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The best/worst Baby Switch Storylines

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Would the Amber/Becky baby saga on B&B count? I believe Amber's baby was stillborn and she took cousin Becky's in order to keep Rick. That story reeled me back in for awhile until the Morgan DeWitt saga began and then I tuned back out.

Hope/Lexie on DAYS was a good story that lasted 2 years.

One baby switch saga that was brief and very bad was on GL (in 2005) when Edmund took Michelle's baby right after she delivered it and gave it to Cassie. I can't even remember all the circumstances as to how he explained the baby to Cassie, I just remember thinking how gross and revolting the whole scene was with Edmund delivering Michelle's baby and then completely ditching her and leaving her on the side of the road.

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One Life To Live did a good one about 20 years ago. Brenda Holden was pregnant with twins when Steve died (Steve Holden her husband) and then somehow because of an X-Ray machine too strong one twin died in the womb leaving her with one child. And then if that wasn't enough, Michael Grande's wife was pregnant at the same time and I think she died in childbirth and Michael was losing his mind in grief. Then the baby died I think too and Gabrielle Medina was desperate to save Michael, so she switched the dead Grande baby in the nursery with Brenda's live baby. Something like that.

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Yes, most of the OLTL of that era seems exceptional. I'm sure there was some hokey stuff but Karen, Jenny, Marco, Viki, they are all such strong, real characters.

I've seen some clips of the Michael Grande baby switch and it's a bit too OTT and predictable for me but the acting from the participants is first rate. Fiona really can play anything (and then in her return she got to play nothing), and Dennis Parlato was also at his best. The woman who played Brenda was also very good, a very tough ingenue type. I wish she'd stayed around.

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Coronation Street also had a switched at birth story a few years ago.

Michelle Connor, a new character who was at that time eating the show alive, had a 15 year old son, Ryan. Some strange man started watching Ryan at school. This man soon told an angry Michelle that Ryan was his biological son, and that he and his wife had unknowingly raised Michelle's biological son. Michelle went through all kinds of angst for months on end, but finally agreed to spend some time with the boy, who was a bit of a hellraiser and manipulated her guilt so she would let him do what he wanted.

The story was very unpopular, and after Ryan and the other boy went to visit Michelle's parents in Ireland, it was never mentioned again. Now Michelle just has Ryan, and no other child seems to have ever existed.

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