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GH: March 2010 Discussion Thread

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Had they not made a point of Sonny calling Claudia a 'whore' every third hour and then had him treat her like she was a far bigger sociopath than he is they might have worked. It's hard to believe TPTB wanted a successful pairing when they had Claudia begging for Sonny's 'little man' from almost the moment she met him. She never had a moment when she wasn't desperate for Sonny's love and shrugging/laughing off his maltreatment of her.

What is it about this show that makes you hope that each time the writers try something 'big' they'll care enough to do it right? No matter how often TP(less)TB fail, fans keep holding out for more. I wanted Bobbie to be there for Kristina. I wanted her to stand up for her and help her stand up for herself in a way that no one else could get 'K' to do - given their now shared histories. That'll never happen.

Kristina risks Ethan's life and no one other than St. Jaysus thinks her story is a bit odd - despite Kiefer's prior behaviors and the problems Kristina has had with him. Honestly, what woman has Ethan ever hurt in his time in Port Chuckles!?!? Why would he start now?

I now think that it would almost be more interesting to have Kiefer come from a well functioning loving family where he has it all. What would happen with him then? How would Sonny and Carly feel about Michael's desperation to join the 'family business' and his willingness take lives? Since this storyline will never be about Kristina anyway, they may has well have Sonny and Carly wake up and realize that the only difference between Kiefer and Michael is that Michael doesn't yet have a victim - though he was happy to mark Dante for death.

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Normally I would agree, but I think the last thing sonny needs is ANOTHER child with ANOTHER woman. With the exception of Morgan (who just isnt old enough yet), all of Sonnny's kids are pretty messed up, whether it be because he neglected them, or mentored them TOO much..

Now, if Claire ends up pregnant with anyone else's baby, I would be happy, because I do like her.

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Sonny and Kate were amazing together, still one of my favorite GH couples. Their chemistry was incredible and I loved that she gave Sonny history. It was nice to see him think about the past instead of focused on the present day mob. GH really dropped the ball when they added Olivia and gave her Sonny's child.

Now they stick Kate with Coleman..ick..

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GH fired DG who played Michael and have cast Chad Duell as the new Michael. He starts airing on April 20th. GH is full of backstage drama.

SBu said that his PA that Franco threw off all the stories and that they were sometimes taping a day before. He might have been exaggerating. However, they are finally getting some breathing room.

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Ugh, not looking forward to the new Disney Channel Michael/Gay Theater Boy Michael.

I thought Drew Garrett was a great find and was only playing what was written for him. He was great in emotional scenes, when they wrote those scenes for him in the beginning. He also had great chemistry with his co-stars.

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I hated Dylan Cash and thought he was the most annoying child actor I've ever seen. I always called him the "devil child."

I thought after that, I was always going to hate the character, but I really liked Drew Garrett. He wasn't your typical soap hunk, he looked like a real boy. He had a great normal presence about him.

The new Michael recast is your typical pretty boy, although looks like he has a serious case of gay-face...

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I think Drew was just playing what was written for him. Michael was/is always being written as a punk-ass bitch that overreacts to everything.

When they gave Drew emotional scenes, he was able to cry on cue and pull them off with ease. The problem is, the more normal scenes were too far and few in between.

Yes, he's young too, so he had some room to grow, but for his age, Drew was great for this role, IMO.

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