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Y&R: Actor talks about the return

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I think MAB did try to make him somewhat more sympathetic, with the Sabrina relationship, but that went over like a lead balloon. I still wish they had taken a bit more time there, it might have worked out eventually. Sabrina was something new for him.

I think the problem is the Victor who was so horrible after Sabrina's death was not seen as being in the wrong, in any way. I think we were supposed to agree with him that Nikki was to blame, and support him as he told her to die. Then we were supposed to be in awe of him as he killed Palin, and was a better man because he was able to have sex with Ashley in Paris.

This team does not do rootable. They want manly men who go around browbeating and abusing and showing how tough they are. They barely even bother to come up with a plausible reason now. It's just supposed to be, "Wow, Victor's going to kick some butt."

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C'mon Mark it was still clearly executed on screen and Victor being wreckless is somethign a viewer still can interpret without Phyllis confronting him, the problem with your assessment was that it may have "benefitted" EB and Victor but it hurt many other characters. The little backbone Nick ever had is completly ripped now, and Phyllis goes after everyoneelse (sometimes justifiably) who hurts her family but Victor? Where is her room to talk against anyone else. The problem here imop is it hurt the overall writing more than it didn't. It's not all about EB's assessment of Victor I don't think that's acceptable what's to prevent the other actors from pulling the samething where it hurts the show?

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Oh, there's no question (given how they wrote Victor) that that Phyllis-confrontation scene would have been deserved and enjoyable.

But let's look at it another way. Eric got away with it. He got away with it when his job was in jeopardy. Maria Arena Bell (and Paul Rauch) allowed it then...and they continue to (MAB wooing him back). So I guess it was okay with them. They agreed with the rewrite. That's ultimately what matters. TPTB accepted that creative vision.

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Y&R was very lucky not to lose Braeden permanently. Otherwise, who'd be there to fill his shoes, so to speak? Tucker? We don't know him, and wouldn't have had enough time to get to know him. Jack? Sorry, but Peter Bergman fades into the woodwork too easily to be the commanding male presence of ANY show. Take it from one who watched him for years being the typical, bland soap hero on AMC.

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I see what you are saying here. I mean, I dont DISLIKE him, and it's not because he was gone that I enjoyed the show, i guess it was somewhat of a coincidence. I just dont think he is that special. There was a time when I really liked Victor back a few years ago, but in the past couple years I havent found him to be that thrilling. And the whole thing with Colleen? Horrible.

I guess I am glad that Victor is back..And I will tune in tomorrow for sure. But, I think Victor has been a little bland. Hopefully this return will bring him some new material.

And I agree. I dont know about this Tucker person...But I like the current actor. VERY curious to see what Stephen Nichols brings to the role. Loved him on GH and DAYs!

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