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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Oh, I agree about that. The way it stands now, I think there's probably two possibilities:


She's ancient and that necklace is the source of her power, therefore that scene was a reveal of that aspect and unrelated to Jon, who's dead dead.


Or, I still hold out hope for, that yes, we got the reveal of what she's really like, but taking the necklace off was symbolic, the price she has to pay (losing her powers and revealing her true self) for Jon's return.


It's probably the first option but we can still dream :lol:

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its been confirmed that she's super old and that was the intention of that scene. It was supposed to symbolize how powerful she actually is. I could have done without her nude though. I hadnt realized it but there's been foreshadowing to this with things Melisandre has said alluding to her practicing magic for a long time. Stuff many wouldnt have picked up on but make sense, now knowing the context


When we saw Sansa and she got found by the dogs and guards, I rolled my eyes and thought you gotta f--king be kidding me. Thank god almost immediartely Brienne showed up. I couldnt deal with another season of misery for Sansa


Im glad Jon is dead as I totally expected him to be alive after the attack with Melisandre swooping in to save him at the last second. He will obviously likely be resurrected but they actually killed him off.


I thought we were done with Dorne, considering Myrcella died. I really cant stand Ellaria and her bastards

Edited by Cheap21
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This episode felt so boring to me. I remember last year when the leaks happened and how I could barely contain myself in trying to watch them all, and now I have such zero passion about this show. HBO isn't shaping up for a great year. Girls was meh, this seems directionless. Holding out hope for the Looking movie.

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Aside from the deaths of Doran and Trystane the whole episode was pointless.


I love how the Internet has dubbed this the "strong Sansa"....umm all she did was stand still and watch as people killed her enemies all around her. Then she couldn't even remember the words of an oath swearing. 


The direction they're hinting at with Margaery is interesting though. I want the high septon and lancel to lose big time and die. 


Lastly Danys journey and Jons are so predictable. I can see Drogon and Melisandre will most likely come in to save the day in one way or another.... 

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Yes. Yes. Yes yes yes. YES. YEEEEES! Thank you, Melisandre. I have never liked you more (and I always have, you crone). We all knew it could happen but I'm so glad it actually did. AND she gave him a haircut in the process. This is everything. YES.


Seeing Bran so grown up, the flashbacks to Ned's young days, Hodor... it was all fantastic. I have no idea where that weird creature woman came from (no recollection if she appeared before). The actor playing Bran is SO good. He's really grown into a fine young actor and it looks like he won't lag behind on the looks department either.


The scene with the drunken guy at King's Landing (he was telling the truth about his dick!) getting his head smashed was so funny. I was so scared for Jaime for a moment, but he played it well. I hate the High Sparrow SO much. And Tommen's maturing! His line about what Cersei is capable of said so much about him. I like how they're positioning him and Jaime and Cersei for their fight, playing out all the beats.


The scene with Tyrion and the dragons was so tense. My God.


I'm glad Jaqen's back. Still interested in how they develop the storyline.


I knew the fat lady and her baby were goners but I did not expect to see Roose Bolton murdered. My God. Ramsay is such a sick fυck, as he proves over and over again.


I really love the group of Sansa/Pod/Theon/Brienne and glad that Sansa learned there was a sighting of Arya. But so short-lived, with Theon deciding to go back to the Iron Isles. The stuff with Balon on the bridge was fantastic and so well shot. I enjoyed the Kingsmoot in the book and hope it works well on the show too, although I'm not sure where, if anywhere, Theon fits in all of this.





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The scenes with Bran at Winterfell were wonderful. So nice to see everyone happy and a glance at Lyanna, which I found touching. The woman is a child of the forest. They saved Bran on the way to the tree.


I feel bad for Tommen. I hope Cersei was telling Cat the truth about the black haired baby she bore Robert or Tommen seems doomed.


I can't believe Roose was so stupid. He should have had the maester privately tell him the baby's sex and then kill Ramsey when it was a boy. He knew what Ramsey was.


I continue to love Ser Davos. Did he ever find out what happened to Shereen?I feel like her death deserved his acknowledgment.  So we all knew Jon was coming back. For the last two episodes I've been praying they wouldn't end the episode with Jon taking a deep breath and startling awake.  Please show don't do it, it's beyond predictable. They did it. Of course they did.


Tyrion has to be a Targaryon doesn't he? Obviously not a spoiler, since we are ahead of the books, but I think maybe all three of the Lanister children are the mad Kings bastards. Isn't that that ultimatum eff you to Robert. He hated them so much and ended up married to one and raising their children as his heirs. Tyrion isn't immune to fire, but I think he has dragon blood.



I'm thinking Jon is going to Winterfell very soon to take Ramsey's head. If the God's are good Ghost will take it.

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Yay! Jon Snow is alive! We all knew it.  LOL  I just want to see a reunion with Jon/Sansa/Arya/Bran - those Starks deserve something good after all they went through and what happened to their family. 


Can't wait to see Ramsey die - I hope it's in a spectacular manner. 

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I've hated Ramsey since the moment I laid eyes on him. I feel like the writers have such a crush on him, so I feel we're stuck with him until the end of this season, if not the end of the series.

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I hope one day the show explains what traumatized Hodor so that he is the way he is.  After watching yesterday I felt sorry for him.   Jaime I don't get.   Why did he waste time even talking to that religious lunatic?   He should have just run him through before he was even aware there were goons around.    And Jaime needs goons himself.    And why hasn't Cersei just burned their church down, what is she waiting for?


By the end of the series I bet it is Arya who kills Cersei and/or Jaime.   I just can't see why the show is making us watch Arya being trained to become this assassin unless she is going back to Kings Landing to settle all family scores the final episode.  Unlike Jon, Bran and Sansa, Arya has no connection to the actual main stories on the show.   It's as if she just comes with the show regardless of whether she is actually needed for the stories, and now she has her own spin off that was never actually spun off.  It is more of a spin on.

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This episode was way better than the premiere! All the emotional beats were there plus it's hard to complain when Jon Snow's wearing nothing but a piece of cloth. And Bran has certainly... Grown up. Thank God for haircuts!



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I absolutely loved everything with Bran's magical mystery tour. And I feel like the Sansa plotline, along with Ramsay's eventual downfall and the stuff with the Iron Islands is finally beginning to find a real focus.

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