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Wisner Washam interview

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That's because GH and OLTL are different kettles of fish, apparently. A leading male falling for a woman who wears white and lives in the woods might succeed on ONE LIFE, but GH? With Sonny? GTFO!

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Totally disagreed--I didn't like JFP's One Life much at all, but it was never worse IMHO than under Pam Long. Ugh--McTavish made it slightly more watchable again.

I do think Megan is a total "yes-woman" and (though this is true of course of most soap writers) only as good as her EP. So even with OLTL it seemed she basically just did what JFP liked. But the show as slightly better (especially over the mess that apparently JFP was ghost writing for a while)

Really? I thougth McT's GH was much more campy (which frankly I'd rather have now than what we're getting).

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It didn't help that Benard supposedly hated the story and tanked it.

Her GH had a lot of campy stuff, like Stavros's return, and Sally Struthers as Jennifer Smith holding Luke and Laura hostage. Some other moments were not as bad, like Courtney's arrival (even if her mother was a bad caricature) and her relationship with AJ. Most of the stuff which wasn't bad was jettisoned when Guza returned.

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I admit I'm biased--I got into soaps through McTavish's first stint (well maybe just before--the first story I remember was Janet in the well which was stillunder Agnes, right?) Yes some of it made little sense (the Ted Orsini Canada location, etc), but overall I think quite highly of those years--92-94 especially (as everyone has said, by 95 Megan was starting to lose it...) Just so much great stuff, IMHO.

Right, for some reason it seemed to be a hommage to early 80s GH.

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Can't blame him.

What I remember most about McTavish's GH was, of course, the "Thawing of Stavros" nonsense. Suddenly, we're supposed to believe (and accept) that Helena Cassadine had an underground cryogenic chamber built 30 floors below the hospital...with no one noticing. Yeah, right.

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Khan, your account is pretty much spot-on... except for that part about Victor Miller being a head writer. As far as I can recall (or research), Miller was never anything beyond Associate Head Writer (alongside McTavish & Peggy Sloane).

I've seen that mentioned somewhere else before, too; I'm not sure where that comes from, but I'm pretty sure it's a misconception. Broderick head-wrote solo between her time as co-HW with Washam, and DePriest's appointment to the post. (Not to mention Miller is a big-ol' McTavish ass-kisser!)

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Ah, that explains where the idea comes from... Well, he possibly shares her inflated ego, too - as I'm almost 100% certain that the credits have never shown him as a co-head writer.

He was Associate Head Writer during this time (as I said, with Sloane & McT) - I should probably give him the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe he was just getting his terminology mixed up.

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It's always interesting about the dynamics onset because SMG and Eva LaRue must have been friendly enough with some of the vets, as I think Eva said both she and SMG were upset by Julia Barr's firing. (I can't remember if Kelly Ripa said something).

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What did Pam Long do at OLTL that was so bad? It's weird, some people praise her so much, but she's had so many failures. First she did admittedly do a GREAT job with Texas, but I feel that show was always good. It started off rough because so many of the stories began on AW, so it was confusing as a new viewer. But I liked the pacing and most of the characters, it just happened to get better and better over time. Then she went to GL and created memorable characters like Reva and Josh, but she also eliminated many core characters and is partially responsible for the loss of Nola and Quint, two of the most popular characters GL ever saw. Then she went to Santa Barbara and flopped, same for OLTL a few years later.

Whats the deal? Is she just a decent writer whose majorly overrated?

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