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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Carl, lol, I had no idea that you would uh, appreciate DAM's ass! Agreed, they should never had made Edmund a psycho who tried to kill Jonathon and Reva...(though one of my fave lines was "Southern Fried Venus,") It would have been more interesting if Richard was a closet psycho, or build someone else up, like that Goofy General who was the attacker and Scrambled Egg Brain Reva got them confused. Also thought it would be interesting if Edmund was revealed as the real Spaulding heir, as the baby didnt die. And really Edmund should have been the first gay villian in soaps..they wouldnt even have to romantically link him with anyone (I see Eddie more of a Craig'slist hook up queen) but he would have great bitchy one liners and quips as he went around town making everyone's life hell. Anything better then this Prince [!@#$%^&*].

DAM is a fine looking man, would have loved to see him play Tom on ATWT.

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I think if GL was so willing to "go there" with trashy incest stories, they should have had some story where Edmund hated and resented Richard in part because he was in love with him. Cole and DAM had a lot of inappropriate chemistry.

Even GL seemed to regret making Edmund quite so evil, as they gave him one of those convenient brain tumors.

I liked Edmund with Lorelei (hated him with regular Beth, as she was so fake and prim and cold and he wasn't able to balance that out like Ben Warren did) and I liked him with Cassie. They just failed because they kept using him as a B-villain or an irritant when he should have been a lead.

I will say that I did like his scenes with Beth when he came back around the time of or right after her pregnancy. I loved the way he kept pushing her buttons. I got hooked on the show again briefly at that time. Unfortunately when that annoying child pushed him off the balcony I lost interest again.

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I wasnt watching at that time, Wheeler and Kreizman and nonstop Jon screaming and Tams simpering made me cut GL out of my daily watching after 30 years. Who was the kid?

A big no to Eddie in love with Richie..though I do think Eddie would be on sick biscuit and would have a dungeon imported from San Crud to get off in.

I actually thought Eddie and Jonathon has a weird kind of chemistry..though when he first came on the actor played Jonathon like he would screw anyone or any thing.

Edited by Mitch
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In 2007, after Josh and Cassie were married and Josh became a minister, they had a story where Will, the baby Richard and Cassie had at one time planned to adopt, who turned out to be the heir to the throne (his father was Prince Alonzo, the Chippendales type they had take over SC), returned to Cassie's life. He had had problems, and Cassie wanted to help him, blah blah. Edmund worked with him initially to try to cause problems. He was a bad seed, doing things like pushing his father Alonzo into some power grid (this was an episode set entirely in the bowels of the Beacon or somewhere - one of those "new look" previews I guess), hurting Cassie's son RJ, and when he thought Edmund was a threat to Cassie, he pushed Edmund off the balcony at Josh's ordination or whatever the term is.

Of course, like a soap story out of 1954, he was shipped off to some camp or clinic where he would be made all better and never be mentioned again.

The kid annoyed me. Bad line readings, and every time they wanted to show how "evil" he was, they would just do a close-up of him randomly staring at something. He could have been thinking of Pokemon. I don't know, maybe he wasn't that bad, but it annoyed me at the time.

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I couldn't watch the you tubes, as the whole freaking show totally drove me nuts it sucked so bad. The whole,"Let's make Josh a minister, cause you know, thats how the show started with a minster and we will be honoring history," with badnuCassie and Josh running around talking in that quiet voice, and the whole "New Agey" minister thing (just what denomination was it supposed to be anyway???) and Wheeler's office turned church set...god I thought I had gone nuts or something and it reeked of a PTB who didnt have a clue on what to do with this show.

But I do like that they had the psycho dressed as an angel.

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Was this after he left GL?

Don seemed to be accepted so immediately when he took over as Mike, even though Gary Pillar must have been pretty popular in the role. I guess he had such a warm presence.

One of those old soap magazines has him at a party in one of those white jumpsuits Elvis would have worn, super-tight. I miss the days when just about anyone would go out in that type of thing :lol:

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It was like '81, '82. So it's towards the end of Mike's run, but I think he was still doing the soap. OMG---Don wasn't the original Mike?

It was very weird seeing him in more casual '80's wear instead of his ever-present suit-and-tie. My understanding is that it's considered a "cult classic". TCM occassionally runs it as an "underground" movie. It was introduced by Jane Powell, which was weird too.

Edited by P.J.
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Jane is filling in for Robert Osborne, who has had to have surgery, I think.

There were several Mikes before Don. The most prominent was Gary Pillar, who even crossed over to AW for about a year.

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I'll have to look for that movie. Thanks for telling us.

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Oh, I wasn't kidding when I said it was awful. There's some story about how it was considered "lost" until they found a print in a warehouse somewhere in '09.

It's just strange. Like catching Anthony Herrera in an old Rockford Files episode.

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