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Peter Dinklage has only gotten hotter in the years since I saw him walking out of a Starbucks across the street from my MTV gig and foolishly did not accost him then and there like a raving maniac.

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I don't know what you expected those horrible dudes to have done with Meera. I was terrified for her - absolutely terrified - but that's what happens. (That's also the lovely agony of what happens whenever you catch up to a show you've been binge-watching, like this or TWD - eventually the now is just the now, and exhilaratingly no one is safe anymore.) And anyway, they didn't get around to doing anything to her, thanks to Jon and the Night's Watch.

Every time I think I am just about beyond over Cersei and her nonsense they give her more wonderful, layered scenes with surprising people. Case in point, that amazing, candid conversation with Cersei and Margaery - I didn't know Cersei was capable of that kind of open reflection with someone she had classed an enemy, even if part of it may have been a feint on her end. At least some of what she said - about Joffrey, about Tommen - was absolutely true. Maybe it's bullshit, but she may be coming to terms with the realities of their situation. And I was thrilled to see Tywin level with her about the Iron Bank. There's so many parallels to the present in that situation with the crown's debt (as well as the entire Middle Eastern allegory that they've been playing with with Daenerys for years). Perhaps it was in the spirit of all that new enlightenment that Cersei chose to go to Oberyn and finally have a non-bitchy conversation - yes, she was trying to secure his cooperation re: Tyrion, but it wasn't just about that. Really amazing stuff for her character, and for everyone else and their characters who were sharing time with Lena Headey this week.

Loved Podrick and Brienne. Just loved it.

I had a feeling Bran would just miss Jon. I was so terrified for the kids, but Bran did what he felt he had to do. I loved their showing Jojen's visions, and I'm glad it wasn't curtains for them yet - I was terrified Burn Gorman (who is one of the most versatile actors working today; just look at this vs. his polar opposite scientist role in the otherwise very mediocre Pacific Rim) was going to off both the Reed kids, leaving Bran and Hodor alone to brave the wilderness.

Interesting parallel this week, I think, with both Daenerys and Jon beginning to come to terms with ruling - as many characters have said, it's not just about winning the throne, like Robert did; you have to learn to maintain it. Daenerys is doing that in Essos, and I think it will be a fascinating examination of what she's done thus far; Jon, meanwhile, is coming off more and more like Ned/Sean Bean by the day, and he suits that shadow very well.

I adored the stuff at the Eyrie. Kate Dickie - who, if you haven't seen her opposite Tony Curran in Andrea Arnold's Scottish thriller Red Road, you must - is always a delight, and fantastically, tragically insane as Lysa. So is that kid, he's still a trip. I was floored, though, by the reveal about Jon Arryn. I got accidentally spoiled about a few potential upcoming moments at the Eyrie, but I had no idea that was coming. Littlefinger just leveled up in terms of villainy, and Sansa is right in the thick of it. I hope Brienne and Pod get there before things go really south. Fantastic episode. Did I miss anything?

Edited by Vee
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You pretty much said it all, Vee. Your post says most of what I would have, as we have very similar views on this show, except you remember all the names and intricate details I constantly need a refresher on.

I was watching this episode on TV, but it was moments like the Lysa revelation where I wished I could have paused it to reflect and pick my jaw up off the floor, but I beared through the great shock and tried my best to stay focused for the rest. Poor Sansa will never get peace. At least, Jon, Arya and Bran have had chances to breathe.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I can't believe now after all these years Dany finally got her boat and she isn't going.laugh.png Now she has to do a U turn and free the same freaking cities all over again! I don't know what it is the show wants me to think about all this except "are you [!@#$%^&*] kidding me???"

Frustrating that once again Jon and Bran don't get a chance to meet. And who saved Bran's wolf? Jon got his back, couldn't the wolves have at least gotten a scene together? The show just never wants to throw you a bone when it comes to the Starks. Sansa is with her crazy aunt, but I am not so sure that will work out for the best. Cersei was good this week in all her scenes and I think it is safe to say after two episodes of it being completely ignored that the controversial rape scene of two weeks ago was not intended to be controversial or a rape and that is why the show isn't acknowledging it has something significant worth following up on. I guess if Cersei gets pregnant they could go back and revisit it.

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That's not the point. This show started when, 2011? Will this story ever move forward? Watching her rescue the same cities again and again is a great way to kill time and fill episodes, but it is becoming boring as hell. I don't know what the deal is with the books, but it is time the TV show lets Dany take her show on the road. I have to be honest, by 2017 I may no longer care what happens with her, I am getting pretty tired of her as it is. Now you mean to say I have to go watch her tread water yet another year? She is becoming FF material because it is safe to say nothing of importance will happen in any scene Dany is in. He story never moves forward, no plot hinges on anything she says, and she can go round and round like a hamster on a wheel freeing the same four cities again and again, probably through the second Hillary administration.

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Bran asked the Reed siblings to free Summer, I believe.

So...I thought this episode was good and OK...

Good to very good:

Cersei's penitence. I don't think these scenes were done to soften her or make us pity her (although I do), as much as they were to show what a weak spot she's in and how she has to accept this in order to begin climbing back up. She has no ground to stand on with anyone in her life, and she knows that. Seeing her try to be honest with Margaery, only for Margaery to make some digs, shows that once again Margaery is underestimating her. I appreciate that completely honest and mature conversation with Tywin, and then the poignant conversation with Oberyn. Her line about how girls are hurt everywhere in the world - it was so beautifully delivered by Lena. It broke my heart. One of her best lines of the entire show so far.

Sansa at the Eyrie. Kate Dickie was as good as ever - Lysa has grown in confidence as well as madness since the last time we saw her. I'm sorry to see that she lets slimy Littlefinger control her, but the honeymoon night did make me laugh. Her confrontation with Sansa the next day - or basically, her siccing herself on poor Sansa - was terrifying and so real. Both ladies were excellent, but Sophie really sold Sansa assuming she would be happy and safe and then realizing that was just another lie.

I think not having Bran and Jon reunite even briefly, when none of the other kids seem to be on a path to reuniting, was a questionable idea, since they rewrote it to where they had a reason to almost meet. Jon's role her felt almost like him watching things happen, but I liked some of it. Meera being helpless and nearly being raped was disturbing. So was the moment where Bran jumped into Hodor and had him murder Locke (whom I thought had way too much buildup to go out this early - that was a surprise). I liked that we saw how traumatized Hodor was by murdering that man. I also liked that the women at the Keep killed Burn Gorman and then said they were going to find their own way.

You have to love that Jaime pushed Bran out a window and now Bran killed the person who took his hand.

Arya...well, I was glad to hear someone finally tell hew how silly this endless list is becoming, and how the Hound reminded her of overconfidence. It was one of the first times I cared about their scenes. The mention of poor Sergio only helped.

The Dany stuff just felt out of place and felt very arch, like Dynasty in the mid-80s.

Nice to see that MTV's Jessie Camp was cast to play Robin Arryn.

Brienne and Pod - fun scene. They have a bit of sexual chemistry, which I wasn't expecting.

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I love that crazy Robin kid. Same one, too, he's gotten a lot bigger.

I don't know that Margaery is underestimating Cersei, frankly. But Cersei did what she had to do, which was make the inroads I did not think her ego and paranoia left her capable of making. Margaery did get an dig in at the end, but I thought she was pretty straight with Cersei otherwise when she realized the Queen Regent was doing the same - or as straight as Margaery can be about her motives in her position.

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