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The Golden Girls Appreciation Thread


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Yes, that's what I have been thinking of as well. Great lines, lots of fun, but I believe the show would benefit from making things a little more serialized. All the insane time jumps they had to make in order to tell the relationship storylines they wanted to tell were kind of jarring and played havoc on the show's timeline. It gets kind of tiring how we got months of story crammed into 5 or 6 scenes, suddenly it's a month later, it takes 3,5 minutes of airtime for this character to fall in love with the other one.... Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun, but it's one of the main reasons why I hate so many sitcoms: How can you invest in stories if they're going to be over in 20 minutes with no emotional reprecussions or fallout whatsoever? If only GOLDEN GIRLS wasn't so damn funny! laugh.gif

I'm not sure if that's what Eric was talking about, but the way I see it, the sitcom format hurt the show rather than its longevity. There was a lot of soapiness in it anyways--lots of touching, shocking moments, the girls dealing with difficult, heartbreaking stuff. It could very easily have turned a little more soapy/serialized, without forgetting the funny lines. The way they dealt with sad stuff was very un-sitcom like, yet they insisted on open and shut format. It's a shame, I could see so much more... lol The soap/serialized format definitely didn't seem to hurt FRIENDS, nor the fact that it hasn't stopped being repeated since it stopped airing.

They were fabulous! wub.gif

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And to think apparently she suffers from narcolepsy!

YRBB--that's EXACTLY what I mean. I think it's brilliant, but I think it could have been even better with a bit more consistancy from episode to episode time frame wise, etc. Sitcoms were just starting to become slightly serialized (Soap was an exception of course) with Cheers etc, it's too ad GG didn't pick up on this. What they did do in the 22 minute timeframe was awesome, make no mistake.

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Wow this thread died fast. :(

Let's get some more quotes going! OR how about everyone list their favorite episode?

I think mine is the episode where they go to the nudist resort, or the oen where they have the murder mystery weekend...but i love them all!

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My favorite episode would have to be "Isn't It Romantic". That would be the one when Dorothy's college friend Jean falls in love with Rose.

With all this talk about execs in daytime not respecting vets; it made me think of this show. This show about 4 women in their twilight years has been successful with all ages. It proves that if the writing is good people will watch a show about older people. To think that if Susan Harris pitched this show today it would get rejected.

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I am so hooked on this show. Been watching it on WE TV. They show like a 3 hour block.

Anywho I read something in TV Guide I never knew. That Betty White originally got the role of Blanche, and Rue got the role of Rose, but Betty felt she wouldn't be able to take Blanche to places that Rue would, so they swapped roles.

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I read something similar, but when I read it, it said that they swapped the roles because Betty had already played a blanche esque character on Mary Tyler Moore, and Rue had played a Rose character on Maude, so they thought it would be fun to switch the two.

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I thought that was interesting about the Rose/Blanche character switch. I had never really seen Betty White on the Mary Tyler Moore show (never really watched it), so I was abit confused. I suspect she played something similar to Ellen on Mama's Family?

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Exactly Chi, she was known for playing slyly comic vixens, Rose was a complete departure which is funny considering how her Gen X rep is for being sweet naive old lady Rose saying naughty things. Her career *was* saying naughty things before Rose, her more recent characters have been a return to what she became famous for, not playing against type. And actually, Betty was none too pleased about the switcheroo at first, she really wanted Blanche. But as she's fond of saying, "Ruesy just took Blanche out into orbit, she went places I never would have gone..." It all worked out for the very best.

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