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ATWT: February 2010 Discussion Thread

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Oh, just admit it! You want a taste of the Luke poopoo platter just like every other Interloper of the Moment! :lol:

I know I'm inviting a massive thrashing here, but I have to say it. I still like Janet. It's not so much of what they're giving us as much as it's the idea of the character. I think I like her for the same reasons I originally liked Krystal on AMC, Bonnie on DAYS, and even Stacy on OLTL. I can't even explain it, but it's there.

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Haha...actually I want Reid to treat Luke like his bitch.....lol

Janet is good when she isnt portrayed as a saint. I loved Carly telling Janet how she hides under her halo when things dont go her way or she is wronged......LOL.

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Janet has finally, like a fungus, growing on me. I like her in any scene except those with Jack. I like the Janet/Dusty pairing--it is the first time he has been grounded since Jen. I've actually been impressed with Grayson's acting with Dusty over his thug phase.

Maura has been great and is making those glib facial expressions again. I could deal with a little less Craig, however. I wish the writers could give Emily some good material. It is clear that Pissy can, at times, be soapy. I am guessing she must be doing the CarJack stuff because it has the feel of past Carly/Jack reunions.

The NuLilly stuff is so bad bad bad. Today, I would have never guessed that she once loved Holden. If I were a new viewer, my bet would be on Molly and Holden. With Byrne gone, Molly and Holden should become the new SuperCouple.

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Okay, I never watched Janet before the last few months, but I always thought she was supposed to be one of Oakdale' "troubled women," not a saint. I thought she was supposed to be an annoying thorn in people's side and as such like her as that.

Why didn't ATWT just write Lily out when Byrne left. MB wasnt my fave, but she IS Lily, so have her leave town to whine someplace else and Holden could have got it on with hot lil Molly. I know ATWT and Gautman is wedded to the "formula," of Lily and Holden but if he wants to be innovative, cut that old story loose.

Luke is putting his mother to shame in the whining, annoying department. He does need a good long schtump from Dr. Reid..how interesting it would be to see a bisexual character...stringing both Luke and blondie along. Why are they keeping this freakin' Nuke going? The actor who plays the newly blind Noah doesnt seem that different then when Noah could see. They have the sex appeal of two wet crackers together. What is the appeal to their fans?

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Keep them on speed dial, then, because I think I also like the dynamics between Katie and Reid. I don't know what the general fan consensus on that is, though, so maybe I'm in the majority there? Hell, who am I kidding? It's Katie and newbie. Nobody likes them but me.

Henry and Barbara have to be together at the end. They just have to.

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I haven't seen much talk about Katie/Reid, other than people pointing out she was an IDIOT to invite a man she didn't know to live with her. Personally, I don't GAS. As long as Katie's only on once a week, I can ignore her story with ease.

I find myself liking Henry and Babs. Their back and forth today was hilarious.

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Oh my God, Luke is totally puckering up for the badass doc. That little smirk when Reid scolded him at the top of today's show? Luke is into spanking.

Hey, look it's Tom!

Oh yeah, Luke/Reid is gonna happen. In a small, small, small way, I kinda want it to happen. Yes, it's predictable, yes, Reid's an interloper, but I kinda like the two together :lol: Reid's gotten me to like Katie and Luke, so he's a winner for sure.

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I am sick to death of Allison. Why is Casey (who is a stone cold fox and should have women falling at his feet) giving her the time of day, after she cheated on him?

I suppose the reveal Damian's alive (while not a surprise) was soapy enough. Lame, but soapy. And I think I liked the moment Lily looked like she swallowed a bug while she watched Molly crush her breasteses against Holden.

Loved the previews for tomorrow! Jack looked sick hearing Carly say she was moving to NY. :wub:

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I'm digging Reid and his interactions with Luke. The two actors click and the bitchy tension between them is good. I liked how the Doc did the right thing going down to the police station and the way be bribed Luke into lying to the judge. I do think his treatment of the sick woman was silly as well as badly written.

I love Molly and Holden as a couple. The click which isn't something I can say about Holden and Beck. I would love seeing Lilly be single for while which would give her a chance to develop as Carly has.

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Cause, Davey Crapsman is writing this, and all men who are assholes (Jonathon, Jeffery, now Mick) are the ones that get all the p*ssy and the nice guys (Rick, Frank, now poor Casey) ARE p*ssies who need to be put in their place and made fun of. Or, Davey just can't write his wet dream Pelphery not be the object of everyone's sexual and romantic desire.

I didn't think I could hate Lily more but Beck made that happen. Not only is Lily the selfentitled princess she always was, now she has a simpering high school cheerleader "I am always the most popular girl in school," attitude.

Love Leslie Kay, she is one of the few nonactors hired for her looks people that I have liked on soaps. Shove those big puppies in Holden's face baby, maybe you can wake him up.

I hate it when soap characters threaten to move when we know damn well they arent. Reminds me when GL was the Buzz Show and entire plotlines centered around Buzz maybe leaving town (of course I was cheering him on to do so) and the hotties in love with him(Nadine, Jenna,) were actaully worried the little troll would leave!

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