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As excited as I am to argue with everyone about last week's episode and as busy as I have been, I'm going to forego all of that and just leave this here, from Red Nose Day, featuring much of the GOT cast:

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Yes, I really do think you misread or assigned your own meaning to the words. Especially since it was explained by both the writer AND the article writer.

People keep forgetting that Sansa doesn't really know the kind of monster Ramsay is. Myranda told her but Sansa assumed it was just a scare tactic. Sansa decided to marry that man and went into that room talking about how her previous husband had been kind and gentle and never touched her. It's clear she was hoping Ramsay would do the same. She certainly didn't think, "Oh, well, time to get raped to further my agenda." Jesus. Do people really believe that?

Despite Sansa's character growth and small changes, she remained the stubborn, naive little girl who had fantasies of being wed to a beautiful prince and living happily ever after all the way into Season 4 (this is not a bad thing. I think she is fascinating). It's only after the events with Lysa and her insipid child that there was a shift in Sansa, something moved, and she truly 'woke up,' 'matured,' realized something had to change/she had to do something. In any case, I'm not going to continue this conversation, especially since what I have already said is being told to me as if I didn't say it.
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What else would "walk into that room" mean? Unless I'm mistaken (and I'm sure you'll tell me if I am), she and Ramsay married outside, near the weirwood tree. They went into the room and he raped her. Cogman is saying she chose to marry him and chose to go into a situation where she could be raped.

And yes, that is what some people think, although they don't put it into those words. That's one of the reasons why I've seen so many fans insist that the scene was not rape, because Sansa knew what she was doing. And I do think Cogman's words are ambiguous enough to where that may be what the show had in mind. Otherwise why have her learn about him at all, but to include that ambiguity?

So we have scenes that amount to:

- Sansa letting Littlefinger convince her to stay at Winterfell alone with no one to help her, Sansa assuming Ramsay would be perfectly fine, in spite of his family being known for butchering generation after generation of men, women and children, and in spite of someone telling her that she would likely be raped (which would mean that once again Sansa was again victimized after briefly having a glimpse of a happier future, as has happened to her in every single season now)


- Sansa knowing she could be raped, but still going through with the wedding, because the show wants us to see that in order to be a "player in the game," she has to accept what happens to her (as so many other women on this show, like Cersei and Daenerys, were raped in order to have access to power)

Doesn't it sort of explain why some fans were so disgusted by the scene and struggled to interpret it as some incredible sign of Sansa's strength and power?

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To be honest that's pretty much how I feel in any conversation we have had, here and in some other threads.

No one is telling you anything as if you didn't say it. It's a difference of opinion. If you have that much of an issue with it, feel free to put me on ignore, as this isn't the first time you've seemed upset by something I've said.

At this point, given the poor quality of the show and the repetitive arguments here, I think I will just leave the thread to you, and you can say whatever you want without being burdened by reading what I have to say.

Edited by DRW50
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Carl! What horror! The veneer breaks! laugh.png But since you decided to bring the personal into it, I'll jump into the rabbit hole!

That has already been covered. Post #1622 and earlier.

You are. You just really hate having your opinions shot down with actual facts.

Again, you either never read the interview (probably just looked for the parts you could quote to 'support' your arguments) or are directly ignoring things in order to support your views.

Like it has been said, Sansa and Littlefinger (and, apparently, many others) do not know Ramsay's true colors. I don't think it's something that necessarily makes a lot of sense but it is something that has been shown and exhibited onscreen AND in the writer's words. You have no leg to stand on here.

The funny thing is that I've already said how I can see why this was so upsetting to fans. But you've ignored that, too, haven't you? But, no, me saying that things I've already said are being told to me is apparently not true:

Which is untrue, considering I said Sansa changed and matured throughout the years only to be followed by several posts of "But Sansa started changing in season 1." That's where that comment came in. But you'll ignore that too!

It's not a difference of opinion because we are saying the same things about 95% of it. But, as you've already admitted, you don't like me, so as always you harp on the one thing we differ on and, you guessed it, proceed to tell me what I've already said about what we do agree on.

I was giving you an out but you decided to make a post specifically to talk to me "honestly", etc. So be it. The issue here however is not that I am upset, which I'm not, it's that you don't appreciate the fact that I don't let you make your sweeping, subjective, totally erroneous judgments without calling you out on them. But that's the point of a discussion board, so...

Now you are being childish and ridiculous.

So, is that it? Are we enemies forever? Are you going to be, from now on, the Kay to my Jill? The Brooke to my Stephanie? Or the Brooke to my Erica? Wait, you'll probably disagree with me on who is who! laugh.pngwink.png

Don't think I will be putting you on ignore. Oh, no. I shall continue to read and it'll give you a chance to play victim some more!

Edited by YRBB
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DRW50 is one of the nicest people on this board and the fact that you're trying to make him out to be some sorta monster/bully is absolutely laughable. Especially given how utterly demeaning/rude you are to those of us who don’t think Game of Thrones is some magical perfect show that dropped out of the heavens. I may not give two figs about the writers and HBO but I treat everyone on here with respect as opposed to the contempt and vitriol certain people spew because I voice my opinion that the rape scene was stupid and out of nowhere. Not to mention completely out of order.

I hope you'll continue post ytour thoughts DRW50 because you have great analysis on the episodes and I look forward to reading them.

I'm sure Sansa will be raped yet again at the beginning of tonights episode or suffer some other indignity that never occurred in the books. All so that the viewing audience HBO is catering towards (and justifies these things) will be kept interested in the absence of a battle or a brothel.

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POS, please. I have rarely, if ever, interacted with you regarding GAME OF THRONES, so your assertion that I am utterly demeaning/rude to you is beyond comprehension, not to mention that I never said anything about him being a bully or a monster. Carl doesn't need your defending, he brought this on to himself. Do not continue something you were never a part of.

Edited by YRBB
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Calling me a "pos" speaks volumes about your character. And I didn't say you only. But the way you're talking to him is just so crazy

But you've won. He's probably not ever going to post in the thread anymore although all he ever did was point out how misogynistic and disgusting some of the writing and messages that HBO is sending with the show. I just don't see how that was some grand crime to have a difference of opinion

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Alright, for the sake of ending this, I will address this one last time, since you don't seem to want to stay out of something that doesn't involve you.

So by saying, right under my post, "you're trying to make him out to be some sorta monster/bully is absolutely laughable. Especially given how utterly demeaning/rude you are to those of us who.... etc" you meant the plural "you"? OK, I'll believe you if you say so. Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. But, just for the record, that wasn't clear.

I don't think so. I went easy on him following his entire post dedicated to telling me how he doesn't like me.

Won? Sigh. If indeed he doesn't, that is something DRW50 said out of the blue and volunteered for. I already told him what I think of that.

That's not what this is about.

Exactly! Geez. But I guess now he's figured out my character sad.png Damn.

So, let me try this: GAME OF THRONES discussion....... Go!

Edited by YRBB
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