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HBO: Game of Thrones


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I need Jaime to get back with the Lannisters and Cat to be reunited with at least one of her other kids. Both seem to be dragging on

Also the Jon Snow plot seems so boring and irrelevant. The stuff with the Nights Watch doesn't interest me

Edited by Cheap21
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I agree. It is more than time for Jamie to reunite with his family at King's Landing. I am actually excited to see how Cersei deals with this new disabled and bitter Jamie and his new found friendship with Brienne.

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The books are not too dense...they're meant for dedicated readers who can process that deep level of detail in the novels they read.

All this show adaptation is doing is dumbing them down so that even the lowest common denominator can follow the story.

It's a complete insult to those of us who have followed the books for so long

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Exactly what network in the real world can afford the series that you are proposing here?

You are either going to have to accept that the show is constrained by a budget and the reality of adapting a book series for tv or stop watching if you are so insulted by that reality.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Uhh HBO could do it. They just refuse to. They know that each book requires as least 20 episodes. And there's plenty of material to satisfy the people who are just watching for the sex and violence....

I'm not trying to convince you but I have a right to voice my opinion and express my disgust with what they've done with this show.

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HBO could do it? With what money? Each episode already costs an estimated $6 million. If every character and scene in the books is put in the tv series, the budget would quadruple at minimum. Almost what 50 or more actors on contract for 20 episodes for about 10 seasons minimum to cover all the books is what you are seriously proposing, plus the ones that Martin is yet to write to conclude the series. To think this is feasible is not an opinion it is pure fantasy.

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My main beef isn't with the characters (although there are certain characters that could have been added who are relatively minor at small cost).

My main issue is their horrible story telling and again complete warping of the true plot that occurs within the book. Their changes of entire scenes are completely unnecessary. The addition of scenes between characters that NEVER occurred in the book (and yet cost money that you just pointed out HBO doesn't have) is absolutely.

Are there characters which don't need to appear at all? Of course. But could the show still stay true to the books without using those characters. Definitely IMO.

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In 2011 HBO's subscriber fees were $1.3 Billion. HBO as I read this is owned by Time/Warner which has annual revenues exceeding $10 Billion and possibly $15 Billion by now. Assuming each episode costs $6 million, HBO spends $60 million, a paltry sum to T/W who also makes money by showing HBO content overseas. HBO has over 90 million subscribers worldwide forking over their money every month.


I honestly don't think HBO is breaking the bank on these shows. They are rolling in cash, T/W is beyond capable of financing HBO.

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Thanks for that.....and just to add if Game of Thrones was such a money pit for HBO then the heck would they even bother to do it? I mean HBO is of course a business out to make money like any other company. Clearly they're making some type of money from this show despite the multiple long distance location shoots and the expense that goes towards casting and wardrobe and sets.

By doubling the number of episodes and making the story align more closely with the book one would think that would allow HBO to make even more money....or at least grow the shows fanbase and make them even more loyal.

Anyways I'll drop it. I just found this last episode to be quite depressing due to all the ridiculous changes and additions. HBO has almost the perfect cast when it comes to the characters and yet some characters are being completely whitewashed while others are being taken way too extreme (lLittlefinger and Joffrey for example). Even things like Loras Tyrell and the Kingsguard. In the books Loras has 2 OLDER brothers and he joins the Kingsguard because he wants to. Its not only a high honor but it allows him to avoid marriage (since he's gay of course). But the show treats it like its a threat because he's the only son in this biizzarre universe they've created. Furthermore the way they have several of the characters talk about the subject of gays its kinda offensive. But thats a whole nother argument. Anyways good night to everyone.

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Lovely episode!

I've been OK with Theon's plotline up until now. It always seemed to me as an attempt to keep him on the canvas and redeem him for being a huge sh.it the past two seasons, which I was willing to go along with. However, at this point, it's starting to get a little too much--almost as if we're watching torture porn. It doesn't help that I'm generally not fond of torture scenes (maybe cutting his penis off affected me too much laugh.png). I sincerely hope there is a huge payoff to this story (maybe the person behind this or the reason it's happening will be a huge reveal) otherwise I dare say the show has its first failed plotline in its hands (although I do feel sorry for the lad).

I kinda rolled my eyes at the wilding love triangle. Are they really going there? And poor Sansa. I thought she was maturing but she is clearly still very, painfully naive about certain things. It was almost too much.

Although I had much love for Tywin showing Joffrey who's boss, the amazingly done dragons (so lifelike!) and Jaime going back and saving Brienne (that bear!).

And can we talk about naked Robb? I nearly died.

Edited by YRBB
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Poor Theon, I have to just hope for his sake this is all being done by renegade rabbis.

This story seems so unnecessary to the greater plot, I am not sure why the author felt the need to add it. This episode was sort of so so, not much happened except for Jaime continuing to show his attachment to Brienne. I wanted more from the Tywin/Joffrey scene. I don't know what I wanted, but I guess I wanted Tywin to take charge and not pretend to placate Joffrey and his kingly fantasies about running things. Robb seems incredibly happy so his days have to be numbered.

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The Tywin/Joffrey scene was very disappointing...

Loved the dragons.. Its funny how boring they made Dany's storyline last year and this year its been completely must see for me....

Theon and the sex torture...while i would normally find stuff like that disturbing i must say I get a sick satisfaction out of watching Theon reap the consequences of his actions. Even though Bran and Rickon are truly alive he has inflicted such horror on the Starks and the people of Winterfell that I feel like he deserves every bit of it.

Still I did feel kinda bad when that horn blew as he was finally letting his guard down....Alfie Allen is doing a great job showing the despair of Theon's situation. The look on his face and the way he just broke down sobbing when he realized that it was all another game/trap.....just miserable.

Thank God I've got Love & Hip Hop to balance out all that negativity though...

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