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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh-M-Geeee! This show is bananas! The dinner party on last episode was soooooooo gooood! Of course Karent sets it all up so it ends up a disaster, not that she planned for that to happen of course...lol


Mama Elsa was the star of the episode! "So what he kicked me out. I left with french fries on the table, I didnt even want" Paraphrased but :lol:



How hilarious was it when Elsa found out that Elaine is also called James and has parts of a man? It disturbs her mentally....lol


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LOL, Cheap! I loved Elsa in that episode. The guy she practically considers a surrogate son yells at her in front of everybody so that he can have his 5 minutes of D-list fame on this show -- but does it bother her? Not one bit. She waltzes out of there cool as you like, muttering about how she didn't want french fries anyway. I love this woman and her attitude. It's too bad Marysol is such a spineless amoeba, she could do with her Mama's backbone.

That Thomas Kramer guy and Elaine/James are such famewhores, they are so desperate to appear on this reality show. I *loved* transgender socialite Lauren, though. She needs to be on again.

Next week some of the mamas show up -- including Joanna's Polish mom and a Russian lady -- is that Lisa's mother? I didn't even know Lisa was Russian.


I was OK with it being a "slow" episode -- shows need time to build up to big dramatic events and I can't deal with catfights and visciousness every single episode (see RHoNJ). I don't get why everybody is SO keen to get Lisa to "get over" what Adrienne did, though. As far as I can see, she has. She's over it, and over Adrienne. When Kyle decided to butt in and broker a peace, Lisa cut her off with "Why are you doing this? What's it to you? It's none of your business."

It's not even about Radar and who sold what story to whom at this point. If Lisa doesn't want to see Adrienne, it's because she was hurt that Adrienne and two others turned on her and tried to smear her at Reunion. Now she's done and doesn't want anything more to do with her. When she told Kyle to butt out, it was clear she was telling her "I haven't forgotten the role you played then either."

Had to LMAO at Adrienne and Paul being all "When you are friends with somebody, you just need to get over it." O RLY, Adrienne? Like you got over Pandora having her hen night elsewhere? Like you got over the "Maloof hoof"? I have a feeling we may see the "real" Adrienne come out when we see her turn against her soon-to-be ex-husband.

Kyle thinks she is the funniest, wittiest woman on earth. It's actually kind of sad that the only reason most viewers tolerate her is when she trots out Portia (I love her!) or Mauricio.

Camille. :wub:

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The latest episode of RHOM was a classic. Only thing I HATE is Elaine/James. He seems so desperate for screentime and the way he attacks Marysol seems so aggressive.I LOVED the dinner party! Elsa owned this episode and Ana is back on my radar now. I also must say how GORGEOUS these women are. I've said it before,b ut their style is flawless. Joanna and Adriana looked better than they have all season. Karent had her best look of the season. Marysol always picks strong clothes. Ana's look was different, but conservative and she pulled it off. Lea was simple and gorgeous in black as well. The best dressed though, would have to be Elsa. She looked FIERCE in her party outfit.

I've been re-watching RHONY and it's so interesting seeing how natural the show is. It took 4 episodes for Alex to meet LuAnn and she interacted with other wives starting with episode 3! These days they'd create any number of "events" for the ladies to immediately meet up at. Here we get to see their true lives before we see their friendships develop. It's also interesting being able to see everybody's REAL friends hanging out with them, prior to the girls becoming a group. This is a VERY strong first season and the chemistry is very strong. I remember Jill not being as toxic in season one, but you definitely see the signs of whats to come. Her treatment of Alex from day one is very rude. It's obvious she doesn't like Alex because of her lack of money and status. Then she seemed upset that LuAnn liked Alex in the beginning. Jill's feud with Ramona is also odd. Jill admits she doesn't run in the same circles as Ramona, but is upset that Ramona didn't invite her to a dinner party. She THEN drives by the house to see if LuAnn went! That is so stalker crazy. Then to run out of the Luca Luca show because she has to sit behind Ramona. She's such a viper.

It's nice getting to see the ladies before they became so polished. I'm going to re-watch ATL and New Jersey's first seasons as well. For Jersey I know I won't survive more than the first season, but I look forward to re-living ATL and NYC's entire runs.

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The first season of NYC was exciting for what that show is. To me, it felt like a season long casting session or pilot. We truly got to see them meet, get to know each other and see how their real lives were before it got a reality show makeover for season two. It is so interesting seeing all the seeds get planted. Lots of juicy moments with all the women, especially in retrospect. Watching LuAnn knowing what I do now is so fascinating.

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If I recall correctly, season 1 of NYC wasnt even filmed as a housewives series, much like Miami's first season. It was a different reality show called Manhattan Moms (which is why theres more focus on the families and less on interaction between the women), before Andy rebranded it as a Housewives show and produced it as such for the second season. I dont think the show would still be around if it had debuted as Manhattan Moms and kept its same format

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I gotta agree with Kenya. Porsha asked to meet for a business arrangement and she turned it way too personal. Who cares about her baby woes? She probably should have kept it proffesional, at least until she started to get to know her better. Kenya was also right in that if you are gonna court her to come to your event, you should at least know and get her title right. Porsha came across very basic. Not feeling the Valley Girl routine

Lawrence saying Porsha is stupid for not knowing the difference between Ms. America and Ms. USA. I didnt even know there was one till this show. I thought it was the same thing.

Kim...so over this bitch. I cant stand her whinign about being homeless when there are real people who are homeless on the street. No house in ATL is good enough for her? Then move bitch....BYE!

The Kenya stuff with Phaedra helped humanize her to me. It was a good touching moment

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Wow Porsha! What a collosal disappointment you turned out to be. She's a ditz. No edge and barely a personality. She almost had me rooting for Kenya.

How soon before Kim is gone?

Kenya! Nobody gives 2 chits about Miss USA from 19xx! Vanessa Williams is very well known and does not have to be introduced as The Former Miss America (for 2 seconds anyway...the scandal put her on the map, however). VW is mega talented and has no trouble booking jobs. People know who she is because she's done things beyond Miss America. STFU Kenya about being Miss USA and moved the hell on! It's embarrassing!

I don't want Nene to take Greg back because I don't find him sincere.

When is Kim leaving?

I almost forgot Cynthia was in the eppy last night.

Phaedra is such an original character. She cracks me up, but does anyone on TV wear more makeup than her? Good lord!

Kim is gone exactly when?

Lawrence, please go away! Hate that thing!

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I feel that the Porsha and Kenya argument wasn't even that serious. Kenya needs to get over herself and Porsha seems like a very naive and spoiled little princess. A little too young for this show.

Loved NeNe and Cynthia in NYC.

Can't wait for Kim's last episode... completely over her.

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