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HBO: Game of Thrones


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I'm finally getting to last week's episode - that scene with Stannis and Shireen was beautiful, just as Melisandre's invocation of Ygritte was bone-chilling.

Dean-Charles Chapman is actually quite good as Tommen, coming into his own. As he's a third-tier character, not every show would let us get inside his (or Stannis', or even Olyver's) head(s) the way we did when he was quavering on the steps in front of the Faith Militant, heckled as a bastard. They wouldn't take the time for Stannis and Shireen or Selyse, either. I felt for Olyver and Loras, but I think in the end, as always, Cersei's grand plan will turn inward on her.

Sansa is really coming into her own this year. That being said, I somehow doubt Littlefinger's perfect plan was go as he lays it out.

I can't believe Jaime has only just discovered that use for his golden fist. Also, glad to see Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand - she's still a formidable presence as an adult actress, as she was last season on The Walking Dead. I find Ellaria's scheme a bit cartoonish at the outset, but we have no reason to believe she had any affection for Myrcella the way Oberyn did so I'll let it play.

They're really setting up the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna, a long-held fan theory. I wasn't expecting this to come up any time soon and I'm pretty pleased with it.

RIP Barristan and Grey Worm! At least they went down fighting. Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) is in a lot of stuff these days and assuming he really has croaked, I hope to see him again soon.

Edited by Vee
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I wouldn't say it's OOC for Ellaria to have this plan, as she had no real character last season beyond Oberyn's partner, but the writing is basic and mostly amounts to the women being out of control while Doran is calm and cool. It's mostly just a replay of themes they already exhausted with Cersei and Tywin and the whole thing is lackluster, like they figured pretty location footage was all they needed to tell a story.

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I don't think we know any of the women well enough to say what they are, Ellaria included. As it is, the Sand Snakes have only just been introduced. I'm going to need more than a single scene to dismiss a storyline as lackluster.

Edited by Vee
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No you don't care. I do and plenty of others do. And it makes Dany some type of monster which she isn't in the books.

Again I care and I don't care if you don't like it.

The ending was predictable to anyone who's actually read the books.

The Sansa storyline makes no sense and Brienne continues to look absolutely dumb.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Sad to say I think the only interesting thing about Sansa's story so far this season is Iwan Rheon's ass.

They also seemed to re-use some old Sansa/Joffrey scenes tonight, even though Sansa is not the same as she was in season 2.

Recycling seems to be the theme of this season.

Edited by DRW50
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I think it was meant to be Drogon. Apologies if you don't want spoilers (although I'm not sure if It falls under that category) but at this point in the books no other dragons have come into play and the other two are still under lock and chain with Dany.

That was a really cool scene tho. And I like seeing the dragons even if it's the result of completely made up nonsense.

I can't even find Ramsay bed scenes remotely attractive cuz there's this element of "what sick twisted thing is he going to do next" running in the back of my mind.

That episode was a complete let down after episode 4 and of course they had to kill off Ser Barriston. Because if the person isn't young, hot, a major character or have tits HBO and those useless writers have no use for me. God forbid there was an honorable character on the show

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But this isn't the book. In the internal logic of this TV series did it make sense for TV Dany to do what she did? The books are not a factor. This is like how everyone knows in the books Batman has Robin sooner or later. In the Christian Bale movies he did not. You just have to move on. In the Avengers it was Ant Man who created Ultron, but Ant Man does not star in the Avengers movies so they had someone else do it. As long as it makes sense for the movie, it is what it is.

At some point you may have to say to yourself you don't want to like the show, are predisposed to not liking it, and are seeking out ways to criticize it. You are not alone in this thread doing that. I love the show, and the stories are finally starting to come together. Sansa and Theon haven't been together since season 1 episode and yet here they are. Dany has never met any Lannisters and here comes Tyrion. Jon Snow is slowly stepping up to lead everyone. Is is the best season? No. Is it still better than all the trivial sitcoms and doctor shows and cop shows that get churned out on the assembly line year after year? Yes.

Edited by quartermainefan
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We dig deep into the Addams Family at Winterfell, Daenerys goes deeper into Dick Cheneyland before turning away from the abyss, and Jon Snow is finally becoming the boss he was meant to be. They've given so much time over this year thus far to characters who need and deserve it, especially this week, from Stannis and his family to Jon and his crew and so on. Even with the homicidal Boltons, it's like Jean Renoir says - everyone has their reasons. That's always been true on GOT as well.

And it's the Season of Stannis! I loved everything with him and Sam, watching Jon, etc. They're giving him so much time that I feel even more convinced Stannis is due for a noble death at the close of this year. Of course, I've counted Cersei out many times before and often been wrong. But I have a terrible feeling almost none of Stannis' family is coming back from their attack on Winterfell, even though they apparently outnumber Roose and Ramsay. I think the Boltons will fall, but I think it will take most of the Dragonstone contingent to do it - and Melisandre will walk out unscathed. At her core she is a grifter, this is what she does; cannibalize a host and move on. Jon Snow is her big game.

Poor old Aemon. I wonder if he suspects about Jon. Everything with Jon coming into his own is as fascinating as Daenerys' evolution to me.

The Theon/Sansa/Boltons stuff was all fascinating. I just hope everything Ramsay is doing is ultimately what pulls Theon out of himself.

The ending, with Valyria and talking of the Doom and the Stone Men, was not at all what I expected to see. This is what I mean by the show feeling liberated - they're going places I never quite anticipated, and it's thrilling. Poor old Jorah, though - solid as a rock!

Edited by Vee
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Carl was completely on point on what was to happen to Sansa.

I really just need Ramsey to die. He's one of the most disgusting characters ever birthed from this series. It's hard because he has done so much that needs to be paid back to him, that death almost seems merciful. But I have a feeling he is going to get away with what he has done just like Jeoffery was able to do for multiple seasons, as that is the snake who he is.

Natalie Domer has a knack for playing these roles, Margery is in the same position Anne Boleyn was in at the end.

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