeing through her.

Yolanda is a great tea-server but I'm not sure she deserves full-HW pay.

Taylor and Camille when being bitchy is interesting. I'd keep them around.

Adrienne can go. Marisa is not at all necessary.


I'm guessing this advice is in Brandi's book? Hah.


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thing is if they just bring on a new one or two it doenst really have an impact. I get the overhaul, and I love they are thinking of doing it before it reachs NJ areas.

Taylor isnt bitchy enough. Camille is too fake to bring it all the time. Kim is.. awful. Those three need to be axed, no questions asked. Now, keeping Adrienne so kyle and her have an ally vs Brandi & Lisa with Rod Stewards ex eife coming on to cause drama? And with Yolanda providing real hollywood/bhills glam? That is pretty perfect even tho I hate adrienne.

I would keep Lisa/Brandi/Kyle/Yolanda (maybe 1/2 time like she is now, but full housewife status?) and bring on two newbies and a new friend or two.

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I can live with this.

Lisa/Brandi/RodStewartsEx (with a side of Yolanda. Lisa brought Yolanda in and Yolanda adores Brandi so she's on <--- that team) versus Kyle/Adrienne/ .... I don't like Faye and I don't like thinking of her getting over 100 grand but maybe ... Nah, they could get some other chick to fill a third spot.

It doesn't make sense for Camille to be on any team with Kyle. It's contrived that she is. Otherwise, I'd say keep Camille. Can't we keep Taylor and Camille as the friends? Kim would have to show up now and then for Kyle.

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I just dont think Camille's fake ass can add anything. Taylor goes very much against what this report says they want, glamour and parties, etc... As does Faye. I dont want this team vs that team. Thats been created by Adrienne really. Kyle is too two faced to even take a real stance and Lisa is really only team Brandi because shes always being attacked. If this were a one on one fair fight, i think lisa would stay out of it. Plus, Lisa has her own issues with Adrienne.

Now, the one side vs the other side would be interesting if the cast was totally mixed up and new people who can bring it are added, like the ex wife of RS. But that can really only go another season or so. I dont see Adrienne staying around either. I guess it really depends on those two being in or not, and if not then I vote for a overhaul and keeping lisa/brandi and even Kyle. adding in two new rich wives of actual influence and status. and two new friends to sample. Yolanda, of course is welcome to stay if she can. Hopefully they can find some wealthy, powerful, or socialite women of different races to add to the show too. It is very, very pasty.

I know Dayna Devon has been mentioned, and I could see that but im not sure if she would provide anything.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I always worry Kim is kept because of Kyle, which I hate. I would keep Lisa, Yolanda, Brandi and Kyle. Only keep Camille if she's willing to become a full-time housewife. Upgrade Marisa and only bring in one official new housewife and one friend. I just don't think an overhaul is smart after the results for NYC. I think that's why the NJ cast was all invited back, yet they're still adding so many housewives. They're probably trying to transition the show before weeding out the cast.

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Dayna is actually the front-runner according to the rumor-mill.

"Teams," I think, are very elemental to these shows. There's usually some sort of divide to drive drama. The divide on RHOBH is fun for me because it's nowhere near as serious or unbalanced as it is on RHONJ. The BH ladies can try to cut each other one night and then laugh it off the next day in most cases EVEN if underlying issues remain.

She seems so interesting on paper especially when you look at "storylines" playing out this season (and the potential of what could play next season) but in and of herself there's really nothing significant there. Her storyline this season has mostly been played without her present. She has very little presence. That probably would remain true even if you throw in Rod Stewart's ex. I don't see BRAVO fighting that hard to keep her and she appears to want out. We shall see...

So, I do think there should be no question about Lisa, Brandi and Kyle's status. Yolanda part-time.

I'd be fine with the cast as is with just some changes in status as they try out 1-2 different HWs.

I'm not sure why you dislike Camille so much. I think she's fun. The thing about Camille and Taylor is you get the sense they're PERFORMING right now. They're trying to contrive action for themselves - by the prompt of BRAVO or/and because they want to stay. I don't have a major problem with it as the desperation is amusing.

If any cast needs the total reboot it is NJ. I hope the add-on's are indeed a prelude to that reboot.

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Its basically known Kim was only every brought on and has been kept on because of Kyle. I dont think Kim will make the cut as Kyle doesnt wield the power and status and popularity she did in S1 & 2. The show is fine without her.

Camille was always willing to stay fulltime. Bravo wasnt willing to cater to her demands so she was downgraded.

I like Marissa, I would be fine with her staying.

as for a NYC stayle overhaul, its one of those do we do it now before it becomes NJ status, or wait and then that is the show is and we are screwed? I do think eleminating Adrienne will help change the tone of the show as she really did wage this war, but I can def see them wanting a overhaul and going all out.

I still dont think the overhaul can be blamed for NYC ratings issue. I think it was a comobonation of how vile and awful the show became the previous season and a bit of too many series going on at once. Didnt ratings basically slowly climb through the season? I know i talked to a lot of people and seen a lot of people online refusing to give it a shot at first but then as they did they kept watching and liked it.

Its a shame NJ is basically going to be the same as the last two seasons. But how do they overhaul that show? They really cant. I hope ATL can bounce back next season because damn this season is a bore.

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