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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I do believe one of the ITL's was what Jordan submitted the year he won. And I agree, some worked, others not so much. I think it might've been more practical to do one really good one a month, rather than 1 good, 2 mediocre and one stinky one a month. 

It was only like a line, and a curious shout-out, given how long it had been since Sonni had been on the show. Maeve's only in it briefly, but it's fun for me because she's in a fur coat, and older viewers might've gotten the sly reference to Vanessa's early man-chasing days.

Edited by P.J.
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It's hard for me to judge that period because we only have two episodes - I do think Charlotte's "suicide" aftermath episode is decent. The other is not great, in part because of everyone narrating, as you mention. Based on all the panning of Cenedella from Lemay's book (admittedly not the best source), and the issues with Lipton as a writer, some of the problems don't surprise me. 

I don't have a problem believing these three women would want Joe. One was crazy, one was a desperate schemer, and Sara didn't exactly have great taste in men (Joe was one of her better choices). I think Call was able to show his quiet charisma on OLTL. He's not playing much of a character here.

The parts about Leslie's mother are clunkier to me.

Edited by DRW50
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Not sure if you're referring to Wheeler having plans for this after the cancellation, or before the cancellation.  But I do have some intel about something along those lines she wanted to do before the show was cancelled.  

After Wheeler had been given permission to go with the new production model, and she was ready to roll with it full time (the show had actually been experimenting with hand-held shaky cameras and more outdoor shooting, etc, for several months before they went "full steam ahead") -- so when the decision was made, Wheeler made a big deal about rebooting the show with sort of a "premiere" episode.  Lots of fans probably remember that episode and how it was promoted on CBS.  Wheeler's original intent was to re-number GL's episodes -- and begin the show all over again by numbering that new production model "premiere" as Guiding Light episode # 1.  I never heard or read that she literally wanted to rename the show, The New Guiding Light, but perhaps that was in her plan also.   Anyway, regarding the re-numbering  of episodes -- ultimately P&G refused to allow Wheeler to re-number the episodes, so she was unable to make it episode #1, as she had wanted.   

I'm not sure I've really answered your question, but I do remember that Wheeler was keen on completely rebooting the show, and essentially starting from scratch.  And she would have done so, had P&G not stopped her.   

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But, Jonathan's story is basic soap trope. He was the previously unknown child who has been treated miserably & he's come to get his revenge on the people who abandoned him to such a monster. This tale has been told so many times. And, Tom Pelphrey was such a find.

Now, Sebastian is a totally different thing. Wheeler's big mistake with Sebastian was waiting & hoping Peter Simon would change his mind. He wasn't going to & she needed to recast & keep moving.  When Sebastian had Holly in a cell & tried to make her kiss him I knew we were in a heap of trouble.

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I would have been curious to see what would happen - probably nothing great, to be honest, but seeing her try a brand new show, maybe even have the actors as new characters, could have been interesting. 

The idea of going back to episode #1 is something comics like to do. I'm not a fan. Is Wheeler a big comic fan?

Russell T. Davies also did that with Doctor Who last year, which did nothing for the show whatsoever.

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Re: 1973 GL. I know it was the 70's, but that yellow painted woodwork in Mike & Leslie's house was outrageous and the plaid couch. Poor Leslie looked like she was being styled like Pat Nixon. Several posters on youtube were woofing at Mike in his tight yellow polo shirt and referring to him as a Daddy. Don Stewart was being propped as GL heartthrob during that era. I read Stewart was very difficult and a bit conceited. The scenes with Kit were a bit camp especially when she is sneaking around outside Charlotte's and runs off.

The second episode with all the technical issues was a bit hard to get through. I found Lynne Adams as Leslie flat compared to Rodell's version. I read she was fired to make way for Adams return.  

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I do not believe Wheeler's intent was ever to have the actors playing new characters.  She just wanted to reboot the show with existing characters/actors, and sort of pretend it was an entirely new Guiding Light.   I think that was an attempt to get media attention (which partially did work) and attract new viewers.    

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Well, regardless of who's idea the new production model was, ultimately P&G had to agree to it.  So I could have began, After P&G had agreed to the new production model... 

And to be clear, I did not intend to sound particularly critical of Ellen Wheeler.  I have always been empathetic with the very difficult position she was in.  I was really just trying to share what I recall about her desire to re-number GL's episodes and more-or-less reboot the show -- in reference to another poster's question.   But Wheeler did the best she could in an impossible situation.  And GL was used as a guinea pig with the new production model.  Bad for GL, but ultimately GL's failure prevented other soaps from following the same path, which I'm sure other soaps would have eventually done.  

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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