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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Yes, he was a sanctimonious ass but I just grew used to it. I was NOT here for Josh becoming a minister. I hated that story. I somewhat wish that they would've resisted the Diamonhead Organization and Lewis Oil instead of that crap. Or put Lewis Oil/Construction and Spaulding at war again. Josh needed something to drive him outside of Reva. It was draining watching the 2 go in circles. 


Oh crap. I forgot about Leanna Lewis. I did enjoy her as a talk show host too b/c it shook up the entire canvas. I didn't mind Cutting Edge on AMC, but much like Reva, I didn't care for Erica being a talk show host. I always felt it was another OTT thing to put Erica in when I felt Enchantment was more up her speed.  




Oh I'd love for Robert Newman to be on daytime again. Grant too. I was so hoping that pic of him visiting Judi and Vincent on DAYS led to him joining. I think Grant and Kristian [Alfonso] would fire. Anything would be better than her with Rafe. 


I'd love for Robert Newman to be on Y&R as a love interest for Jill or Ashley, but it'd never happen. 




This is around the time I too grew tired of Harley. I was glad when Beth Ehlers opted to leave. I was over Harley by then. I waffled back and forth as to whether I'd want the character recast, but by the end, I was OK with seeing the backside of Harley. I am quite surprised they didn't recast though as Kreizman and Wheeler were obsessed with Harley and the Coopers. I am even more shocked they never tried bringing Lucy back. 

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(re: Lucy) True. At first I did, but I grew to like Lucy on her own thanks to the Brent Lawrence story and her romance with Alan Michael, which at first pissed me off b/c I wanted Gilly/Alan Michael. 


During that whole time period, I will never understand how GL didn't persuade Ric Hearst back as he was practically gone off GH by then. Around that same time, they stupidly didn't snag Vincent Irizarry back from AMC but whatever. 


I don't think the whole Peapack shooting would've appeased to them anyways. 


Speaking of returning characters at the end, I so wish that GL would've brought Amelia Marshall/Gilly back. I missed Gilly, Fletcher, Holly, Nick, Roger, etc. at WSPR and Springfield Journal. Those were the days. 

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I have no idea why A-M was brought back without Rick Hearst.


I've mentioned this before but back in 2003, when I thought OLTL was disposing of both of them, I thought Roscoe Born and Catherine Hickland had crackling chemistry and my grand plan was to have them migrate to GL to play Alan Spaulding (I couldn't stand Ron Raines as Alan, though I softened on him years later - I think Born had much more charisma) and Hope Bauer. I wanted the characters reunited as part of a scheme against Alan by Alexandra, and of course the pipe dream was to have Bev McKinsey return to that role. Never would happen.

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I hated any story they gave Gilly after nixing her supposed pairing with Alan Michael. That story with her messing with that man that became her daddy ... gross! 


She should've been in a cameo at the end too. The Grants & Speakes were a bright spot for GL in the early 90s. 



Michael Dempsey was hot but he was no Alan Michael. I thought Alan Michael's return story was stupid too. I just never would picture him doing stuff he did his last run. Especially, bedding Marina. Wasn't she once believed to be his child?


That reminds me how they had Craig boinking Dani on ATWT. That sh-t pissed me having seen old clips of Craig loving that girl as his daughter. Gross and pure lazy storytelling. 

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Everything they did with Marina in those final years was disgusting. Alan-Michael, Mallet, you name it. I don't care if she and Bogue had chemistry/were involved IRL, and I believe they were. (I loved Rob Bogue as Mallet, BTW; they should've kept him with Harley but IIRC there were BTS 'issues' there as well.)

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Marina and Mallet was gross as he was her godfather and uncle at one point. It just frustrated me watching them try and sell this pairing. In soaps, there are should be some boundaries and this was one of the times it was crossed. GL just became one major incest cesspool by the end of the show. 


I enjoyed RB as Mallet too, but I loved him only with Dinah. 


Didn't BE supposedly try and proposition RB or something along that nature?


The rumors and smut going on behind the scenes of GL the last 3-5 years was way more interesting than what was occurring onscreen. 

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Oh God, I forgot all about Dinah and Mallet. You're absolutely right, they were vastly superior to him and Harley and perfect together.


I don't have the e-book in front of me, but IIRC the story I heard online, and the same one Kim Zimmer heavily alludes to (with no names) in her memoirs, is that (allegedly) Ehlers had bedded her way through many of her costars and time and again had gotten too involved only to be disappointed (as she was with Mark Derwin years ago). The alleged claim seems to imply that Ehlers and Bogue had become involved as well, that they were going to leave their spouses for each other, but she did and then he didn't. Then he became involved with Mandy Bruno (Marina) later on. According to Zimmer's blind no-names story, this left Ehlers even more bitter than before until she finally left the show.

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Oh I didn't forget about those 3 too. 


Tom Pelphrey was another one that stayed bed hopping. Didn't he allegedly come between Brandon Barash and Natalie Hall too? 


When E! did Dirty Soap, they should've cast a bit harder b/c with the right stars, they could've had a messy ass show that would've been ratings gold.

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I always thought Nicole Forester would have had a much better reception had she come on as Lucy rather than Cassie. She was no sister of Reva's, but she worked well with Harley so it might have been a missed opportunity. I'd have written off Marina and "replace" her with Lucy. She coincidentally started on the same day as the last A-M recast.

Rick Hearst supposedly wanted to come back for the ending but somehow Bradley Bell wanted him back on B&B immediately. We see how that turned out. Same with VI, there was talks of bringing him back too once AMC ditched him but LML wanted him so bad for Y&R. I know lots of folks disliked Nick but he was exactly what the show needed at the right time. I'm sure Nick would have been like a new character anyway. Regarding Beth Ehlers, funnily enough her last episode on AMC was just a day after GL's finale. Honestly I never understood Frons's obsession with casting GL actors on his soaps. Way to be supportive of a struggling soap.
About Gilly, I find it weird they never brought her back when they were trying to do something with the David recast before she went to Passions where she (AM) honestly looked like she enjoyed herself. I don't think they would have done much with her either way, the only thing I can see is a half-hearted pairing with Frank or Rick.

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Its weird but I thought Bogue was never right for Mallet, but he would have made a good Rick recast. Nice, cute, funny, and kinda looked like a handsomer Peter Simon.  By that time MOL was a bloated mess and Rick became a caricature of his old self...mugging and acting goofy or just a sad sack. They should have moved MOL into being a director or something to keep him part of the team.


Marina and her cutesy pie way of saying things got on my nerves. and Wheeler shouldnt ever use a couple's real life romance on screen...(word is she saw her and Bogue and thought they had so much chemistry together she put them on screen .so she broke Marina up from that Chippendales dancer guy and put Harley with him, making Harley look like a vindictive slut .and I wonder if part of it wasnt to jab at Ehlers too...) 


Zimmer had great chemistry with everyone and despite them trying to make her the sex goddess of all time, she had great "friends" chemistry with the guys in the cast..(she made Fletcher tolerable) so it is a shame she was in an endless cycle of men fallling in love with her. Plus, and its no insult as we all age...Zimmer didn't work as the love goddess during the last five years, but she would have worked as a quirky Bert Bauer type because she had the kind of warmth.

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