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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Enjoyed it too. I admit I did have a problem I expected which was trying to keep track and learn names, etc--finally I realized that as I keep watching I'm sure I'll start to learn them without thinking so hard (however it didn't help that I found both the actors playing the bastard brother and the main older brother to look really similar but perhaps that was on purpose). Some rushed stuff, but a lot to stuff into one episode and largely paced well--and absolutely gorgeous look and score.

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Jon is the bastard. He has darker hair. He's also the one who had a conversation with the Imp, Tyrion. Robb's hair is more auburn to match his mother's (Cat). But yeah, I never sweat the names when I watch this type of show. I'm pretty impressed with the visuals too. I bet the production team had the time of their lives putting this show together.

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Loved it! Glad that Bran isn't dead and was really shocked by the attempted murder scene... that bitch Catelyn can sure fight, she taught that killer how to do it. And, then, the direwolf... that was very well done. They're so cute how they defend their owners lol

Joffrey is a little disgusting bitch. That was so sad with the butcher's son and then Lady.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way... Despite the character, I just find him incredibly hot. LOL All those scenes with him naked today (bonus bum!) were great! :D Btw, Daenery's is really fascinating to watch. She's growing on me.

Tyrion continues to be a favorite. I'm telling you, come Emmy time, he'll be there.

Nice to see the relationships between Jon and his family. How Catelyn despises him, but Arya and the rest couldn't care less. They're doing some great character interaction.

Come to think of it, I generally like all the characters...

Loved the ending. You know sh*t is gonna go down!

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I'm not sure who you mean by the wrestler dude? Tyrion (the dwarf) is one of my favorites. If ever a person deserved the triple slap, it's Joffery. I only wish Tyrion had been there when all that had gone down with the butcher's boy. Maybe he couldn't have done anything, but I like to think he might have stepped in and asked a few questions and maybe got Sansa to speak the truth. It's hard for me to cut Sansa any slack because Arya is such a stand up, tough, little girl, but at the same time Sansa is young. So I can kind of see how she is fooled by Joffrey and her head is turned by dreams of being a princess.

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Another stellar episode...

The sets are amazing and the wall scenes are breathtaking. They got the tone down perfectly.

I am completely fascinated with Daenery's story... it's been evolving so nicely. Sad to see Drogo only in one scene lol

Bran being paralyzed is really sad... he loved climbing and being free, now he can never have that again.

It's so well written, love all the characters. I'm happy this is working out, hope they will keep it up.

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I somehow feel Viserys wouldn't survive hitting Daenerys in front of Drogo lol

It was a really great episode and, apparently, the next one is even better. A lot of people who previewed the episodes said it was their fave.

This is going really well for now.

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I think Dany is in danger on several fronts considering that King Robert just got done saying that he will kill every Targaryen that he can get his hands on. I just wish Robert would focus his efforts on Viserys, since for all he knows Dany will have a girl. It would kind of be sweet if Robert would send an assasin to kill off Viserys and get him out of Danys hair.

I think Cat will rue the day she arrested Tyrion. He's the only good Lannister and she doesn't have much in the way of proof, so this is more likely to start a war than anything else.

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