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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Yeah I don't think anyone would seriously expect Margaery to survive it. BUT, if we were to entertain the idea, the fact that we saw High Sparrow disintegrate into nothingness while we didn't Margaery could, in some other show like Arrow, mean that she found an improbable way to get out of there in the nick of time and we just didn't see it. 


But, yeah, she's ashes. I don't see what further dramatic purpose she serves and using all those deaths to fuel Olenna's thirst for revenge is delicious.



By uniting do you mean as a couple/husband and wife? Because, based on info we have now, he's her nephew! lol Not that that means anything on this show. They might unite as "family."  





As for Daario, I think they've been doing an arc on how Dany has been changing and becoming colder and more ruthless. They've at least implied part of her ancestors' villainy may live inside her and could, potentially, take over. At this point, she's so close to getting what she wants, so Daario will be eliminated if he stands in her way for sure. 



Lady Mormont? Say it ain't so!



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Way back when Khal Drogo died, I thought obviously Dany and Jon will marry and rule the seven kingdoms together. People may have died, but there will be a general restoration of the status quo I don't think that any more.


Then I thought Dany is bringing in a lot of people who haven't lived under the system of the seven kingdoms. The wildings are coming, so maybe this is about a new world order. Jon will sacrifice himself and Dany will rule. Now a lot of those new people are either dead or staying in Mareen. Some of them will be canon fodder for the Night's King, so I don't think that anymore either.


Now I think of Ramsey saying "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention".

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I still think someone unlikely will rule in the end - our big heroes will do the heavy lifting to stop the Night's King, but none of them will sit on the Iron Throne long. I think most of them will fade away, die in battle or go off somewhere. My bet is on someone like a well-managed and well-counseled King Gendry of all people, the humble commoner boy who is an acceptable and stable Baratheon face. Maybe with Sam Tarly as his Maester, or Tyrion or Bran as his Hand (shades of Brynden Rivers, the prior Three-Eyed Raven, who I believe was Hand to Aerys I). Maybe with Brienne as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Likely with Sansa as Queen or Wardeness of the North.


I don't see Jon or Daenerys living through the winter. They will fight and die to save the realm, or one will simply leave it. Titans like that only last in legend, not in the everyday life. Or perhaps Daenerys (and Jon?) will have a child, and he or she will be shepherded to take the Throne someday from a Regent or Lord Protector among our cast.

Edited by Vee
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That's sad that the amount of hours left is bingeable in a day.  I can't even imagine TV without GoT now.   They should do spin offs:  young Jaime, Robert, Lyanna and Ned in the time of the mad king, another about the adventures of uncle Benjen north of the wall, one maybe about Drogo The Barbarian, and a Dallas type drama called Casterly Rock.   That would be a good show given an 80s soap  treatment.  

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Yeah, that's just one reason I have my doubts on the now repeatedly stated 13. I think the actors and showrunners have both suggested that number, but I just can't see it being that fast. HBO aside, I think the story is too sprawling. There's dealing with Daenerys' arrival and the Mad Queen Cersei, then there's the White Walkers. Unless they intend to double-size some episodes...

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